Nur Dania Rosaini

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Research title: n/a

Research Summary

Dania's primary research area centres around muscle strengthening exercises. Currently, she is pursuing her PhD in the field, focusing on the topic of "Co-Creation of Interventions to Enhance Participation in Muscle Strengthening and Its Impact on Metabolic Responses". Her goal is to increase involvement in muscle strengthening exercises by working with the target populations to design an intervention using the co-design methodology. She then intends to evaluate the impact of the intervention on muscle adaptations and metabolic responses.


Rosaini, N.D., et al. (2023). The Effect of Short-Duration Resistance Training Voluntary to Failure on Muscle Adaptation of Men in Overweight. In: Hassan, M.H.A., et al. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Movement, Health and Exercise. MoHE 2022. Lecture Notes in Bioengineering. Springer, Singapore.


Participant | Scottish Physical Activity Research Connections (SPARC) Conference, Edinburgh, November 2023


Dania holds the position of demonstrator and tutor at the undergraduate level for courses in Human Biological Sciences, and Physiology & Sports Science.