Conference on New Perspectives on Dreaming

Published: 3 May 2023

3-4 July 2023

We are delighted to announce a conference on New Perspectives on Dreaming on the 3-4 July 2023.

The conference will be taking place in person at Room 430, James McCune Smith at the University of Glasgow. We will also be holding the conference hybrid via Zoom.

The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for the exchange of new perspectives on dreaming, with a view to fostering collaborations, and advancing our understanding of dreams along a host of interconnected dimensions: ontological, epistemological, ethical, functional, psychological, and neurophysiological. We will do this by bringing together some of the philosophers and psychologists who have contributed to recent developments in dream research, as well as dream researchers who are new to the field.

The two-day conference will be a hybrid event, thus enabling the widest possible group of researchers to participate. There will be ten presentations in total. Six of these will be delivered by invited speakers (details below) who have been selected in light of their contributions to the recent upsurge of interest in dreaming, as well as their work spanning a wide range of subareas within dream research. The remaining four contributors will be selected via blind-peer review from this Call For Abstracts.

Further details


3 July 2023

9.30-10.45: Katja Valli (Turku and Skövde), “Simulation theories of dreaming”
11-12.15: Robert Cowan (Glasgow), “Getting Lucid About the Imagination Theory of Dreaming”
12.15-13.15: Lunch
13.15-14.30: Adriana Alcaraz Sánchez, (Glasgow) “I woke up with a blank mind. White dreaming and associated phenomena"
14.45-16:00: Michael Sheehy (Virginia), “Perceptual Plasticity, Performative Simulation, and Kinesthetic Sense in Tibetan Buddhist Dream Yoga Practices”
16.15- 17.30: Melanie Rosen (Trent), TBC

4 July 2023

9.30-10.45: Fiona Macpherson (Glasgow), “Perception in Dreams: A Guide for Dream Engineers, a Reflection on the Role of Memory in Sensory States, and a New Counterexample to Hume’s Account of the Imagination”
11-12.15: Ben Springett (Manchester), “What is the relationship between dreaming, sleeping and the unconscious?”
12.15-13.15: Lunch
13.15-14.30: Cecily Whiteley (Cambridge), “Searching for Natural Kinds of Sleep Experience”
14.45-16:00: Qiantong Wu (Singapore), “Dreaming experience as an immersive imagination: A Response to the Doubt on Dream Reports by Schwitzgebel”
16.15-17.30: Matthew Soteriou (KCL), “Dreams of being someone else”

new perspectives on dreaming

First published: 3 May 2023