Submissions to Parliamentary Inquiries
Submission to the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC): EEA Workers in the UK Labour Market
Focusing on migrants from Central and Eastern Europe living in Scotland, this submission draws on interviews with over 200 migrants and 60 experts (including employers) in both urban and rural areas (Glasgow and Aberdeen, and Angus and Aberdeenshire, respectively) and observations conducted at workplaces, sites of service provision and places where people meet socially. The submission discusses issues around local labour markets, work, experiences in the workplace, and skills and education, from the point of view of both employers and (EEA) employees.
SSAMIS Contributions to Royal Society of Edinburgh Parliamentary Inquiry Submissions
SSAMIS contributed directly to two recent submissions by the Royal Society of Edinburgh to Parliamentary inquiries carried out by the Scottish Parliament’s Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee. The first, a response to the Immigration: Demographics and Skills inquiry, looks at the possibility of a differentiated labour migration policy post-Brexit, and the rights and status of EEA Nationals in Scotland. The second submission, to the inquiry on Article 50 Withdrawal Negotiations, addresses key Brexit issues in areas such as Article 50 negotiations, the Financial Settlement, Research and Citizens Rights.
RSE Submission - Immigration, Demographics and Skills Inquiry
RSE Submission - Article 50 Withdrawal Inquiry
Submission to the Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations (CTEER) Committee: Immigration Inquiry
This is the SSAMIS submission to the Scottish Parliament Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations (CTEER) Committee's Immigration Inquiry. Based on our research and community work, we address two of the proposed discussion points: 1) developing Scottish migrant reception and integration policies, and 2) international outreach activities in immigration. We suggest that in view of Scotland's particular demographic and economic situation and the need to attract and retain migrants in Scotland, developing strategies for migrant reception and integration should be a fundamental policy goal. Please see our submission for further details.
Submission to the APPG on Social Integration: Inquiry into Immigration and Integration
This SSAMIS submission is in response to the call for evidence of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG)on Social Integration inquiry into immigration and integration. We share our findings on ESOL provision and barriers to using it and make recommendations on how it may be improved. We also share our views on devolution of immigration policy and how this might impact on the public debate around immigration and levels of integration locally.
Submission to the APPG on Social Integration
SSAMIS Age and Social Isolation
This report is in reponse to a public inquiry by the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Scottish Parliament. The main finding outlines that the experience of lonliness among new migrants is very common, regardless of people's age.