Centre Statement on Palestine

Published: 31 March 2021

Centre Statement on Palestine

The members of the Beniba Centre for Slavery Studies at the University of Glasgow condemn attacks on Palestinian people by Israeli armed forces and the ongoing arrests of Palestinians.

We call for the British government to urgently stop the sale of arms to Israel. Britain has a long history of arms manufacturers and trade, as well as the manufacture and distribution of torture devices and the tools of colonial occupation and settlement. As slavery studies scholars, we condemn ongoing profiteering from attacks on the Palestinian nation and stand in solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle.

The violent displacement of Palestinian families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem is the latest stage in a long history of forcible displacement, and colonial occupation. The Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip since 2007 has weaponised access to food, denied Palestinian young people access to higher education, and prevented Palestinian people from working and accessing healthcare, including COVID-19 vaccines.

The most recent round of Israeli attacks killed at least 60 Palestinian children. Israeli civilians and children have also lost their lives as a result of resistance to occupation and oppression. We mourn this loss of life, and stand with the Palestinian people in calling for an end to apartheid, occupation and military aggression.

We support the rights of Palestinians, and call on the British government to take action on these claims, which are enshrined in international law. Palestinians have the right to live in freedom. Palestinians have the right to remain in their residences. Palestinian refugees have the right to return home.

We are committed to speaking out in defence of the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people as well as principles of scholarly integrity and academic freedom. We are dedicated to working against all forms of racism, colonialism, and injustice.

First published: 31 March 2021