Sociology at the University of Glasgow is defined by a shared commitment to understanding society in a theoretically-informed way, often via engagement with social movements and public debates.
Waites, M. (2025) Human rights, the family and queer internationalism: challenging colonialities, revising the history of sexual rights. Palgrave Macmillan
Creed, F. (2025) The Rise and Fall of the Sunbed in Britain: Tanning Culture from Fad to Fear. Bloomsbury Academic
Boyle, K., Camps, D., English, K. K., Ferrie, J., Flegg, A., Mukherjee, G. (2025) Access to Social Justice: Effective Remedies for Social Rights. Bristol University Press
Waites, M. (2025) Response: Appreciating Perrin’s intervention on LGBTQ transnational litigation networks, and reconsidering ‘Decolonizing the boomerang effect in global queer politics’ Boston University Law Review,
(2025) Colonialisms and Queer Politics: Sexualities, Genders and Unsettling Colonialities.
Corrêa, S., Gomes da Costa, G., Waites, M. (2025) Colonialisms, sexualities and genders between decolonizing analysis and global historical sociology. Oxford University Press
Corrêa, S., Gomes da Costa, G., Waites, M. (2025) Comparative analysis of colonialisms in queer perspective. Oxford University Press
Corrêa, S., Gomes da Costa, G., Waites, M. (2025) Comparing colonial legacies in contemporary global queer politics: colonialities and resistances. Oxford University Press
Waites, M. (2025) The British Empire and its legacies: from slavery, criminalization and the civilizing mission to re-articulating human rights amid colonialities. Oxford University Press
Brown, A., Donnachie, C., Critchlow, N., Bunn, C., Dobbie, F., Gray, C., Purves, R., Reith, G., Wardle, H., Hunt, K. (2025) Changes and continuities in gambling careers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal qualitative study of regular sports bettors in Britain. BMC Public Health, 25, (doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-21077-5)
Creed, F. (2025) Sunbeds, dihydroxyacetone (DHA) fake tan, and MelanoTan injections: a history of 'safe' tanning technologies. Manchester University Press
Saunders, K. (2024) ‘It almost felt a bit barbaric’: Scottish contraceptive coil users speak out about pain.
Dawson, M. (2024) G.D.H. Cole and British Sociology: A Study in Semi-Alienation. Palgrave Macmillan
Ndambo, M. K., Bunn, C., Pickersgill, M., Stewart, R. C., Crampin, A. C., Nyasulu, M., Kanyenda, B., Munthali, W., Umar, E., Reynolds, R. M., Manda-Taylor, L. (2024) Can biosampling really be ‘non-invasive’? An examination of the socially invasive nature of physically non-invasive biosampling in urban and rural Malawi. Global Bioethics, 35, (doi: 10.1080/11287462.2024.2398303)
Sanya, R. E., Karugu, C. H., Binyaruka, P., Mohamed, S. F., Kisia, L., Kibe, P., Mashasi, I., Mhalu, G., Bunn, C., Deidda, M., Mair, F. S., Grieve, E., Gray, C. M., Mtenga, S., Asiki, G. (2024) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on type 2 diabetes care and factors associated with care disruption in Kenya and Tanzania. Global Health Action, 17, (doi: 10.1080/16549716.2024.2345970)
Laurie, E., Msoka, E. F., Wyke, S., Yongolo, N. M., Bunn, C., Msoka, P., McIntosh, E., Mmbaga, B. (2024) ‘… You become a prisoner of your life’: a qualitative study exploring the experience of joint pain and accessing care in Hai, Tanzania. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 6, (doi: 10.1016/j.ssmqr.2024.100481)
Dawson, M. (2024) Harold Laski, the Reluctant Marxist: Socialist Democracy for a World in Turmoil, by Peter Lamb. History of European Ideas, (doi: 10.1080/01916599.2024.2430950)
Rambarran, N., Waites, M. (2024) LGBTQ+ movements negotiating colonialities of international organizations: Contrasting perspectives on Commonwealth-framed organizing from the United Kingdom and former Caribbean colonies—Barbados and Guyana. SAGE
Tweed, E. J., Cimova, K., Craig, P., Allik, M., Brown, D., Campbell, M., Henderson, D., Mayor, C., Meier, P., Watson, N. (2024) Unlocking data: decision-maker perspectives on cross-sectoral data sharing and linkage as part of a whole-systems approach to public health policy and practice. Public Health Research, (doi: 10.3310/KYTW2173)
Hossain, A., Rahman, M. (2024) Beyond homocolonialism: working towards queer decoloniality in Bangladesh. International Politics, (doi: 10.1057/s41311-024-00636-y)
Wardle, H., Degenhardt, L., Marionneau, V., Reith, G., Livingstone, C., Sparrow, M., Tran, L. T., Biggar, B., Bunn, C., Farrell, M., Kesaite, V., Poznyak, V., Quan, J., Rehm, J., Rintoul, A., Sharma, M., Shiffman, J., Siste, K., Ukhova, D., Volberg, R., Yendork, J. S., Saxena, S. (2024) The Lancet Public Health Commission on gambling. Lancet Public Health, 9, pp. e950-e994. (doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(24)00167-1)
Dawson, M. (2024) A sociologist in the Lords: the parliamentary career of Anthony Giddens. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, (doi: 10.1007/s10767-024-09499-w)
Biggar, B., Reith, G., Wardle, H. (2024) The Football Fans and Betting Project – Findings from an Early Intervention for Male Sports Bettors.
Creed, F. (2024) Talk shows and ‘tanorexia’: motherhood and ‘sunbed addiction’ on British television in the 1990s. Manchester University Press
Lawton-Westerland, S., Cohen, R., Castro, A., Sollberger, D. (2024) Roundtable on Bi+ Masculinities.
Ward, S., Mcbride, M., Bynner, C., Corbett, I. (2024) Building recognition, redistribution, and representation in disadvantaged neighbourhoods: exploring the potential of youth activism in Scotland. Social Inclusion, 12, (doi: 10.17645/si.8476)
Waites, M. (2024) The international politics of development for LGBT+ inclusion: how the UK’s Johnson government used crisis as a political opportunity. International Politics, (doi: 10.1057/s41311-024-00612-6)
Norberg, I. (2024) The Ideological Foundation of Neoliberal Economic Rationale: Understanding the Relationship Between Eugenics and Economic Theory.
Ireland, R., Bunn, C., Chambers, S., Reith, G. (2024) Exploring fields of power in the English Premier League. A qualitative study into unhealthy sponsorships. Sport in Society, 27, pp. 1419-1436. (doi: 10.1080/17430437.2023.2300434)
Ukhova, D., Marionneau, V., Volberg, R., Wardle, H. (2024) The expansion of gambling across the Americas poses risks to mental health and wellbeing. Lancet Regional Health - Americas, 37, (doi: 10.1016/j.lana.2024.100855)
Virdee, S. (2024) Living in the slipstream of defeat: Neoliberalism and the far-right. International Politics, (doi: 10.1057/s41311-024-00603-7)
Smith, A. (2024) Class and the Uses of Poetry: Symbolic Enclosures. Palgrave/Springer
Hossain, A. (2024) Revisiting the hijras. Routledge
Chikumbu, E., Katiti, V., Bunn, C., Msoka, E. F., Sichali, J., Yongolo, N. M., McIntosh, E., Mmbaga, B. T., Wyke, S., Coast, J. (2024) A more equitable approach to economic evaluation: Directly developing conceptual capability wellbeing attributes for Tanzania and Malawi. Social Science and Medicine, 355, (doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117135)
Tran, L. T., Wardle, H., Colledge-Frisby, S., Taylor, S., Lynch, M., Rehm, J., Volberg, R., Marionneau, V., Saxena, S., Bunn, C., Farrell, M., Degenhardt, L. (2024) The prevalence of gambling and problematic gambling: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Public Health, 9, pp. e594-e613. (doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(24)00126-9)
Dixon, J. et al. (2024) Interdisciplinary perspectives on multimorbidity in Africa: developing an expanded conceptual model. PLoS Global Public Health, 4, (doi: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0003434)
Hossain, A., Alim, T. (2024) Sexualities on the Edge: Identities, Politics and Transformation.
Back, L., Fowler, B. (2024) Notes, index cards and reminiscences: a sociological life: Bridget Fowler in conversation with Les Back. Sociological Review, 72, pp. 732-755. (doi: 10.1177/00380261241258579)
Winzler, T. (2024) Of parvenus, priests and prophets: an exploration of transformations of (some) economists and their subject. Sociological Review, 72, pp. 846-862. (doi: 10.1177/00380261241258610)
Smith, A. (2024) The uses of poetry. Sociological Review, 72, pp. 773-788. (doi: 10.1177/00380261241258582)
Hines, S., Cuthbert, K., Hall, J., Elley, S. (2024) Living gender in diverse times (Comic) Journal of Gender Studies, 33, pp. 725-745. (doi: 10.1080/09589236.2024.2350242)
Hines, S., Cuthbert, K., Hall, J., Elley, S. (2024) Living gender in diverse times. Journal of Gender Studies, 33, pp. 491-496. (doi: 10.1080/09589236.2024.2345016)
Back, L. (2024) What sociologists learn from music: identity, music-making, and the sociological imagination. Identities, 31, pp. 446-465. (doi: 10.1080/1070289X.2023.2268969)
Saunders, K. (2024) Taking matters into our own hands? Hierarchies of power and knowledge in online framings of IUD self-removal. Culture, Health and Sexuality, (doi: 10.1080/13691058.2024.2362292)
Haycox, H., Hill, E., Finney, N., Meer, N., Rhodes, J., Leahy, S. (2024) Housing governance and racialisation: ‘inclusivity’ in housing access and experience. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, (doi: 10.1080/1369183x.2024.2344505)
Pearson, C., Watson, N., Witcher, S. (2024) Where next? the conflicts of centralisation, personalisation, and human rights in the reform of social care. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 26, pp. 244-258. (doi: 10.16993/sjdr.1116)
Meret, S., Scrinzi, F. (2024) The far-right, anti-gender politics and neoliberal globalization. Palgrave Macmillan
Bennani-Taylor, S., Meer, N. (2024) Processing payments, enacting alterity: financial technology in the everyday lives of asylum seekers. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50, pp. 2384-2402. (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2024.2312249)
McCann, M., Bianchi, F., Letina, S., Stewart, S., McLeod, K., Tranmer, M. (2024) A social network analysis approach to assess COVID19-related disruption to substance use treatment and informal social interactions among people who use drugs in Scotland. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, 19, (doi: 10.1186/s13722-024-00469-3)
Picker, G. (2024) Urban revolutions: urbanisation and (neo-)colonialism in transatlantic context , by Stefan Kipfer, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2022, 324 pp., £112.00 (hbk), ISBN: 9789004524903. Ethnic and Racial Studies, (doi: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2348719)
Chambers, S., Smillie, S., Watson, N. (2024) Rethinking children’s right to leisure during school holidays. Annals of Leisure Research, 27, pp. 399-416. (doi: 10.1080/11745398.2023.2250473)
English, K. K. (2024) Scotland's Open Budget Survey 2023.
Stella, F., Binnie, J. (2024) Homing desires: transnational queer migrants negotiating homes and homelands in Scotland. Sociological Review, (doi: 10.1177/00380261241244654)
Norberg, I. (2024) Den svenska åtstramningspolitikens konsekvenser = consequences of Swedish austerity policies.
Hossain, A. (2024) Intersex Justice in Bangladesh: A Country Report on the situation of intersex rights in Bangladesh.
Mohamed, S. F., Kisia, L., Mashiashi, I., Mair, F., Wisdom, J. P., Bunn, C., Gray, C., Kibe, P. M., Sanya, R. E., Karugu, C. H., Mtenga, S., Binyaruka, P., Asiki, G. (2024) Policies for type 2 diabetes and non- communicable disease management during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya and Tanzania: A desk review and views of decision-makers. BMJ Open, 14, (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073261)
Norberg, I., Hoff, I., Humphrey, H., Lawton, S. (2024) Early Career Research Panel: Intersectional Method and Building a Research Career.
Lawton, S. J. (2024) Bisexual Masculinities in the Context of Intimacy, Prejudice and Identity Negotiation.
English, K. K. (2024) An overview of the risks and benefits of data representation for LGBTI+ people. SAGE Publications Ltd
Winzler, T. (2024) What’s (in) a game? An empirical reflection on the relationship of higher education students to their discipline. Critical Studies in Education, (doi: 10.1080/17508487.2024.2317232)
Waites, M. (2024) Contesting colonial criminalization: Customary law’s significance for decolonizing queer analysis. New York University Press
Brunner, R., Watson, N. (2024) Public services as conversion factors: exploring the theory and practice. Cambridge University Press
Mcbride, M. (2024) Young people, place-based stigma, and resistance: a case study of Glasgow’s East End. Sociological Review, (doi: 10.1177/00380261241233915)
Smith, A. (2024) Reflections on Wallace’s The Culture Trap. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47, pp. 543-551. (doi: 10.1080/01419870.2023.2220395)
Newall, P. et al. (2024) ‘No evidence of harm’ implies no evidence of safety: Framing the lack of causal evidence in gambling advertising research. Addiction, 119, pp. 391-396. (doi: 10.1111/add.16369)
Msoka, E. F., Bunn, C., Msoka, P., Yongolo, N., Laurie, E., Wyke, S., McIntosh, E., Mmbaga, B. T. (2024) A rapid ethnographic appraisal of community concepts of and responses to joint pain in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. BMJ Global Health, 9, (doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2023-013245)
Meer, N. (2024) Beyond the dreadesphere? Book Review of Dread: Facing Futureless Futures, by David Theo Goldberg. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, (doi: 10.1080/1070289x.2024.2309830)
Yongolo, N. M., Halliday, J., Bunn, C., Mtesha, B., Kelly, C., Krauth, S. J., Mwingwa, A., Biswara, S. M., Siebert, S., Kipengele, A. H., Walker, R. W., McIntosh, E., Mmbaga, B. T. (2024) Estimating the prevalence and predictors of musculoskeletal disorders in Tanzania: a cross-sectional pilot study. Pan African Medical Journal, 47, (doi: 10.11604/pamj.2024.47.36.38258)
Ward, S., McBride, M., Watson, N. (2024) Evaluating youth empowerment in neighbourhood settings: applying the capabilities 3C model to evidence and extend the social justice outcomes of youth work in Scotland. Journal of Youth Studies, 27, pp. 125-140. (doi: 10.1080/13676261.2022.2112160)
Ukhova, D., Marionneau, V., Nikkinen, J., Wardle, H. (2024) Public health approaches to gambling: a global review of legislative trends. Lancet Public Health, 9, pp. e57-e67. (doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(23)00221-9)
Dawson, M. (2024) The Posthumous Bauman: a review essay. Thesis Eleven,
Mullen, A. (2024) Between two fires: bringing the state back in on questions of racism in Scotland. Routledge
de Lima, P., Dhanda, M., Mcbride, M., Mullen, S., Sood, A. (2024) Cross-Journal Special Edition: Race and Racism in Scotland.
Ireland, R., Muc, M., Bunn, C., Boyland, E. (2024) Marketing of unhealthy brands during the 2018 Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup UK broadcasts – a frequency analysis. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 32, pp. 762-777. (doi: 10.1080/0965254X.2021.1967427)
Picker, G. (2024) Planning a European racial city: dealing (with) dread in 21st-Century Berlin. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,
Mullen, A. (2024) Racialised Capitalism at the Margins: an ethnography with Roma migrant workers. Manchester University Press
Scrinzi, F. (2024) The Racialization of Sexism: Men, Women and Gender in the Populist Radical Right. Routledge
Biggar, B., Wardle, H. (2024) Words Matter: A Language Guide for Respectful Reporting on Gambling.
Lawton, S. (2023) British Bisexual Men and Their Intimate Partners: Identities, Relationships and Prejudice.
Okop, K. J., Kedir, K., Kasenda, S., Niyibizi, J. B., Chipeta, E., Getachew, H., Sell, K., Lambert, E. V., Puoane, T., Rulisa, S., King, A. C., Bavuma, C., Bunn, C., Howe, R., Crampin, M., Levitt, N. S. (2023) Multi-country collaborative citizen science projects to co-design cardiovascular disease prevention strategies and advocacy: findings from Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda, and South Africa. BMC Public Health, 23, (doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-17393-x)
Bunn, C. (2023) Sociological and public health perspectives on the rise of commercial gambling in Malawi.
Ndambo, M. K., Pickersgill, M., Bunn, C., Stewart, R. C., Umar, E., Nyasulu, M., McIntosh, A. M., Manda-Taylor, L. (2023) Maternal mental health research in Malawi: community and healthcare provider perspectives on acceptability and ethicality. SSM - Mental Health, 3, (doi: 10.1016/j.ssmmh.2023.100213)
Stulikova, H., Dawson, M. (2023) Stretching the double hermeneutic: a critical examination of lay meanings of ‘emotional labour’ Sociological Research Online, 28, pp. 1130-1148. (doi: 10.1177/13607804221138578)
Paton, K. (2023) Class and Everyday Life. Routledge
Biggar, B., Wardle, H., Reith, G. (2023) The Football Fans and Betting Project – Preliminary Findings From an Early Intervention for Male Sports Bettors.
Biggar, B. (2023) Language, Citizenship, and Community: Insights from Ethnographic Fieldwork with EU Roma Migrants in Scotland.
Reith, G. (2023) Afterword: sociological reflections on gambling, sport and power. Emerald Publishing Limited
(2023) Gambling and Sports in a Global Age. (doi: 10.1108/S1476-2854202418)
Theodoropoulos, P., Lawton, S. (2023) Precarious Masculinities: Migrant Working Men’s Masculinities as Self-Exploitation in a Mediterranean Restaurant in Glasgow.
Dawson, M. (2023) The iron cage of efficiency: analytics, basketball and the logic of modernity. Sport in Society, 26, pp. 1785-1801. (doi: 10.1080/17430437.2023.2208040)
Glozah, F., Bunn, C., Sichali, J. M., Yendork, J. S., Mtema, O., Udedi, M., Reith, G., McGee, D. (2023) Young people and gambling in sub-Saharan Africa: towards a critical research agenda. Journal of the British Academy, 11, pp. 153-172. (doi: 10.5871/jba/011s3.153)
Cuthbert, K. (2023) Neither ‘incel’ nor ‘volcel’: Relational accounts of UK women's sexual abstinence. Womens Studies International Forum, 101, (doi: 10.1016/j.wsif.2023.102835)
Biggar, B., Kesaite, V., Ukhova, D., Wardle, H. (2023) Young women sports bettors in the United Kingdom: an overlooked demographic? Emerald
Dawson, M. (2023) Zygmunt Bauman and the Theory of Culture. European Journal of Social Theory, 26, pp. 615-619. (doi: 10.1177/13684310231168551)
Ukhova, D., Marionneau, V., Nikkinen, J., Wardle, H. (2023) Embracing public health approaches to gambling? A review of global legislative and regulatory trends. (doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.1644)
Biggar, B., Reith, G., Wardle, H. (2023) The ‘FFAB’ project: Lessons learned from an early health intervention for male sports bettors. European Journal of Public Health, 33, (doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.173)
Dawson, M. (2023) A Freudian without Psychology: the influence of Sigmund Freud on Zygmunt Bauman’s sociology. Anthem Press
Chikumbu, E., Bunn, C. (2023) Experiences of Multimorbidity in Urban and Rural Malawi: The Burden of Lack of Treatment.
Bunn, C., Mhalu, G. (2023) Why the Rise of Commercial Gambling in African Countries is a Public Health Concern.
Mtema, O., Singano, I. “S.”, McGee, D., Yakobe, Y., Sichali, J., Makamo, M., Reith, G., Bunn, C. (2023) “Creating poverty chances”: young people confront gambling harms in Malawi. Sociological Research Online, (doi: 10.1177/13607804231207152)
Kay, R., Stella, F. (2023) Fit for purpose? Insights on the present and future of ESOL and migration in Scotland. ESOL Matters, pp. 18-21.
Lawton-Westerland, S. (2023) Remembering the Radical Nurses Group.
Biggar, B., Zendle, D., Wardle, H. (2023) Targeting the next generation of gamblers? Gambling sponsorship of esports teams. Journal of Public Health, 45, pp. 636-644. (doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdac167)
Waites, M. (2023) Challenging criminalisation in the Commonwealth: theorising legacies and colonialities in LGBTIQ movement strategies. Routledge
Piacentini, T., Akhtar, S., Mullen, A., Mulvey, G. (2023) "It’s not like it just happened that day": Anti-racist solidarity in two Glasgow neighbourhoods. Routledge
Scherer, N., Wiseman, P., Watson, N., Brunner, R., Cullingworth, J., Hameed, S., Pearson, C., Shakespeare, T. (2023) 'Do they ever think about people like us?': The experiences of people with learning disabilities in England and Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic. Critical Social Policy, 43, pp. 423-447. (doi: 10.1177/02610183221109147)
Brown, S. E. (2023) Missed opportunities? Accessibility in ‘post-pandemic’ academia. Disability and Society, 38, pp. 1271-1275. (doi: 10.1080/09687599.2023.2190478)
Virdee, S. (2023) Racism and state formation in the age of absolutism. Historical Materialism, 31, pp. 104-135. (doi: 10.1163/1569206x-bja10010)
Porter, T., Watson, N., Pearson, C. (2023) Epistemic sabotage: the production and disqualification of evidence in disability benefit assessments. Sociology of Health and Illness, 45, pp. 1164-1186. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13593)
Biggar, B., Wardle, H., Reith, G. (2023) The ‘Football Fans and Betting’ Project: Challenges and Lessons Learned from an Early Intervention for Male Sports Bettors.
Phiri, N. S., Wyke, S., Crampin, M., Bunn, C. (2023) Experiences of Life with Long Term Conditions in Africa: A Meta-Ethnography.
Scrinzi, F. (2023) France. Routledge
Scrinzi, F. (2023) Italy. Routledge
Gallo, E., Scrinzi, F. (2023) Globalisation, masculinities and the domestic space: Men employing migrant reproductive workers in Italy. Routledge
Waitt, G., Gordon, R., Harada, T., Gurrieri, L., Reith, G., Cioriari, J. (2023) Towards relational geographies of gambling harm: orientation, affective atmosphere, and intimacy. Progress in Human Geography, (doi: 10.1177/03091325231177278)
Brown, S. E., Scobbie, L., Worrall, L., Mc Menamin, R., Brady, M. C. (2023) Access G-AP: development of an accessible goal setting and action planning resource for stroke survivors with aphasia. Disability and Rehabilitation, 45, pp. 2107-2117. (doi: 10.1080/09638288.2022.2085331)
Brown, E., Ferrie, J. (2023) Establishing a human rights-based approach in healthcare: a UK example moving beyond policy and into private spaces. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Brown, S. E., Shah, A., Czuber-Dochan, W., Bench, S., Stayt, L. (2023) Non-pharmacological interventions for self-management of fatigue in adults: an umbrella review of potential interventions to support patients recovering from critical illness. Journal of Critical Care, 75, (doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154279)
Stella, F., Kay, R. (2023) Language Learning and Migrant ‘Integration’ In Scotland: Exploring Infrastructure, Provision and Experiences. (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7885964)
Stella, F., Kay, R. (2023) Language learning and migrant 'integration' in Scotland: exploring infrastructure, provision and experiences. Executive summary: Key findings and recommendations. (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7886010)
Gad Kilonzo, K., Krauth, S. J., Halliday, J., Kelly, C., Siebert, S., Temu, G., Bunn, C., Yongolo, N. M., Wyke, S., McIntosh, E., Walker, R. W., Mmbaga, B. (2023) Analysis of qualitative data, Statistical Analysis and Health Economic Analysis. (doi: 10.17504/
Kilonzo, K. G., Krauth, S. J., Halliday, J., Kelly, C., Siebert, S., Temu, G., Bunn, C., Yongolo, N. M., Wyke, S., McIntosh, E., Walker, R., Mmbaga, B. (2023) Community-based cross-sectional survey. (doi: 10.17504/
Gad Kilonzo, K., Krauth, S. J., Halliday, J., Kelly, C., Siebert, S., Temu, G., Bunn, C., Yongolo, N. M., Wyke, S., McIntosh, E., Walker, R. W., Mmbaga, B. (2023) Data storage and security. (doi: 10.17504/
Kilonzo, K. G., Krauth, S. J., Halliday, J., Kelly, C., Siebert, S., Temu, G., Bunn, C., Yongolo, N. M., Wyke, S., McIntosh, E., Walker, R. W., Mmbaga, B. (2023) Estimating the prevalence, quality of life, economic and societal impact of arthritis in Tanzania: protocol for a mixed methods study. (doi: 10.17504/
Gad Kilonzo, K., Krauth, S. J., Halliday, J., Kelly, C., Siebert, S., Temu, G., Bunn, C., Yongolo, N. M., Wyke, S., McIntosh, E., Walker, R. W., Mmbaga, B. (2023) Laboratory and radiological data collection. (doi: 10.17504/
Kilonzo, K. G., Krauth, S. J., Halliday, J., Kelly, C., Siebert, S., Temu, G., Bunn, C., Yongolo, N. M., Wyke, S., McIntosh, E., Walker, R. W., Mmbaga, B. T. (2023) Qualitative methods. (doi: 10.17504/
Lawton, S. J. (2023) Session 4c. Bi+ Spaces.
Byrne, B., Garratt, L., Harries, B., Smith, A. (2023) Histories of place: the racialization of representational space in Govanhill and Butetown. Identities, 30, pp. 373-391. (doi: 10.1080/1070289X.2022.2099119)
Mmbaga, B. T., Laurie, E., Yongolo, N. M., Biswaro, S. M., Msoka-Bright, E. F., Bunn, C., Krauth, S., Walker, R., Kelly, C., Kilonzo, K., McIntosh, E. (2023) Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders with arthritis screening in Tanzania: new insights into the growing clinical, economic and societal burden of non-communicable disease. Tanzania Public Health Bulletin, 10, pp. 8-14.
Ukhova, D. (2023) Back to ‘traditional’ family values? Trends in gender ideologies in Russia, 1994–2012. Europe-Asia Studies, 75, pp. 446-467. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2022.2107615)
Virdee, S., McGeever, B. (2023) Britain in Fragments: Why Things Are Falling Apart. Manchester University Press
van Nassau, F., Huis, A., van de Glind, I., Andersen, E., Bunn, C., Gray, C., Hunt, K., Jelsma, J. G.M., van Mechelen, W., Morgan, H., Røynesdal, Ø., Hugo V, P., van der Ploeg, H. P., Roberts, G. C., Silva, M. N., Sørensen, M., Wyke, S., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. W.G., van Achterberg, T. (2023) Factors influencing the implementation of the EuroFIT lifestyle change program in professional football clubs in Europe: a qualitative study in four European countries. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 13, pp. 212-225. (doi: 10.1093/tbm/ibac100)
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Gray, C. M., Wyke, S., Zhang, R., Anderson, A. S., Barry, S., Boyer, N., Brennan, G., Briggs, A., Bunn, C., Donnachie, C., Grieve, E., Kohli-Lynch, C., Lloyd, S. M., McConnachie, A., Mccowan, C., MacLean, A., Mutrie, N., Hunt, K. (2018) Long-term weight loss trajectories following participation in a randomised controlled trial of a weight management programme for men delivered through professional football clubs: A longitudinal cohort study and economic evaluation. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 15, (doi: 10.1186/s12966-018-0683-3)
Cullingworth, J., Brunner, R., Watson, N. (2018) The Operation Modulus Approach: Further Lessons for Public Service Reform.
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Mcbride, M. (2018) The contemporary position of Irish Catholics in Scotland. Luath Press
Gill, J. M.R., Hawari, N. S.A., Maxwell, D. J., Louden, D., Mourselas, N., Bunn, C., Gray, C. M., van der Ploeg, H. P., Hunt, K., Martin, A., Wyke, S., Mutrie, N. (2018) Validation of a novel device to measure and provide feedback on sedentary behavior. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 50, pp. 525-532. (doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001458)
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Stella, F., Campbell, M., Williams, B., Macdougall, J., Liinpää, M., Speirs, J. (2018) Engaging with LGBT and Migrant Equalities: a Youth and Community Toolkit.
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Waites, M. (2018) Genocide and global queer politics. Journal of Genocide Research, 20, pp. 44-67. (doi: 10.1080/14623528.2017.1358920)
Gupta, S., Virdee, S. (2018) Introduction: European crises: Contemporary nationalisms and the language of “race” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41, pp. 1747-1764. (doi: 10.1080/01419870.2017.1361545)
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Petrella, R. J., Gill, D. P., Zou, G., De Cruz, A., Riggin, B., Bartol, C., Danylchuk, K., Hunt, K., Wyke, S., Gray, C. M., Bunn, C., Zwarenstein, M. (2017) Hockey fans in training: a pilot pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 49, pp. 2506-2516. (doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001380)
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Bunn, C. (2017) Working With Not On Communities: Avoiding Symbolic Violence and Introjection in Public Health.
Picker, G. (2017) Rethinking ethnographic comparison: two cities, five years, one ethnographer. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 46, pp. 263-284. (doi: 10.1177/0891241614548105)
Bunn, C. (2017) Church Communities and Non-Communicable Disease Prevention: An Emerging Approach In and For African Communities.
Gallo, E., Scrinzi, F. (2017) Religione, genere e lavoro di cura. Il caso degli uomini migranti in Italia. Religioni e Societa, 32, pp. 74-85. (doi: 10.19272/201731302006)
Mcbride, M. (2017) The Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012 – assessing the case for repeal. Edinburgh Law Review, 21, pp. 234-239. (doi: 10.3366/elr.2017.0414)
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Dawson, M. (2016) Keeping other options alive: Zygmunt Bauman, hermeneutics and sociological alternatives. Routledge
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Gallo, E., Scrinzi, F. (2016) Outsourcing elderly care to migrant workers: the impact of gender and class on the experience of male employers. Sociology, 50, pp. 366-382. (doi: 10.1177/0038038515573688)
Picker, G. (2016) ‘That neighbourhood is an ethnic bomb!’ The emergence of an urban governance apparatus in Western Europe. European Urban and Regional Studies, 23, pp. 136-148. (doi: 10.1177/0969776413502659)
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Lennox, C., Waites, M. (2016) Direitos humanos, orientação sexual e identidade de gênero na commonwealth: da História e do Direito ao desenvolvimento de diálogos ativistas e internacionais. Estudos de Sociologia, 2, pp. 21-117.
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Scrinzi, F. (2016) I latinoamericani evangelici e il lavoro di cura. Editrice Claudiana
Agbakoba, R., McGee-Lennon, M., Bouamrane, M.-M., Watson, N., Mair, F. S. (2016) Implementation factors affecting the large scale deployment of digital health and well-being technologies: a qualitative study of the initial phases of the 'Living-It-Up' programme. Health Informatics Journal, 22, pp. 867-877. (doi: 10.1177/1460458215594651)
Gallo, E., Scrinzi, F. (2016) Migration, Masculinities and Reproductive Labour: Men of the Home. Palgrave Macmillan
Gallo, E., Scrinzi, F. (2016) Männer und Männlichkeiten in der internationalen Teilung reproduktiver Arbeit. Beltz Juventa
Davidson, N., Virdee, S., Morrison, J., Mooney, G. (2016) Scotland and alternatives to neoliberalism. Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture, pp. 55-72. (doi: 10.3898/136266216819376968)
Waites, M. (2016) Sexual politics. Wiley-Blackwell
(2016) Sexuality, Citizenship and Belonging: Trans-National and Intersectional Perspectives.
Bunn, C., Palmer, V. (2016) Using Bourdieu’s Toolkit to Critique and Improve Social Science Engagement with Physical Activity.
McGee-Lennon, M., Bouamrane, M.-M., Devlin, A.M., O'Connor, S., O'Donnell, C.A., Chetty, U., Bikker, A., Finch, T., Wyke, S., Watson, N., Mair, F.S. (2016) What is the Current State of Digital Health “Readiness” in the UK?: Findings from the Delivering Assisted Living Lifestyles at Scale (dallas) Programme.
Ukhova, D. (2016) Women’s Health and Well-being in Europe: Beyond the Mortality Advantage.
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About Sociology at Glasgow
Our research seeks to understand the historical forces that shape society from the structure of racialised capitalism to the street corners of everyday life. The production of inequalities is understood as multi-layered and intersecting including gender, sexuality, disability, class and racism.
For more than fifty years staff in Sociology have advocated the value of critical social theory in all forms, including materialist approaches such as materialist and Marxist approaches, racialisation and postcolonial theories, feminist, queer and poststructuralist theories. The commitment to theory is combined with methodologically rigorous critical research into the pressing issues of our time from gentrification of cities to digital gambling to access to poetry circles.
Learn more about the Sociological & Cultural Studies Division
Sociology forms part of the Sociological & Cultural Studies Division, one of three research divisions within the School of Social & Political Sciences.
School of Social & Political Sciences
The School of Social & Political Sciences brings together research and education to tackle the key social and political challenges of our time.