C-MIU Launched on 11th February

Published: 14 February 2020

The formal launch for C-MIU was on the 11th of February, with the inaugural Dugald Cameron Lecture, presented by Prof. Dugald Cameron.

The Centre for Medical and Industrial Ultrasonics was formally launched on the 11th of February, by Centre Director Prof. Margaret Lucas.

Following introductions from the C-MIU academics to their work, Prof. Dugald Cameron gave the first Dugald Cameron Lecture "A Homage to the First Pioneers of Medical Ultrasound in Glasgow". Which took the audience through the history of the development of the first commercial medical ultrasound diagnostic machines and his experiences working alongside those other pioneers including Prof Ian Donald, John McVicar and Tom Brown.

Dugald Cameron giving the first Dugald Cameron Lecture

First published: 14 February 2020