Rémi Fuhrmann



Research title: Civil war in international humanitarian law : between inclusion and exclusion

Research Summary

Remi is currently pursuing his PhD in International Law at the University of Glasgow. His research concentrates on the history and evolution of international law in its relation to civil and colonial conflicts, with a focus on the legal discourses produced during the 1918-1949 period. 

Remi holds a BA in International Relations and an LLM in International Law (mention of excellence) from the University of Quebec in Montreal. His research interests lie in various areas of Public International Law.

Research interests

  • International Humanitarian Law/Law of Armed Conflict
  • History of International Law
  • Critical International Legal Theory
  • International Cultural Heritage Law 
  • Human Rights Law



Légitimités Conflictuelles: Le Droit International Humanitaire entre Légitimité du Statut et Légitimité de la Cause, Canadian Yearbook of International Law (2024) pp. 1-33.

Anne Orford, International Law and the Politics of History (book review), Nordic Journal of International Law, 91 (2022) pp. 343-347.

Destruction of Cultural Property and Fragmentation of International Law: Beyond the Lex Specialis PrincipleJournal of International Law and Comity, 1(2) (2021) pp. 21-35.

Blog posts

Le Tribunal Spécial pour le Liban: d'ores et déjà un échec?, Blog de la Société Québécoise de Droit International, 6 Jan 2019. 



Canadian Bar Association (Quebec Branch) Michel Robert Prize - Best LLM thesis (2022).

University of Glasgow College of Social Sciences PhD Scholarship (2021-2024).

University of Quebec in Montreal Law School Prize, Prize for the best student in the Master's course Universal and Regional Models of International Organizations, 2018.


Ending The Past: International Law, Intertemporality and Reparations for Past Wrongs (German Law Journal & Max Planck Law Transnational Junior Faculty Forum - Max Planck Institute, Berlin, Germany, Sep 2024) (with Melissa Schweizer).

Arbitrariness as Necessity: The Laws of War and the Long Exclusion of Colonised Peoples (Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference - University of Portsmouth, United-Kingdom, Mar 2024).

The Laws of War and the Legitimacy of Civil and Colonial Conflicts (Violent Turns: Sources, Interpretations, Responses - Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights, and Conflict Prevention, The American University of Paris, France, Jun 2023).

The Right to Self-Determination and the Shadow of Civil War: The Discipline of International Law and its Interwar Anxieties (International Summer Research Institute, States and Nations: Diversity, Domination and Legitimacy - EURAC Research, Bolzano, Italy, Jun 2023).

The 1918-1949 International Legal Discourse and Civil War: Between Tradition and Legal Experimentation (Civil Wars & International Laws: The Irish Civil War 1922-23 and the Evolving Laws of War – Irish Center for Human Rights, University of Galway, Ireland, Apr 2023).

Moving Crimes against Cultural Property up the Hierarchy of Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law: Backlash and Weaponization (War and Peace in the 21st Century: The Lifecycle of Modern Armed Conflicts – Ludovika University, Budapest, Hungary, Sep 2022).

Carl Schmitt and the Laws of War: Friend or Enemy? (Critical Legal Conference 2022 – The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway, Aug 2022).

Carl Schmitt and the Law of Armed Conflict: a Paradoxical Critic? (Trinity College Law Student Colloquium  Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Feb 2022).

The Al Mahdi Case : Rethinking the Relationship between Lex Specialis and Lex Generalis (International Law Association Regional Conference  University Minho, Braga, Portugal, Sep 2019).

La Protection des Biens Culturels en Cas de Conflit Armé (University of Sherbrooke International Law Summer School – University of Sherbrooke, Canada, Jun 2019) (with Dr Sophie Rondeau).


Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Glasgow School of Law: Sep 2022 - Present

  • Public International Law - LAW1006 (LLB)
  • Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Practice - LAW5176 (LLM)
  • Jurisprudence - LAW2007 (LLB)
  • Common Law System and Method - LAW1028 (LLB)

Additional Information

Member of the honor roll of the Faculty of political science and law of the University of Quebec in Montreal : Academic years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.