Integrative viral genomics and bioinformatics

Integrative viral genomics and bioinformatics

Contemporary sequencing technologies and associated computational methods are fundamental to understanding the nature, emergence, epidemiology, evolution and treatment of viral pathogens. These areas of expertise have been core strengths of the CVR since its inception. The Integrative viral genomics & bioinformatics (iVGB) platform provides the capacity to deliver the objectives of all four challenge-led programmes as well as those of the Preparedness, Structural biology and imaging and CRUSH platforms. The iVGB platform aims to support CVR research by exploiting new advances in viral genomics and bioinformatics, maximising its impact by continuing to share its expertise in the UK and internationally. We will deploy novel multi-omics to study virus-host interactions and host responses and adapt existing technologies in metagenomics, sequence enrichment and rapid sequencing to perform population-level surveillance and real-time analysis of viral outbreaks.