Applying for Access


All applications to use the CRYO ARM 300 need to complete a brief proposal to demonstrate the project is ready for high-resolution data collection at the SCMI. This should include:

  • cryo micrograph showing particles in ice
  • 2D or 3D class averages in ice

Negative stain or gel images may also be included.

Proposals are submitted through the ARIA system. Proposals from within the SCMI consortium will be reviewed by the local management group member. External proposals will be reviewed by facility staff.

External users should contact the SCMI facility manager James Streetley to discuss any proposed project prior to submitting an application.


Glasgow users

Users from within the university should contact Mairi Clarke for training and access to the booking calendar within ARIA. 

External users 

Groups outside the university may wish to use the F2-Cryo, either by itself or to prepare specimens for the CRYO ARM. In both cases, users should contact James Streetley for advice and a quotation.