Tobias Thejll-Madsen

t.thejll-madsen.1 [at]

Research title: Theoretical and practical considerations for working with emotions in autonomous systems

Research Summary

I'm interested in emotional inference. More specifically, I'm interested in the role the face plays in communicating emotion. Research so far has been dominated by faces devoid of contexts such as situational cues or previous knowledge about the person making the expression.  I seek to understand how such aspects can moderate how we make sense of emotional faces.  This can have a big impact on facial research in general, but also on work with artifical agents or in automatic emotion recognition softwares, where simple assumptions between face signal and internal states potentially can lead to to suboptimal interaction or decisions.


On the side, I'm very interested in educational research and have worked on projects looking at students' use of lecture recordings, use of feedback, as well as developed educational resources and interventions focused on reflective learning and supporting students in effective study habits.


Naspi, L., Hoffman, P., Devereux, B., Thejll-Madsen, T., Doumas, L. A. A., & Morcom, A. (Accepted). Multiple dimensions of semantic and perceptual similarity contribute to mnemonic discrimination for pictures. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.


Murzyn, E., Banas, K., & Thejll-Madsen, T. (2021, Jun). Preparing students for online learning: creating and evaluating a self-regulated online learning intervention for first-year students [Paper presentation]. University of Edinburgh Learning & Teaching Conference, Edinburgh.

McCabe, G., & Thejll-Madsen, T. (2020, Nov). Reflection Toolkit: creating and valuing reflection as evidence beyond numbers [Paper presentation]. QAA Scotland International Enhancement Themes Conference: Beyond Measure? Exploring What Counts in Higher Education, Glasgow.

McCabe, G., & Thejll-Madsen, T. (2020, Nov). Curriculum Toolkit: from evidencing to enhancing employability & graduate skills [Workshop]. QAA Scotland International Enhancement Themes Conference: Beyond Measure? Exploring What Counts in Higher Education, Glasgow.

McCabe, G. & Thejll-Madsen, T. (2020, June 16). Curriculum Toolkit: from evidencing to enhancing employability & graduate attributes [Poster]. University of Edinburgh Learning & Teaching Conference, Edinburgh.

Additional Information

I'm author of the University of Edinburgh's Reflection Toolkit, one of the largest free resources for reflection in education. If you are interested in specific tools on reflection, or maybe interested in how to incorporate reflection into your teaching, please reach out or visit