GHRN Conference 2014

Human Rights in Uncertain Times: Global Lessons for and from Scotland

29th and 30th May 2014, Gilmorehill Campus, University of Glasgow

This conference was held at a particularly pertinent time when Scotland’s own constitutional future is under question in the run up to the independence referendum and where this is increasing polarisation from Westminster on issues relating to human rights, welfare and social justice. The GHRN were keen to highlight and embed a focus on human rights in this debate.

The conference brought a comparative perspective to the Scottish context by critically reflecting on the role a human rights discourse has played, and should play, in Scotland’s uncertain times, and by highlighting international experiences that might provide valuable lessons for Scotland.

Keynote speakers:
Patrick Harvie, Leader of the Green Party and Member of the Scottish Parliament
Dr. Alison Hosie, Head of Research at the Scottish Human Rights Commission
Andrew Tickell A.K.A. Lallands Peat Worrier

Download the Conference Programme 2014.