Place & built environment

The Place & Built Environment subject group is concerned with the form and function of the physical built environment and the relationships people have to the places they call home.




White, J. T. (2024) The future of placemaking in Scotland: moving beyond 'planning-by-concession' Scottish Planner, pp. 13.

Madgin, R., Howcroft, M. (2024) Advancing People-Centred, Place-Based Approaches. (doi: 10.36399/gla.pubs.342111)

Roy, G., Muscatelli, A., Waite, D. (2024) The 2024 Budget and regional productivity.

Frey, J., Gibb, K., Harrington, N., James, G., Waite, D. (2024) Transforming Govan: A Local Housing Systems Analysis.

Campbell, A., Gibb, K., James, G., Martinico, L., McCaskell, A., Roberts, N., Robins, T., Williams, L. (2024) Student housing options and experiences of homelessness in Scotland: a report by the Cross-Party Group on Housing.

Stephens, M. (2024) The role of housing in central banks’ monetary policy decisions in Australia and the UK. Housing Studies, (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2024.2395361)

Higney, A., Gibb, K. (2024) Net zero retrofit of older tenement housing – the contribution of cost benefit analysis to wider evaluation of a demonstration project. Energy Policy, 191, (doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2024.114181)

Beveridge, R., Koch, P. (2024) How transformative can a democratic project of the urban be? Dialogues in Urban Research, (doi: 10.1177/27541258241264213)

Goudie, A., Roy, G., Waite, D. (2024) Scotland’s economy after 25 years of devolution. Scottish Affairs,

Meth, P., Charlton, S., Goodfellow, T., Todes, A. (2024) Conclusions. Manchester University Press

Goodfellow, T., Eyob, Y., Meth, P., Mukwedeya, T., Todes, A. (2024) Governing the urban peripheries. Manchester University Press

Charlton, S., Todes, A., Meth, P. (2024) Housing, history and hope in South Africa's urban peripheries. Manchester University Press

Meth, P., Charlton, S., Goodfellow, T., Todes, A. (2024) Introduction. Manchester University Press

(2024) Living the Urban Periphery: Infrastructure, Everyday Life and Economic Change in African City-Regions.

Meth, P., Charlton, S., Todes, A. (2024) Producing places: services, infrastructure and the public realm in South Africa and Addis Ababa. Manchester University Press

Meth, P., Belihu, M. S., Buthelezi, S. (2024) Social differentiation, boredom and crime within the peripheries. Manchester University Press

Goodfellow, T., Meth, P., Charlton, S. (2024) Transport and mobility (in South Africa and Addis Ababa) Manchester University Press

Gardner, A., Orr, A. M., Jackson, C., White, J. T. (2024) A framework for the management of retail assets. Journal of European Real Estate Research, (doi: 10.1108/JERER-01-2024-0004)

Crisp, R., Waite, D., Green, A., Hughes, C., Lupton, R., MacKinnon, D., Pike, A. (2024) ‘Beyond GDP’ in cities: assessing alternative approaches to urban economic development. Urban Studies, 61, pp. 1209-1229. (doi: 10.1177/00420980231187884)

Earley, A. (2024) Achieving Urban Regeneration without Gentrification? Community Enterprises and Community Assets in the UK.

Gibb, K., Young, G., Earley, A. (2024) Responding to Scottish Housing to 2040: Developing Credible Policy Proposals to Support the Affordable Supply Programme.

Gibb, K., Marsh, A., Orr, D., Earley, A. (2024) Homes for All: A Vision for England’s Housing System.

Parsons, K., Delbridge, R., Uyarra, E., Waite, D., Huggins, R., Morgan, K. (2024) Advancing inclusive innovation policy in the UK’s second-tier city-regions. Review of Regional Research, (doi: 10.1007/s10037-024-00209-9)

Dembski, S., O'Brien, P. (2024) Zoning in or zoning out? lessons from Europe. Policy Press

Beveridge, R., Koch, P. (2024) What kind of democratic project is the “CITY”? and what does the new municipalism want to do with It? Routledge

Waite, D., Roy, G., McIntyre, S. (2024) Workshop explores inclusive growth policy within the Glasgow City Region.

Campbell, A., Chomczuk, C., James, G., McCall, V., Tolson, S., McMullan, E. (2024) Housing for older people in Scotland: a call for discussion.

Gurney, C. M. (2024) Stay Home: Housing and Home in the UK during the Covid-19 Pandemic, By Becky Tunstall, Policy Press, 2023, ISBN 978-1-4473-6589-1, pp. viii+241. International Journal of Housing Policy, 24, pp. 185-189. (doi: 10.1080/19491247.2024.2310867)

Stephens, M. (2024) Economic prospects and public expenditure. CIH

Lister, S., Stephens, M. (2024) Help with housing costs. CIH

Stephens, M. (2024) Housing benefits, housing policy and social security - the long view. CIH

(2024) UK Housing Review 2024.

Stephens, M., Gibb, K. (2024) Economics of housing subsidy, social housing and personal (demand-side) subsidies. Routledge

Gibb, K., Christie, L. (2024) Investment appraisal, cost benefit analysis and housing interventions. Routledge

(2024) The Routledge Handbook of Housing Economics.

O'Brien, P., Watkins, C., Dunning, R. (2024) The economics of land use planning and zoning. Routledge

Gurney, C. M. (2024) Unintentional injuries and social harm in Australian housing. University of Adelaide

Beveridge, R., Rudolph, D., Naumann, M. (2024) The rise of 'infrastructural populism': urban infrastructure and right-wing politics. Geography Compass, 18, (doi: 10.1111/gec3.12738)

Abidoye, R. B., Ahiadu, A. A., Bangura, M., Adilieme, C. M., Oyedokun, T. B., Alamoudi, A. K. (2024) Preparing property graduates for the digital age: challenges and strategies from the perspective of Australian property educators. Buildings, 14, (doi: 10.3390/buildings14010159)

Jackson, C., Lawson, V., Orr, A., White, J. T. (2024) Repurposing retail space: exploring stakeholder relationships. Urban Studies, 61, pp. 148-164. (doi: 10.1177/00420980231178776)


Dembski, S., O'Brien, P. (2023) The quest for certainty: introducing zoning into a discretionary system in England and the European experience. Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning, 81, pp. 579-590. (doi: 10.14512/rur.1695)

Grander, M., Stephens, M. (2023) Changes in housing and welfare – a global analysis. Routledge

Grander, M., Stephens, M. (2023) Conclusions: Welfare regimes in the 21st century: from labelling to explaining. Routledge

Grander, M., Stephens, M. (2023) Introduction. Routledge

(2023) The Routledge Handbook of Housing and Welfare. (doi: 10.1201/9781003212690)

Grander, M., Stephens, M. (2023) The embeddedness of housing in the welfare regime. Routledge

Grander, M., Stephens, M. (2023) Understanding housing and welfare. Routledge

Grander, M., Stephens, M. (2023) Understanding the relationship between housing and welfare. Routledge

White, J. T., Kenny, T., Samuel, F., Foye, C., James, G., Serin, B. (2023) Are well-designed places possible? A model of design governance intervention in the planning, design and development of new neighbourhoods. Journal of Urban Design, (doi: 10.1080/13574809.2023.2296885)

Honeychurch, S., Tasler, N., McCandlish, A. (2023) SoTLWriMo: a collaborative reflection.

McCandlish, A., Zihms, S. (2023) The Power Hour of Writing: A flexible, vibrant writing community format. University of Glasgow SOTL #UofGSoTL.,

Stephens, M. (2023) The role of housing costs in central banks’ inflation targeting regimes: the cases of the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Bank of England. Critical Housing Analysis, 10, pp. 15-28. (doi: 10.13060/23362839.2023.10.2.556)

Beveridge, R., Koch, P. (2023) Seeing democracy like a city. Dialogues in Urban Research, (doi: 10.1177/27541258231203999)

Watson, A., James, G., Gibb, K. (2023) Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans: Assessing the affordability of the private rented sector for LHA recipients in Scotland.

Waite, D., Pike, A., Roy, G. (2023) The prospect of City Deals in New Zealand.

Kamete, A. (2023) Zimbabwe. Brill

Serin, B., White, J., Hoolachan, A. (2023) A Human-centred Approach to Retrofitting Housing for Carbon Reduction: Opportunities and Challenges.

Mah, A. (2023) Petrochemical Planet: Multiscalar Battles of Industrial Transformation. Duke University Press

Serin, B. (2023) Urban Solidarity During the Pandemic: From Bottom-up Mutual Aid Groups to Top-down Municipal Solidarity Practices.

Gibb, K., Sharpe, T., Higney, A., Moreno-Rangel, A., Serin, B., White, J., Hoolachan, A. (2023) Niddrie Road, Glasgow: Tenement Retrofit Evaluation.

Richardson, R., White, J., James, G. (2023) Progressive Placemaking in Scotland: The Long Road from Aspiration to Implementation.

McCall, V., Gibb, K., Wang, Y. (2023) The ‘fight’ for adaptations: exploring the drivers and barriers to implementing home and environment modifications that support healthy ageing. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, (doi: 10.1108/IJBPA-02-2023-0019)

White, J. T., Orr, A., Jackson, C., Gardner, A., Hickie, J., Richardson, R., Stewart, J. (2023) Averting dead mall syndrome: de-malling and the future of the purpose-built shopping center in large UK cities. Journal of Urban Affairs, (doi: 10.1080/07352166.2023.2239957)

Livingstone, N., Fiorentino, S., Short, M. (2023) Density, planning, and the emergent landscapes of purpose-built student accommodation in England. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 5, (doi: 10.3389/frsc.2023.1119399)

Earley, A. (2023) Achieving urban regeneration without gentrification? Community enterprises and community assets in the UK. Journal of Urban Affairs, (doi: 10.1080/07352166.2023.2229459)

Stephens, M. (2023) 'Building back better’ after Covid: lessons for housing policy from the ‘lost decade’ CIH

Stephens, M. (2023) Europe’s changing housing systems: what can the UK learn? CIH

(2023) Housing policy in a changing world: A UK Housing Review Reader.

Stephens, M., Gibb, K., Perry, J. (2023) Housing supply. CIH

Perry, J., Stephens, M. (2023) How the purpose of social housing has changed and is changing. CIH

Stephens, M. (2023) Planning frameworks and housing delivery. CIH

Stephens, M. (2023) Thirty years of housing policy in the UK: the big picture. CIH

Weakley, S., Waite, D. (2023) Academic knowledge brokering in local policy spaces: negotiating and implementing dynamic idea types. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 19, pp. 342-359. (doi: 10.1332/174426421X16638549272196)

White, J. T., Hickie, J., Orr, A., Jackson, C., Richardson, R. (2023) The experience economy in UK city centres: a multidimensional and interconnected response to the 'death of the high street'? Urban Studies, 60, pp. 1833-1852. (doi: 10.1177/00420980221143043)

Gurney, C. (2023) Disruptive behaviour in Higher Education teaching and learning: A discussion.

Waite, D. (2023) What Are the Changing Threads of Subnational Policy in Scotland?

Mah, A. (2023) Foreword. Routledge

Madgin, R., Robson, E. (2023) Developing a People-Centred, Place-Led Approach: The Value of the Arts and Humanities.

Serin, B. (2023) From prefabs to modern methods of development: challenges, potentials and lessons learnt.

Meth, P., Belihu, M., Buthelezi, S., Masikane, F. (2023) Not entirely displacement: conceptualizing relocation in Ethiopia and South Africa as “disruptive re-placement” Urban Geography, 44, pp. 824-849. (doi: 10.1080/02723638.2022.2042067)

Parsons, K., Delbridge, R., Uyarra, E., Waite, D., Huggins, R., Morgan, K. (2023) Regional economic growth through innovation policy and business engagement: evidence from three UK city regions.

Williams, J., Beveridge, R., Mayaux, P.-L. (2023) Unconventional waters: a critical understanding of desalination and wastewater reuse. Water Alternatives, 16, pp. 429-443.

Allan, G. J., Waite, D., Roy, G. (2023) A mission perspective on emissions reduction at the city level: the case of Glasgow, Scotland. Climate Policy, (doi: 10.1080/14693062.2023.2213223)

White, J. T., Punter, J. (2023) Condoland: The Planning, Design, and Development of Toronto's CityPlace. UBC Press

Beveridge, R., Cochrane, A. (2023) Exploring the political potential of the local state: building a dialogue with Sheffield in the 1980s. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 55, pp. 790-809. (doi: 10.1111/anti.12908)

Serin, B. (2023) Reviewing Residential Retrofitting Literature.

Payne, S., Serin, B. (2023) The potential role of modern methods of construction in addressing systemic supply issues.

Orr, A. M., Stewart, J. L., Jackson, C. C., White, J. T. (2023) Shifting prime retailing pitches. A GIS analysis of the spatial adaptations in city centre retail markets. Journal of Property Research, 40, pp. 101-133. (doi: 10.1080/09599916.2022.2141133)

Hastings, A., Mackenzie, M., Earley, A., Fleming, J. (2023) In Parallel or in Dialogue? Recent Housing and Domestic Abuse Policy Change in Scotland.

Gurney, C. (2023) In Place(s) of Fear: Towards a Sociology of Housing, Home and Fear.

Gurney, C., Lucas, R. (2023) Pedagogy and Presentations in Housing Studies Education and Practice.

Earley, A., James, G., Stephens, M., Sakalasuriya, M. (2023) The Contested Politics of Residential Space.

Gurney, C., Simcock, T. (2023) Exploring the Dark Side of Home: In Conversation with Dr Craig Gurney.

Orr, A. M., Stewart, J. L., Jackson, C. C., White, J. T. (2023) Ownership diversity and fragmentation: a barrier to urban centre resilience. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 50, pp. 660-677. (doi: 10.1177/23998083221124600)

Waite, D. (2023) Agglomeration is in the eye of the beholder: the changing governance of polycentrism. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11, pp. 222-240. (doi: 10.1080/21622671.2021.1886978)

Orr, A., Stewart, J., Jackson, C., White, J. T. (2023) Not quite the ‘death of the high street’ in UK city centres: rising vacancy rates and the shift in property use richness and diversity. Cities, 133, (doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2022.104124)

Orr, A. M., Gardner, A., Jackson, C., White, J. T. (2023) Changing tenant covenant perceptions and flexibility in the lease model in UK city centres. Journal of Property Research, 40, pp. 1-24. (doi: 10.1080/09599916.2022.2057866)

Hick, R., Stephens, M. (2023) Housing, the welfare state and poverty: on the financialization of housing and the dependent variable problem. Housing, Theory and Society, 40, pp. 78-95. (doi: 10.1080/14036096.2022.2095438)

Soaita, A. M., Marsh, A., Gibb, K. (2023) Policy movement in housing research: a critical interpretative synthesis. Housing Studies, 38, pp. 107-127. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2021.1879999)

Beveridge, R., Naumann, M. (2023) Progressive urbanism in small towns: the contingencies of governing from the Left. Urban Affairs Review, 59, pp. 43-72. (doi: 10.1177/10780874211055834)

Stephens, M., Hick, R. (2023) Comparative housing research. Edward Elgar Publishing

Chiweshe, M., Bhatasara, S., James, G. (2023) Popular Culture and Gender-Based Violence in an Evolving COVID-19 Context in Zimbabwe.

McCandlish, A. (2023) The menagerie service: a study of the nature of frustratory and dedicatory memory. Journal of Imaginary Research, 8, pp. 29-30.

Stephens, M., Perry, J., Williams, P., Young, G. (2023) UK Housing Review 2023 Autumn Briefing Paper.

(2023) UK Housing Review 2023.


Crisp, R., Waite, D. (2022) Building Back Better in urban contexts through a dual ethics of justice and care. Urban Geography, (doi: 10.1080/02723638.2022.2142402)

McCandlish, A., Hoolachan, A. (2022) Walking as pedagogy: Tackling urban issues through experiential learning. University of Glasgow SoTL #UofGSoTL.,

Gibb, K., Moore, T., Preece, J., Hoolachan, J., Munro, M., Boyle, J., Gillian, M., James, G. (2022) Research on purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) and student housing in Scotland.

Tilsted, J. P., Mah, A., Nielson, T. D., Finkill, G., Bauer, F. (2022) Petrochemical transition narratives: Selling fossil fuel solutions in a decarbonizing world. Energy Research and Social Science, 94, (doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2022.102880)

Serin, B. (2022) Provision of Amenities by Large-scale Urban Development Projects in the UK.

Hick, R., Pomati, M., Stephens, M. (2022) Severe housing deprivation in the European Union: a joint analysis of measurement and theory. Social Indicators Research, 164, pp. 1271-1295. (doi: 10.1007/s11205-022-02987-6)

Raco, M., Ward, C., Brill, F., Sanderson, D., Freire-Trigo, S., Ferm, J., Hamiduddin, I., Livingstone, N. (2022) Towards a virtual statecraft: Housing targets and the governance of urban housing markets. Progress in Planning, 166, (doi: 10.1016/j.progress.2022.100655)

Gibb, K., James, G., Smith, M. (2022) Cross-Party Group on Housing - Report on Rent Control.

Webb, B., White, J. T. (2022) Planning and the high-rise neighbourhood: debates on vertical cities. Urban Planning, 7, pp. 208-212. (doi: 10.17645/up.v7i4.6357)

Serin, B., Irak, D. (2022) Production of space from the digital front: From everyday life to the everyday politics of networked practices. Cities, 130, (doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2022.103889)

Waite, D., Roy, G. (2022) The promises and pitfalls of operationalizing inclusive growth. Regional Studies, 56, pp. 1989-2000. (doi: 10.1080/00343404.2022.2050201)

James, G. (2022) The Housing and Place Delivery Forum: Our Common Goal and Future Priorities.

Beveridge, R., Koch, P. (2022) How Cities Can Transform Democracy. Polity Press

Simcock, T., McKee, K., Marsh, A., Harris, J., Soaita, A. M., James, G. (2022) What do Lower Income Tenants in Scotland’s Private Rented Sector Want to See from a New Rented Sector? Summary Report.

Livingstone, N., Sanderson, D. (2022) All grown up? market maturity and investment in London's purpose-built student accommodation sector. Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 40, pp. 571-587. (doi: 10.1108/JPIF-08-2021-0072)

Waite, D. (2022) Critical realist perspectives on the urban growth system. Environment and Planning A, 54, pp. 1219-1235. (doi: 10.1177/0308518X221102958)

Brown, D., Mah, A., Walker, G. (2022) The tenacity of trust in petrochemical communities: reckoning with risk on the Fawley Waterside (1997–2019) Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5, pp. 997-1696. (doi: 10.1177/25148486211045367)

Kamete, A. Y. (2022) Zimbabwe. Brill

Stephens, M., O'Brien, P., Earley, A. (2022) Resilience in the housing system: Market institutions from the global financial crisis to COVID-19.

Orr, A. M., Jackson, C., White, J. T., Lawson, V., Gardner, A., Hickie, J., Richardson, R., Stewart, J. L. (2022) Retail Change and Transition in UK City Centres. Real Estate, Place Adaptation and Innovation within an integrated Retailing system (REPAIR) End of Project Report.

Akinbogun, S. P., Kayode, O., Oyedokun, T. B. (2022) Security practices in retail properties in a developing economy: a logistic analysis of impacts on customers’ satisfaction and patronage. Journal of Facilities Management, (doi: 10.1108/JFM-03-2022-0024)

Fiorentino, S., Livingstone, N., McAllister, P., Cooke, H. (2022) The future of the corporate office? emerging trends in the post-Covid city. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 15, pp. 597-614. (doi: 10.1093/cjres/rsac027)

Hastings, A., Mackenzie, M., Earley, A. (2022) Domestic Abuse and Housing: Policy in Focus Since the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Cooke, H., Fiorentino, S., Harris, R., Livingstone, N., McAllister, P. (2022) Corporate occupiers’ attitude to flex space in the post-Covid environment. Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 40, pp. 493-507. (doi: 10.1108/JPIF-02-2022-0011)

Marsh, A., Gibb, K., Soaita, A. M. (2022) Rent regulation: unpacking the debates. International Journal of Housing Policy, (doi: 10.1080/19491247.2022.2089079)

Williams, G., Charlton, S., Coelho, K., Mahadevia, D., Meth, P. (2022) (Im)mobility at the margins: low-income households’ experiences of peripheral resettlement in India and South Africa. Housing Studies, 37, pp. 910-931. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2021.1946018)

Lawson, V., Orr, A., Gardner, A., Stewart, J. (2022) City Centre Real Estate Markets. Changing retail practice and adaptation (WPC Policy Brief)

White, J., Hickie, J., Richardson, R. (2022) Leisure and entertainment experiences: Reshaping city centres. University of Glasgow,

Feltrin, L., Mah, A., Brown, D. (2022) Noxious deindustrialization: experiences of precarity and pollution in Scotland’s petrochemical capital. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 40, pp. 781-986. (doi: 10.1177/23996544211056328)

Wang, Y., Gibb, K., McCall, V. (2022) Evidence review of home adaptations in the UK and other OECD countries: A tripartite framework.

Beveridge, R., Kip, M., Oevermann, H. (2022) From wastelands to waiting lands: retrieving possibility from the voids of Berlin. City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, 26, pp. 281-303. (doi: 10.1080/13604813.2022.2040200)

Mah, A. (2022) Plastic Unlimited: How Corporations are Fuelling the Ecological Crisis and What We Can Do About It. Polity Press

Gurney, C. (2022) Fire, alarms and social harms: Fear of fire, ontological insecurity and the meaning of home.

Gurney, C. (2022) Social harm, housing and health: critical remarks on causation, typology and ubiquity.

Hick, R., Pomati, M., Stephens, M. (2022) Housing and poverty in Europe: Examining the interconnections in the face of rising house prices.

Adebayo, A. A., Greenhalgh, P., Muldoon-Smith, K., Oyedokun, T. (2022) Towards attaining sustainable retail property locations: the relationships between supply, demand, and accessibility of retail spaces. Sustainability, 14, (doi: 10.3390/su14073846)

Livingstone, N. (2022) Real estate insights safe as houses? thinking on the rise of investment into UK residential markets. Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 40, pp. 324-329. (doi: 10.1108/JPIF-01-2022-0001)

Orr, A., Gardner, A., Jackson, C., Lawson, V., Stewart, J., White, J. (2022) The Adaptiveness of the Retail Property Market in the UK. A Mixed Method Study of Change.

White, J., Kearns, A., Serin, B., Bettini, F., Blandy, S., Bright, S., Webb, B. (2022) 21st-Century High-Rise: The Planning, Design, Development and Governance of Residential Towers in UK Cities.

Orr, A., White, J. (2022) All change on the high street. Context, 171, pp. 14-17.

Serin, B., Soaita, A.M., Chapman, E. (2022) From Charity to Solidarity: Commoning of Care under the Pandemic as an 'Urgent Utopia'

Anderson, I., Clarke, G., Eshetu, T., Gurney, C., McElduff, L., Morris, S., Mulrenan, P., Parcell, E., Richardson, J., Saunders, D., Taylor, H. (2022) Subject Benchmark Statement: Housing Studies.

Orr, A. M., White, J. T., Lawson, V. (2022) Retail Decline and the Fate of the Urban Shopping Centre in UK City Centres.

Gibb, K., Soaita, A. M., Marsh, A. (2022) Rent control: A review of the evidence base.

Waite, D. (2022) Thoughts on the Levelling Up white paper - Issues for Scottish cities.

McIntyre, S., Roy, G., Waite, D. (2022) Levelling up: what might it mean for Scotland?

Orr, A. M., Gardner, A., Jackson, C., White, J. T. (2022) Adaptation of the Retail Investment Market in the UK: Changing Tenant Covenant Perceptions and Flexibility in the Lease Model.

McCandlish, A. (2022) Architectural regeneration: edited by A. Orbasli and M. Vellinga, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2020, 384 pp., £64.95 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-119-34033-1. Journal of Urban Design, 27, pp. 151-153. (doi: 10.1080/13574809.2021.1981643)

Dembski, S., O'Brien, P. (2022) Country Profile: United Kingdom.

Stephens, M. (2022) Economic prospects and public expenditure. Chartered Institute of Housing

MacLennan, D., Gibb, K., Soaita, A. M., Charley, J. (2022) How do we get the right balance?

Gibb, K., Marsh, A., Soaita, A. M., James, G. (2022) Rent Control: A Review of the Evidence Base.

Stephens, M. (2022) Thirty years of housing policy in the UK: the big picture. Chartered Institute of Housing

(2022) UK Housing Review 2022.


McCandlish, A. (2021) Collage for Sustainable Housing Development - Learning and Reflecting through Collaboration, Document Analysis and Collage. (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.17158178.v1)

Wiltgen Georgi, N., Buthelezi, S., Meth, P. (2021) Gendered infrastructural citizenship: shared sanitation facilities in quarry road west informal settlement, Durban, South Africa. Urban Forum, 32, pp. 437-456. (doi: 10.1007/s12132-021-09421-z)

Simcock, T., McKee, K., Soaita, A., Harris, J., Moore, T., Marsh, A., James, G. (2021) What do lower income tenants in Scotland’s private rented sector want to see from a new Rented Sector.

Meth, P., Goodfellow, T., Todes, A., Charlton, S. (2021) Conceptualizing African urban peripheries. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 45, pp. 985-1007. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.13044)

Roy, G., Bell, D., Waite, D. (2021) Levelling up – an opportunity for coherent regional policy or a constitutional ruse?

Kamete, A. Y. (2021) Zimbabwe. Brill

Earley, A. (2021) Housing Systems, their Institutions and their Resilience.

Madgin, R. (2021) Personalities of Historic Places – Why Do Historic Places Matter?

Gurney, C. M. (2021) Dangerous liaisons? Applying the social harm perspective to the social inequality, housing and health trifecta during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Housing Policy, (doi: 10.1080/19491247.2021.1971033)

Gurney, C. M. (2021) Insult, Trigger or Valve? Critical Reflections on Metaphors and Causation in the Residential Contexts of Health.

Ijasan, K., Owusu Junior, P., Tweneboah, G., Oyedokun, T., Adam, A. M. (2021) Analyzing the relationship between global REITs and exchange rates: fresh evidence from frequency-based quantile regressions. Advances in Decision Sciences, 25, pp. 58-91. (doi: 10.47654/V25Y2021I3P58-91)

Serin, B. (2021) De-commodifying Care: COVID-19 Mutual Aid Groups in the UK.

Richardson, R., White, J. T. (2021) Design governance, austerity and the public interest: Planning and the delivery of 'well-designed places' in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Planning Theory and Practice, 22, pp. 572-594. (doi: 10.1080/14649357.2021.1958911)

Haart, M., Webb, B., White, J. (2021) Nested aging: lifecycles in the vertical city. Plan Canada, 2021, pp. 32-36.

Roberts, S., Satsangi, M. (2021) “The bad landlord”: origins and significance in contemporary housing policy and practice. Housing, Theory and Society, 38, pp. 496-511. (doi: 10.1080/14036096.2020.1833080)

Gurney, C. (2021) Ontological security. A term of contradictions.

Oyedokun, T. B., Abidoye, R. B., Akinbogun, S. P. (2021) Bridging the gap between real estate research and professional practice in Nigeria. Property Management, 39, pp. 493-508. (doi: 10.1108/PM-12-2020-0087)

Meth, P. (2021) Broken cities: Inside the global housing crisis by Deborah Potts, London, Zed, 2020. xi + 319 pp., £18.99 (pbk), ISBN 9781786990549. Regional Studies, 55, pp. 1337-1338. (doi: 10.1080/00343404.2021.1922168)

Serin, B. (2021) Inclusive Cities: Inclusive in Discourse, Exclusive in Practice?

McCandlish, A., McPherson, G. (2021) Promoting tangible and intangible hidden cultural heritage: local communities influencing civic decision-making and international cultural policy. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 27, pp. 683-698. (doi: 10.1080/10286632.2020.1822348)

Weakley, S., Waite, D. (2021) Academic Knowledge Brokering in Local Policy Spaces: Negotiating and Implementing Dynamic Idea Types.

Beveridge, R., Koch, P. (2021) Contesting austerity, de-centring the state: anti-politics and the political horizon of the urban. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39, pp. 451-468. (doi: 10.1177/2399654419871299)

Madgin, R. (2021) Emoji as method: accessing emotional responses to changing historic places. Routledge

Madgin, R., Lesh, J. (2021) Exploring emotional attachments to historic places: bridging concept, practice and method. Routledge

Mah, A. (2021) Future-proofing capitalism: the paradox of the circular economy for plastics. Global Environmental Politics, 21, pp. 121-142. (doi: 10.1162/glep_a_00594)

Beveridge, R., Featherstone, D. (2021) Introduction: Anti-politics, austerity and spaces of politicisation. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39, pp. 437-450. (doi: 10.1177/23996544211004188)

(2021) People-Centred Methodologies for Heritage Conservation: Exploring Emotional Attachments to Historic Urban Places. (doi: 10.4324/9780429345807)

Hoolachan, A. (2021) Walking cities: London. Journal of Urban Design, 26, pp. 397-399. (doi: 10.1080/13574809.2020.1866981)

Gurney, C. M. (2021) Cold Case or Hot Topic? On the Rediscovery of "Social Murder" in Housing Studies.

Gurney, C. M. (2021) "Bringing ‘house’ and ‘home’ into perfect coincidence”: contemporary remarks on Dr Mackenzie’s (1900) lecture to the St James' Literary Society on the subject of "The working man’s house: its possibilities as a home" and related matters.

Madgin, R. (2021) Recognising emotions within urban development. Routledge

White, J. T., James, G. (2021) Designing streets to designing neighbourhoods? Scottish Planner, 184, pp. 8-9.

Mah, A. (2021) Ecological crisis, decarbonisation, and degrowth: the dilemmas of just petrochemical transformations. Stato e Mercato, 121, pp. 51-78. (doi: 10.1425/101444)

White, J., Serin, B. (2021) High-Rise Residential Development: An International Evidence Review.

Gibb, K., James, G. (2021) Housing in Scotland: Evidence for Scottish Government 2021-26.

Stephens, M., O'Brien, P., Earley, A. (2021) Resilience in the housing system: The mortgage and housebuilding industries from the global financial crisis to Covid-19.

Gurney, C. (2021) Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification.

White, J. (2021) Delivering housing design value – is the momentum building?

Fitzpatrick, S., Watts, B., Pawson, H., Bramley, G., Wood, J., Stephens, M., Blenkinsopp, J. (2021) The Homelessness Monitor: England 2021.

White, J., Foye, C. (2021) Guest Blog: A skills revolution to create the healthy, well-designed places of the future.

Hastings, A., Mackenzie, M., Earley, A. (2021) Domestic Abuse and Housing: Connections and Disconnections in the Pre-Covid-19 Policy World.

Foye, C., White, J. (2021) How can we improve the design value of new housing and neighbourhoods? Housing Quality Magazine, pp. 14-15.

Stephens, M. (2021) 'Building back better’ after Covid: lessons for housing policy from the ‘lost decade’ Chartered Institute of Housing

Gibb, K. (2021) Divergent approaches to affordable housing supply in a devolved policy system: Scotland and England after 2010. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 25, pp. 218-240. (doi: 10.1080/12265934.2020.1730935)

O'Brien, P. (2021) Planning reform: a zonal future? Chartered Institute of Housing

Serin, B., Peker, E. (2021) Retrofitting Existing Housing to Tackle with Climate Emergency: A Comparative Research on Turkey and Scotland.

Perry, J., Stephens, M., Williams, P., Young, G. (2021) UK Housing Review 2021 Autumn Briefing.

(2021) UK Housing Review 2021 [29th ed]

Chen, F., White, J. T. (2021) Urban design governance in three Chinese ‘pioneer cities’ International Planning Studies, 26, pp. 130-148. (doi: 10.1080/13563475.2020.1752160)

Madgin, R. (2021) Why Do Historic Places Matter? Emotional Attachments to Urban Heritage.


White, J. T., Kenny, T., Samuel, F., Foye, C., James, G., Serin, B. (2020) Delivering design value: The housing design quality conundrum.

White, J. (2020) The housing design quality conundrum - what can be done about it?

Jephcote, C., Brown, D., Verbeek, T., Mah, A. (2020) A systematic review and meta-analysis of haematological malignancies in residents living near petrochemical facilities. Environmental Health, 19, (doi: 10.1186/s12940-020-00582-1)

Soaita, A. M., Maclennan, D., Gibb, K. (2020) The social and economic consequences of housing wealth inequalities. Housing Finance International, 2020, pp. 27-35.

Serin, B., Hastings, A. (2020) Suburbs are becoming increasingly diverse – urban development and the pandemic will transform them further. Conversation, pp. 30 Nov.

Irak, D., Serin, B. (2020) Production of Space from Digital Front: From Everyday Life to Everyday Politics of Networked Practices.

Jones, C., Stephens, M. (2020) Challenge of capturing socially generated land values: principle versus practicality. Town Planning Review, 91, pp. 621-642. (doi: 10.3828/tpr.2020.88)

Satsangi, M., Hoolachan, A., O'Brien, P., Dembski, S., Dunning, R., Lord, A. (2020) Housing Land Allocation, Assembly and Delivery: Lessons from Europe.

Waite, D. (2020) Thoughts on the Programme for Government - Glasgow City-region Implications.

James, G., Tolson, S. (2020) Delivering More Homes and Better Places in Scotland.

James, G., Tolson, S. (2020) Delivering More Homes and Better Places: Lessons from Policy and Practice in Scotland.

Gibb, K., Foye, C., Stephens, M., Earley, A. (2020) Improving Opportunities: How to Support Social Housing Tenants into Sustainable Employment – Report to the APPG on Housing and Social Mobility.

Serin, B., Smith, H., McWilliams, C. (2020) The role of the state in the commodification of urban space: the case of branded housing projects, Istanbul. European Urban and Regional Studies, 27, pp. 342-358. (doi: 10.1177/0969776420920921)

Kamete, A. Y. (2020) Zimbabwe. Brill

Gurney, C. M. (2020) Where suicide deaths occur is a housing issue.

Gurney, C. M. (2020) Home is where the harms were. Welsh Housing Quarterly, pp. 32-36.

Verbeek, T., Mah, A. (2020) Integration and isolation in the global petrochemical industry: a multiscalar corporate network analysis. Economic Geography, 96, pp. 363-387. (doi: 10.1080/00130095.2020.1794809)

Crisp, R., Waite, D. (2020) Inclusive growth under a COVID-19 recovery.

Dunning, R., Payne, S., O'Brien, P., Buck, M. (2020) Land Value Capture: Attitudes from the House-building Industry on Alternative Mechanisms.

Dembski, S., O'Brien, P. (2020) The myth of zoning: the European experience. Town and Country Planning, 2020, pp. 281-284.

Mah, A. (2020) Toxic legacies and environmental justice. Routledge

Trevillion, E., Gardner, A., Cowe, S., Jones, C. (2020) The use of benchmarks for real estate portfolio performance by U.K. financial institutions. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 26, pp. 118-131. (doi: 10.1080/10835547.2020.1858620)

(2020) Toxic Truths: Environmental Justice and Citizen Science in a Post-Truth Age. (doi: 10.7765/9781526137005)

Soaita, A.M., Marsh, A., Gibb, K. (2020) Mapping Conceptual Understandings of Policy Diffusion "Transfer" Mobility in Housing Research.

Serin, B. (2020) Producing Exclusionary Urban Space as a Mainstream Neoliberal Practice: The Case of Private Neighbourhoods.

Soaita, A. M., Gurney, C. (2020) Social Suffering, Harm and Home in the Private Rented Sector – ‘In conversation with’ Dr Adriana Soaita & Dr Craig Gurney.

Waite, D., McArthur, D. (2020) Understanding the impacts of Covid-19 on the Glasgow City-region economy - Gauging impacts through big data?

Dunning, R., Moore, T., Ferrari, E., Hoolachan, J., Keskin, B., Powell, R., O'Brien, P. (2020) Affordable Housing Need in Scotland post 2021.

Gurney, C. M. (2020) Out of Harm’s Way. Critical remarks on harm and the meaning of home during the 2020 COVID-19 social distancing measures.

Kamete, A. Y. (2020) Neither friend nor enemy: Planning, ambivalence and the invalidation of urban informality in Zimbabwe. Urban Studies, 57, pp. 927-943. (doi: 10.1177/0042098018821588)

McCall, V., Satsangi, M., Greasley-Adams, C. (2020) The legacy of the right to buy and the differentiation of older home owners. Social Policy and Society, 19, pp. 225-241. (doi: 10.1017/S1474746419000320)

Meth, P. (2020) ‘Marginalised formalisation’: an analysis of the in/formal binary through shifting policy and everyday experiences of ‘poor’ housing in South Africa. International Development Planning Review, 42, pp. 139-164. (doi: 10.3828/idpr.2019.26)

Docherty, I., Waite, D. (2020) Infrastructure and productivity. Edward Elgar

James, G., Harris, J. (2020) Resolving Disputes in the UK Private Rented Sector.

Kamete, A. (2020) Street vendors and planning paradigms. Routledge

O'Brien, P., Lord, A., Dembski, S. (2020) How do planners manage risk in alternative land development models? An institutional analysis of land development in the Netherlands. Land Use Policy, 91, (doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104409)

Madgin, R. (2020) Urban heritage and urban development. Transcript

Soaita, A. M., Serin, B., Preece, J. (2020) A methodological quest for systematic literature mapping. International Journal of Housing Policy, 20, pp. 320-343. (doi: 10.1080/19491247.2019.1649040)

White, J. T. (2020) Designing the Global City: Design Excellence, Competitions and the Remaking of Central Sydney. Planning Theory and Practice, 21, pp. 812-815. (doi: 10.1080/14649357.2020.1842593)

Satsangi, M., Wilson, M. (2020) Do housing costs impact on poverty in rural areas? Housing Studies, 35, pp. 415-438. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2019.1610556)

Stephens, M. (2020) Europe's changing housing systems: What can the UK learn? Chartered Institute of Housing

Waite, D., Whyte, B., Muirie, J. (2020) From an agreeable policy label to a practical policy framework: Inclusive growth in city-regions. European Planning Studies, 28, pp. 1812-1835. (doi: 10.1080/09654313.2019.1691507)

Stephens, M., Gibb, K., Perry, J. (2020) Housing supply. Chartered Institute of Housing

Stephens, M. (2020) How housing systems are changing and why: a critique of Kemeny’s theory of housing regimes. Housing, Theory and Society, 37, pp. 521-547. (doi: 10.1080/14036096.2020.1814404)

Weakley, S., Waite, D. (2020) The COVID-19 Crisis and Universal Credit in Glasgow.

O'Brien, P., Dembski, S. (2020) The Netherlands: From Public to Private Development without Loss of Control.

Bondinuba, F. K., Stephens, M., Jones, C., Buckley, R. (2020) The motivations of microfinance institutions to enter the housing market in a developing country. International Journal of Housing Policy, 20, pp. 534-554. (doi: 10.1080/19491247.2020.1721411)

Stephens, M. (2020) Towards a multi-layered housing regime framework: responses to commentators. Housing, Theory and Society, 37, pp. 584-596. (doi: 10.1080/14036096.2020.1816573)

(2020) UK Housing Review 2020 [28th ed]

Ruiz, P., Snelson, T., Madgin, R., Webb, D. (2020) ‘Look at What We Made’: communicating subcultural value on London’s Southbank. Cultural Studies, 34, pp. 392-417. (doi: 10.1080/09502386.2019.1621916)


Madgin, R., Kintrea, K. (2019) Beyond the post-industrial – narratives of time and place. Policy Press

Wu, W., Chen, Y., Stephens, M., Liu, Y. (2019) Long working hours and self-rated health: evidence from Beijing, China. Cities, 95, pp. 102401. (doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2019.102401)

Waite, D. (2019) The new political economy of city-regionalism: renewed steps in Glasgow. Policy Press

(2019) Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City.

Kintrea, K., Madgin, R. (2019) Transforming post-industrial Glasgow. Policy Press

White, J. (2019) What once was old is new again: placemaking and transformational regeneration in Glasgow. Policy Press

Gurney, C. (2019) The Meaning of Home: More Than Bricks & Mortar?

James, G. (2019) At Home in the East End of Glasgow.

Kamete, A. Y. (2019) Zimbabwe. Brill

Mah, A., Wang, X. (2019) Accumulated injuries of environmental injustice: living and working with petrochemical pollution in Nanjing, China. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 109, pp. 1961-1977. (doi: 10.1080/24694452.2019.1574551)

Jephcote, C., Mah, A. (2019) Regional inequalities in benzene exposures across the European petrochemical industry: a Bayesian multilevel modelling approach. Environment International, 132, (doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.05.006)

Mah, A. (2019) A layover stop in the African American great migration: identity, ruination, and memory. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42, pp. 2326-2332. (doi: 10.1080/01419870.2019.1605090)

Waite, D., Morgan, K. (2019) City Deals in the polycentric state: the spaces and politics of Metrophilia in the UK. European Urban and Regional Studies, 26, pp. 382-399. (doi: 10.1177/0969776418798678)

Docherty, I., Shaw, J., Waite, D. (2019) The political economy of transport and travel. Policy Press

McCandlish, A., Thomas, A. (2019) When is Graffiti, Graffiti? Exploring and Recording Heritage and Heritage Crime, Young People Have their Say.

Madgin, R. (2019) A place for urban conservation? The changing values of Glasgow’s built heritage. Policy Press

Serin, B. (2019) Branded Verticality: Discursive Formation of Contemporary High-Rise Residential Developments.

James, G., Berry, K., Marks, A. (2019) Alternative Housing Tenures.

Meth, P., Buthelezi, S., Rajasekhar, S. (2019) Gendered il/legalities of housing formalisation in India and South Africa. Environment and Planning A, 51, pp. 1068-1088. (doi: 10.1177/0308518X18792898)

Soaita, A. M., Gibb, K., MacLennan, D. (2019) Housing wealth inequalities in Scotland: an evidence review.

Marsh, A., Gibb, K. (2019) The private rented sector in the UK: an overview of the policy and regulatory landscape.

James, G. (2019) Short-term lets: The need for balance, regulation, and better data.

Gibb, K., Marsh, A. (2019) Housing and systems thinking.

Littlewood, M., Morgan, J., Stephens, M., Young, G., Wilcox, S., Williams, P. (2019) Rent Policy Review: Final Report.

Waite, D., Bristow, G. (2019) Spaces of city-regionalism: conceptualising pluralism in policymaking. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 37, pp. 689-706. (doi: 10.1177/2399654418791824)

Kamete, A. Y. (2019) A Decade of Zimbabwe: Politics, Economy, and Society – 2008-2017. Brill

Gibb, K., Livingston, M., Berry, K. (2019) Overview of private rented housing reforms in Scotland.

Serin, B. (2019) Inequality is being built into cities: segregated playgrounds are just the start. Conversation, pp. 8 May.

Littlewood, M., Morgan, J., Stephens, M., Wilcox, S., Williams, P. (2019) Rent Policy Review: Emerging Findings Report.

Orr, A., Jackson, C., Stewart, J., White, J. (2019) Real Estate Adaptation and Innovation: Diversity and Landownership.

James, G. (2019) How does the land supply system affect the business of UK speculative housebuilding?

Maclennan, D., Pawson, H., Gibb, K., Chisholm, S., Hulchanski, D. (2019) Shaping Futures: Changing the Housing Story: Final Report.

Payne, S., Serin, B., James, G., Adams, D. (2019) How does the land supply system affect the business of UK speculative housebuilding? An evidence review.

Beveridge, R., Koch, P. (2019) Urban everyday politics: politicising practices and the transformation of the here and now. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37, pp. 142-157. (doi: 10.1177/0263775818805487)

Wu, W., Stephens, M., Du, M., Wang, B. (2019) Homeownership, family composition and subjective wellbeing. Cities, 84, pp. 46-55. (doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2018.07.004)

Stephens, M. (2019) Social rented housing in the (Dis)United Kingdom: Can different social housing regime types exist within the same nation state? Urban Research and Practice, 12, pp. 38-60. (doi: 10.1080/17535069.2017.1381760)

White, J. T., Chapple, H. (2019) Beyond design review: collaborating to create well-designed places in Scotland. Journal of Urban Design, 24, pp. 597-604. (doi: 10.1080/13574809.2018.1529537)

Soaita, A. M., Gibb, K., MacLennan, D. (2019) Housing wealth inequalities in Scotland: an evidence review: executive summary.

Beveridge, R. (2019) Intermediaries and networks. Routledge

Stephens, M. (2019) Land value capture through planning and taxation. Chartered Institute of Housing

Gibb, K., Meen, G., Nygaard, C. (2019) Long-run urban dynamics: understanding local housing market change in London. Housing Studies, 34, pp. 338-359. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2018.1491533)

Abidoye, R. B., Junge, M., Lam, T. Y.M., Oyedokun, T. B., Tipping, M. L. (2019) Property valuation methods in practice: evidence from Australia. Property Management, 37, pp. 701-718. (doi: 10.1108/PM-04-2019-0018)

Serin, B., Peker, E. (2019) Retrofitting existing housing stock to achieve CO2 reduction targets. Heritage Turkey, 9, pp. 23-24. (doi: 10.18866/biaa2019.12)

Satsangi, M., Gkartzios, M. (2019) Social inclusion, identities and planning practice. Routledge

O'Brien, P. (2019) Spatial imaginaries and institutional change in planning: the case of the Mersey Belt in north-west England. European Planning Studies, 27, pp. 1503-1522. (doi: 10.1080/09654313.2019.1588859)

Serin, B. (2019) The Banality of evil: Discrimination Within Everyday Life.

Fitzpatrick, S., Pawson, H., Bramley, G., Wood, J., Watts, B., Stephens, M., Blenkinsopp, J. (2019) The Homelessness Monitor: England 2019.

Fitzpatrick, S., Pawson, H., Bramley, G., Watts, B., Wood, J., Stephens, M., Blenkinsopp, J. (2019) The Homelessness Monitor: Scotland 2019.

(2019) UK Housing Review 2019 [27th ed]

Perry, J., Stephens, M., Williams, P., Fitzpatrick, S., Young, G. (2019) UK Housing Review: Autumn Briefing Paper 2019.


James, G. (2018) Poverty in the Private Rented Sector.

Waite, D., Maclennan, D., Roy, G., McNulty, D. (2018) The emergence and evolution of City Deals in Scotland. Fraser of Allander Economic Commentary, 42, pp. 75-90.

Serin, B., Kintrea, K., Gibb, K. (2018) Social housing in Scotland.

Serin, B., Kenny, T., White, J., Samual, F. (2018) Design Value at the neighbourhood scale: what does it mean and how do we measure it?

Livingston, M., Berry, K., Gibb, K., Bailey, N. (2018) Private renting reforms: how to evidence the impacts of the legislation.

James, G. (2018) Co-producing research priorities: Scotland results.

Gibb, K. (2018) Funding new social and affordable housing: ideas, evidence and options.

Stephens, M., Fitzpatrick, S. (2018) Country Level Devolution: Scotland: Social Policy and Distributional Outcomes (SPDO) Research Paper 1.

James, G. (2018) Co-producing research priorities: Our approach.

White, J. T. (2018) High-rise residential development: an international evidence review.

Kamete, A. Y. (2018) Zimbabwe. Brill

White, J. (2018) What Once was Old is New Again: Placemaking and Transformational Regeneration in Glasgow.

Koch, P., Beveridge, R. (2018) Postpolitische Stadt. Verlag Barbara Budrich

Serin, B. (2018) Reviewing the Housing Supply Literature: a Literature Mapping.

Docherty, I., Waite, D. (2018) Evidence Review: Infrastructure.

Serin, B. (2018) Public-led Exclusion: the Case of Branded Housing Projects, Istanbul.

Gibb, K., James, G. (2018) Scotland and the new private rented sector: Part 2.

Serin, B., Samuel, F., White, J., Kenny, T., Foye, C. (2018) The Value of Design in Housing and Neighbourhoods.

Gibb, K., James, G. (2018) Scotland and the new private rented sector: Part 1.

James, G. (2018) What works in homelessness prevention in the UK?

Kamete, A. Y. (2018) Of good plants and useless weeds: planning as a spatial technology of the gardening state. Planning Theory, 17, pp. 253-273. (doi: 10.1177/1473095217701514)

Satsangi, M., Theakstone, D., Matthews, P., Lawrence, J., Rummery, K., Macintosh, S., Baghirathan, S., Boniface, G. (2018) The Housing Experiences of Disabled People in Britain. Research report 114.

Serin, B. (2018) Cross Disciplinary Review of Placemaking Literature: a Literature Mapping.

Soaita, A., Serin, B., Preece, J. (2018) A Methodological Quest for Fast Literature Mapping Within the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence.

Payne, S., Adams, D., Serin, B., James, G. (2018) Contemporary Practices in Speculative Housing Provision.

Escobar, O., Gibb, K., Eltanani, M. K., Weakley, S. (2018) Community Planning Officials Survey: Understanding the Everyday Work of Local Participatory Governance in Scotland. What Works Scotland,

Serin, B., White, J., Kenny, T., Samuel, F., Foye, C. (2018) Housing Placemaking: What is the Value of Design?

James, G., Gibb, K. (2018) Monitoring the private rented sector in Scotland after tenancy reform: A partnership between SPICe, CaCHE and UBDC.

Kamete, A. (2018) Shaw, Carolyn Martin. Women and power in Zimbabwe: promises of feminism. x, 201 pp., map, illus., bibliogr. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 2015. £20.99 (paper) Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 24, pp. 196-197. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9655.12771)

Adams, D., Payne, S., Serin, B., James, G. (2018) Land and housing supply: It's about more than just build out rates.

Sykes, O., O'Brien, P. (2018) Europe inside out: regions to be fearful? Town and Country Planning, 2018, pp. 96-99.

James, G., Foye, C., Young, G. (2018) Our approach to knowledge exchange and how you can get involved.

Kamete, A. Y. (2018) A concept ‘vandalised’: seeing and doing e-planning in practice. International Journal of E-Planning Research, 7, (doi: 10.4018/IJEPR.2018010101)

Jones, C., Morgan, J., Stephens, M. (2018) An Assessment of Historic Attempts to Capture Land Value Uplift in the UK.

Waite, D. (2018) Conference Report - The Great Regional Awakening: New Directions, Regional Studies Association Annual Conference 2017. Town Planning Review, 89, pp. 191-193. (doi: 10.3828/tpr.2018.11)

Beveridge, R., Koch, P. (2018) Depoliticization and urban politics: moving beyond the “post-political” Palgrave Macmillan

Serin, B., Kenny, T., White, J., Samuel, F. (2018) Design Value at the Neighbourhood Scale: What Does It Mean and How Do We Measure It?

Stephens, M. (2018) Housing theory: Impoverished, ethically speaking. Housing, Theory and Society, 35, pp. 246-252. (doi: 10.1080/14036096.2017.1366940)

Perry, J., Stephens, M. (2018) How the purpose of social housing has changed and is changing. Chartered Institute of Housing

Huggins, R., Waite, D., Munday, M. (2018) New directions in regional innovation policy: a network model for generating entrepreneurship and economic development. Regional Studies, 52, pp. 1294-1304. (doi: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1453131)

Kamete, A. Y. (2018) Pernicious assimilation: reframing the integration of the urban informal economy in Southern Africa. Urban Geography, 39, pp. 167-189. (doi: 10.1080/02723638.2017.1298219)

Stephens, M. (2018) Planning frameworks and housing delivery. Chartered Institute of Housing

Madgin, R., Webb, D., Ruiz, P., Snelson, T. (2018) Resisting relocation and reconceptualising authenticity: the experiential and emotional values of the Southbank Undercroft London UK. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 24, pp. 585-598. (doi: 10.1080/13527258.2017.1399283)

Oyedokun, T. B., Dunse, N., Jones, C. (2018) The impact of green premium on the development of green-labelled offices in the U.K. Journal of Sustainable Real Estate, 10, pp. 81-108.

Lincoln, T., Madgin, R. (2018) The inherent malleability of heritage: creating China’s beautiful villages. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 24, pp. 938-953. (doi: 10.1080/13527258.2018.1428666)

(2018) UK Housing Review 2018 [26th ed]


Serin, B. (2017) "Have you noticed the change in the city?" - Mass Media and Housing Futures in Turkey.

Mah, A. (2017) Ruination and post-industrial urban decline. Sage

Oyedokun, T. B. (2017) Green premium as a driver of green-labelled commercial buildings in the developing countries: Lessons from the UK and US. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 6, pp. 723-733. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijsbe.2017.12.007)

Rode, P., Heeckt, C., Huerta Melchor, O., Aherd, R., Robert, A., Badstuber, N., Hoolachan, A., Kwami, C. (2017) Integrating National Policies to Deliver Compact, Connected Cities: an Overview of Transport and Housing.

Dunning, R., O'Brien, P., Moore, T. (2017) Rapid Evidence Assessment of Changes to Mortgage Interest Relief in Ireland 1998 to 2016.

James, G. (2017) Nuancing homelessness figures in Britain.

McCandlish, A. (2017) Revealing Hidden Cultural Heritage through Digital Cultural Asset Mapping.

White, J. T., Bunn, C. (2017) Growing in Glasgow: Innovative practices and emerging policy pathways for urban agriculture. Land Use Policy, 68, pp. 334-344. (doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.07.056)

Serin, B. (2017) “Ever wanted something more?” – Mass Media Representation and Housing Futures.

White, J. (2017) CityPlace, Toronto: Policy Mobility and Vancouverism.

Gibb, K. (2017) Housing benefit: slow on the take-up? Routledge

Milne, R. G., Gibb, K. (2017) Using economic analysis to increase civic engagement. Routledge

Christie, L., Gibb, K., McGregor, A., McTier, A. (2017) Economic Regeneration in Scotland. Past Lessons; Current Practice; Future Challenges.

Serin, B. (2017) How Utopia Became a Real Estate Leaflet?

Dunse, N., Oyedokun, T., Jones, C. (2017) Local Market Factors Influencing Office Stock Greening Process: A Case Study of Three British Cities. (doi: 10.15396/eres2017_139)

Maclennan, D., Waite, D., Muscatelli, A. (2017) Cities in the Scottish economy: patterns, policies and potentials. Routledge

Gibb, K., O’Sullivan, A., MacLennan, D. (2017) Housing. Routledge

Gibb, K., Christie, L. (2017) Local government finance. Routledge

(2017) The Scottish Economy: A Living Book.

Gibb, K., McNulty, D., Maclennan, D., Comerford, M. (2017) The Scottish economy: Background and context. Routledge

Waite, D., McGregor, A., McNulty, D. (2017) Inclusive Growth and City Deals.

Waite, D., McGregor, A., McNulty, D. (2017) Issue Paper on City Deals and Inclusive Growth.

Meth, P., Charlton, S. (2017) Men’s experiences of state sponsored housing in South Africa: emerging issues and key questions. Housing Studies, 32, pp. 470-490. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2016.1219333)

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White, J. T., Punter, J. (2017) Toronto's Vancouverism: developer adaptation, planning responses, and the challenge of design quality. Town Planning Review, 88, pp. 173-200. (doi: 10.3828/tpr.2016.45)

Waite, D. (2017) Asset servicing at a second-tier financial centre: Framing embeddedness through mechanisms of the firm-territory nexus. Geoforum, 80, pp. 1-12. (doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2016.12.014)

O'Brien, P., Sykes, O., Shaw, D. (2017) Evolving conceptions of regional policy in Europe and their influence across different territorial scales. Routledge

Gibb, K., Orr, A., Shanks, P. (2017) Rents, Affordability, Welfare Reform and Social Housing Reform in Northern Ireland: Challenges for Choice Housing, Final Report to Choice Housing.

Mah, A., Wang, X. (2017) Research on environmental justice in China: limitations and possibilities. Chinese Journal of Environmental Law, 1, pp. 263-272. (doi: 10.1163/24686042-12340016)

Beveridge, R., Moss, T., Naumann, M. (2017) Sociospatial understanding of water politics: Tracing the multidimensionality of water reuse. Water Alternatives, 10, pp. 22-40.

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Beveridge, R., Koch, P. (2017) The post-political trap: reflections on politics, agency and the city. Urban Studies, 54, pp. 31-43. (doi: 10.1177/0042098016671477)

Beveridge, R., Koch, P. (2017) What is (still) political about the city? Urban Studies, 54, pp. 62-66. (doi: 10.1177/0042098016671478)

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Serin, B. (2017) Doing Architectural Research: Socio-political Perspectives on Theories, Methodologies and Praxis.

Beveridge, R., Naumann, M. (2017) Für ein Recht auf Infrastruktur! Stadtpolitische Konflikte um die Energie- und Wasserversorgung in Berlin. Springer

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(2017) UK Housing Review 2017 [25th ed]

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Madgin, R., Bradley, L., Hastings, A. (2016) Connecting physical and social dimensions of place attachment: what can we learn from attachment to urban recreational spaces? Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 31, pp. 677-693. (doi: 10.1007/s10901-016-9495-4)

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Milne, R. G., Gibb, K. (2016) Using economic analysis to increase civic engagement. Contemporary Social Science, 11, pp. 79-91. (doi: 10.1080/21582041.2016.1223870)

Waite, D. (2016) How to define and measure inclusive growth: a perspective from Wales.

Serin, B. (2016) A questionable Robin Hood story: branded housing projects and public-led commodification of urban space. Research Turkey, 5, pp. 6-23.

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Waite, D. (2016) Right to the City and Contemporary Public Policy: Some Preliminary Reflections on the UK Context.

Beveridge, R., Naumann, R. (2016) Another urban infrastructure is possible: contesting energy and water networks in Berlin. Routledge

Waite, D. (2016) City dealing in Wales and Scotland: Examining the institutional contexts and asymmetric arrangements for policymaking. Rowman & Littlefield International

Madgin, R. (2016) Contesting liberty: the place of industrial heritage in Leicester's urban regeneration. Carnegie Press

Beveridge, R., Naumann, M. (2016) Contesting neoliberalism in an ‘activist city’: working towards the urban commons in Berlin. Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture, 64, pp. 88-93.

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Hoolachan, A. (2016) Great British Plans: who made them and how they worked. Planning Perspectives, 31, pp. 502-504. (doi: 10.1080/02665433.2016.1166585)

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Gibb, K. (2016) Housing benefit: slow on the take-up? Contemporary Social Science, 11, pp. 40-51. (doi: 10.1080/21582041.2016.1156733)

Stephens, M., Stephenson, A. (2016) Housing policy in the austerity age and beyond. Policy Press

Gibb, K., Stephens, M., Reuschke, D., Wright, S., Besemer, K., Sosenko, F. (2016) How Does Housing Affect Work Incentives for People in Poverty?

Rodger, R., Madgin, R. (2016) Leicester: A Modern History.

Gibb, K., Christie, L. (2016) Local tax reform in Scotland: fiscal decentralization or political solution? Rowman and Littlefield

Hoolachan, A. (2016) Localism and the scalar politics of a sustainable legacy. Routledge

White, J. T. (2016) Planning as placemaking? The case of the East Bayfront Precinct planning process. Oxford University Press Canada

Gibb, K., McNulty, D., McLaughlin, T. (2016) Risk and resilience in the Scottish social housing sector: ‘We’re all risk managers’ International Journal of Housing Policy, 16, pp. 435-457. (doi: 10.1080/14616718.2016.1198085)

Serin, B. (2016) The promised territories: the production of branded housing projects in contemporary Turkey. European Journal of Turkish Studies, 2016,

Madgin, R. (2016) The spirit of the city: what is Leicester's genius loci? Carnegie Press

Stephens, M. (2016) The use of Esping-Andersen and Kemeny’s welfare and housing regimes in housing research. Critical Housing Analysis, 3, pp. 19-29.

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McGillivray, D., McPherson, G., Jones, J., McCandlish, A. (2016) Young people, digital media making and critical digital citizenship. Leisure Studies, 35, pp. 724-738. (doi: 10.1080/02614367.2015.1062041)

Kamete, A. Y. (2016) ‘Programmed to serve’: urban planning and elite interests in Zimbabwe. Palgrave Macmillan

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