Jahid Nur
Email: 3026997N@student.gla.ac.uk
Research title: Informal Apprenticeship for Human Development in the Global South: The Case of BRAC STAR in Expanding Capabilities for Underprivileged Urban Female Youth
Research Summary
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is considered to be an avenue through which Bangladesh can support its youth's flourishing and reap the benefits of its “demographic dividend”. This reflects the overall interest in TVET in the Global South due to its transformative potential in promoting economic productivity and contributing to the agenda of equality for groups marginalised on account of poverty, gender, location or other factors. BRAC’s Skills Training for Advancing Resources (STAR) is one such skills development programme that aims to promote “social inclusion” and “decent work” for school dropouts aged 14 to 18 with a strong focus on gender equality. The programme uses an informal apprenticeship model where an apprentice learns a trade from a master crafts person.
Drawing on the capabilities approach, this research wants to explore the potential of BRAC STAR in expanding the capabilities of underprivileged urban female youth in Bangladesh. This group faces severe gender-based constraints in expanding livelihood capabilities, which affects their capabilities in other domains. By studying this population, their family members and their trainers, this research will generate evidence on whether and how an informal apprenticeship programme can expand the capabilities of the target group and contribute to their overall wellbeing. Furthermore, the research would consider a broader conceptualisation of wellbeing including aspirations, recognition and freedoms, going beyond employability and income-generating ability. The findings have policy implications for the Global South in reimagining TVET for the vulnerable target group of the research.
- College of Social Sciences (CoSS) PhD Scholarship
University of Glasgow
- Grant for Master's Thesis
BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), BRAC University
Being New Poor in Bangladesh: Coping Strategies, Constraints, and Trajectories
Presented at the 1st Development Development Studies International Conference 2024, Dhaka, Bangladesh