Critical use of equalities and rights frameworks

The Glasgow Centre for Disability Research has been informed by and furthered use of equality and rights models, including the Capabilities Approach since its inception.

Work in this stream is wide and varied, and includes an examination of rights and care; equality duty and employment; capabilities and people with mental health challenges; reproductive choices and living with a learning disability.

We have gained recognition for our expertise.

For example, Dr Jo Ferrie

  • was appointed external consultant to the Scottish Parliament’s response to the Equalities Act in 2011
  • has been a member of the Research Advisory Group for the Scottish Human Rights Commission since 2013 
  • is inaugural Chair of the Making Rights Real Scottish charity, established in 2020.

Professor Nick Watson is a member of the Equality and Human Rights Commission's Disability Advisory Committee.

Key publications

Ferrie, J. (2019) An Evaluation of Scotland’s National Action Plan. Scottish Human Rights Commission 

Wiseman, P., & Ferrie, J. (2018) Our Bodies, Our Rights: Research Report. Engender and Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory 

Ferrie, J., Wallace, R. and Webster, E. (2018) Realising international human rights: Scotland on the global stage. International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 22(1) 

Ferrie, J. (2012) What has Human Rights got to say about Care and Dignity? In, (Ed) Hynes, P., Lamb, M., Short, D. & Waites, M.  Sociology and Human Rights: New Engagements Routledge