Exhibition - Beyond Development: Local Visions of Global Poverty

Luna Marán: IYaa ëts ojts ntsëënë njikyaty (aquí viví) / lived here

The piece that inspired the films is the composition of Eduardo Díaz Méndez, an ayüük composer, who is also an agricultural engineer.  In conversation with the artist we discovered how ‘poverty’ is a concept learnt from outside to see ourselves, that generates a fragmented vision of our own reality. The process of discovering our wealth is the process of the cultural re-appropriation that we have challenged the new generations. To enjoy, to honour what we are. The labelling of our people as poor, a labelling that comes from the capital cities, is a form of violence that questions what we are as people, as well as questioning our way of life and culture.

Luna Maran - movie summary

Originally from the Zapotec community of Guelatao de Juárez, Oaxaca, Marán has worked for more than a decade to develop education beyond schools, where gender equity, diversity and commonality are transversal axes. She has actively supported the formation of alternative exhibition projects such as the Sala Cine Too. She is co-founder of the Itinerant Audiovisual Camp, Aquí Cine, Cine Too Lab. She is also the founder of the production company Bruja Azul, and produced the film ‘The Blue Years’, which won more than 10 awards and was nominated for best debut film in Los Arieles 2018. Her first documentary was entitled Uncle Yim (AMBULANTE 2019), and she also directed the film ‘Mare, Nocturnos, Me parezco tanto a ti'.