Professor. Dr. Dagmar Bergs-Winkels

She studied educational science, sociology and psychology at the Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf and the Free University Berlin, where she took her Diploma in 1989. From 1989 till 2001 she was Assistent at the Fee Universität Berlin where she took her PHD in 1995. Till 2007 she was lecturer at the Westfälischen Wilhelms University in Münster in the department of empirical research. 2002 she held a Guestprofessorship for „Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods“ at the International University Bremen, today Jacobs University Bremen. 2006  Habilitation in Münster, since 2007 Full Professor of Educational Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg. She is Vice Dean for Study and International Affairs and Head of the BA Program Childhood Education. She still is Senior lecturer (PD) at the WWU Münster. She is speaker of all German Programs for Childhood Education. She is Program Director of the European Certificate of Pre School Gifted Education for the European Council for High Ability (ECHA) and the International Center for the Study of Giftedness, University of Muenster.  She also has the scientific leadership of the Kindergarten Campuskinder Hamburg. Since 2013 member of the Wissenschaftsrat of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Member of  Scientific Organisations

(DGfE) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaften

Sektion Sozialpädagogik, Kommission:Pädagogik der Frühen Kindheit (Early Childhood Education)

(IRATADE) International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence

(ICBF) Internationales Centrum für Begabungsforschung der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster und der Universität Nijmegen

(ECHA) European Council of High Ability              Seit Herbst 06: Program Director for Pre-School Gifted Education in Europe

(BAG) Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Bildung und Erziehung in der Kindheit – (Gründungsmitglied), Arbeitsgruppe Forschung

(ICCE) International Center for the Childhood and Education at the Volgograd state pedagogical University (Kooperationshochschule der Fakultät Wirtschaft und Soziales der HAW)


Scientific interests:

  • Early Education
  • Childhood
  • Giftedness
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods