Six new Scottish Justice Fellows have been selected after a competitive application process to turn their PhD research into publications that will engage and inform policy, practice and academic audiences.

The six are: Konstantinos Kosmas Gaitis (University of Edinburgh), Katie Gambier-Ross (University of Edinburgh), Tia Simanovic (University of Strathclyde), Ryan Casey (University of Glasgow), Lucy Cathcart Frödén (University of Glasgow) and Kate Thomson (Glasgow Caledonian University).

They will now work for the next seven months to produce written, visual or oral presentation of their work which will maximise impact and engagement with their findings.

The Scottish Justice Fellows initiative was launched by the Scottish Government, the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR) and the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) to explore the substantial untapped resource in PhDs on policing, crime, justice and related issues completed in Scotland.

Cabinet Secretary for Justice Keith Brown said: “The Scottish Government continue to use the best available evidence to inform our policy and decision-making and I recognise the important contribution academic research makes to this process.

“I am extremely impressed with the consistent innovation shown by the Fellows, and the Fellowship Scheme funded by the Scottish Government, will allow us to draw on previously untapped PhD research to strengthen Scotland’s justice system and help keep communities safe.

“I would like to extend my congratulations to everyone involved in this year’s Fellowship Scheme that will help inform policy decisions and practices going forward.”

Dr Alistair Fraser, Director of SCCJR, said: “The latest cohort of Fellows are an incredible bunch, showing the creativity and vitality of the criminological community in Scotland. The sheer breadth of topics and range of activities puts joy in my heart, pointing the way to a revived future for crime and justice. As they grow in confidence in engaging with new audiences, we will all be enriched.

“This round of SJF is particularly significant, as it enables much-needed support for colleagues who entered the job market during the dark days of the pandemic. I am proud that SCCJR can offer a hand in this way, and grateful to the Scottish Government and SIPR for making it happen. I warmly congratulate those who were successful and thank those who applied. I am very much looking forward to seeing what they each produce over the coming months.”

Dr Liz Aston, SIPR, commented: “These fellowships represent a valuable partnership between SIPR, SCCJR, and the Scottish Government. Translating research and nurturing the impact potential for early career researchers continues to be a key priority, and these fellowships are a vital tool in using high quality doctoral research to generate impacts on policy and practice.

“SIPR is excited to work with, champion, and support these six talented early career researchers through this programme.”

The 2022 Fellows and their research topics are as follows:

  • Dr Konstantinos Kosmas Gaitis - Law Enforcement vs. NGOs: How Do Different Professional Values and Opinions Influence the Viewing of Human Trafficking?
  • Katie Gambier-Ross - ‘Going Out’: An Everyday and Emplaced Practice of Everyday Citizenship for People Living with Dementia.
  • Dr Tia Simanovic - Bereavement and Imprisonment: A descriptive phenomenological exploration of prisoners’ experiences of bereavement in carceral contexts.
  • Dr Ryan Casey - Left to their own devices: A techno-social ethnography of penal electronic monitoring in Scotland.
  • Lucy Cathcart Frödén - The role of creative collaboration in reframing dominant narratives and imagining alternative futures in the Scottish criminal justice system.
  • Kate Thomson - A critical exploration of professionals' understandings of, and responses to, the sexual exploitation of children and young people in Scotland.

The Fellows will receive financial support in addition to mentorship from both academic mentors and analysts from Justice Analytical Services within the Scottish Government, who will provide feedback and guidance, as well as help them with career advice and widen professional networks and engagement.

An event will take place towards the end of the year where each Fellow will have the chance to present their work and discuss their findings with policy, practice and academic colleagues.

1. The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR), is a collaboration of four Scottish universities (Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling and Strathclyde) that aims to produce research and develop researchers so as to better the development of policy, practice and public debate about crime and justice.

2. The Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) is a collaboration between Police Scotland, the Scottish Police Authority, and 14 Scottish universities established to carry out high quality, independent research and to make evidence-based contributions to policing policy and practice.

3. The Scottish Justice Fellowship is funded by the Scottish Government’s Justice Analytical Services Division.

4. You can view previous SJF Briefing Papers on the SCCJR Website.

First published: 20 April 2022

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