What Data Means to You Short Film

“What Data Means to You”: a short film project on public imaginings and lived realities of data futures

The ESRC Impact Acceleration Account Grant-funded project, led by Dr. Mark Wong (School of Social & Political Science) and Dr. Inge Sorensen (School of Culture & Creative Arts), produced a short film called “What Data Means to You” to illustrate the public’s perspectives on what data means in people’s lives from diverse voices in the community.

This film highlights the public imaginations and lived realities of data from the perspectives of the community in Scotland.

It is produced thanks to all the project partners involved, including the Crichton Trust, East and Southeast Asian Scotland (ESA Scotland), FinTech Scotland, and Nesta Scotland, and supported by KE Associate of the Glasgow Social and Digital Change Group, Mrs. Bishakha Chaudhury.

The aim of the short-film project is to illustrate the public’s perspectives on the meaning of data in people’s lives. The film highlights public imaginings and aspirations of what data can do, and contrast this with the lived realities of data at present, including negotiations, frustrations, and concerns in data innovation.

See more about this project and watch the film in the MS Sway page below: