Press praise for Top-Up Scheme at the University of Glasgow

Published: 4 September 2012

The University’s Top-Up scheme to encourage applications from students from all backgrounds was widely praised in an article in the Herald newspaper on Monday 3 September 2012. The story was later taken up in other parts of the media including the Scotsman, Press and Journal, STV and Metro.

The University of Glasgow’s Top-Up scheme to encourage applications from students from all backgrounds was widely praised in an article in the Herald newspaper on Monday 3 September 2012. The story was later taken up in other parts of the media including the Scotsman, Press and Journal, STV and Metro. 

STV Online: Deprived students do just as well at university as affluent students 
Scotsman: Offering a level playing field pays dividends

‌Research into 1,000 students who secured a place at the University of Glasgow after attending what the Herald called “its ground-breaking” top-up scheme shows a higher progression rate into second year than students from more affluent areas. It also suggests that these students are doing well in their studies – despite being allowed to enter with slightly lower grades – because they have to meet the same academic standards required to progress into second year.Professor Anton Muscatelli

Dr Neil Croll, Acting head of Widening Participation, told the Herald that the Top-Up scheme offered a level playing field to all students, whilst the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Glasgow, Professor Anton Muscatelli, said the scheme had been a huge success and showed what could be done to encourage access from all parts of Scottish society: “We are looking to identify students as early as possible in secondary schools and help them to raise pupils’ ambitions and do more than just intervening in the final years.” ‌

In an editorial, entitled University access scheme sets a new benchmarkthe Herald commented that; “All universities should take encouragement from Glasgow’s Top-up success because it shows that disadvantaged 17 year-olds have the potential to become graduates of the highest calibre. As Professor Anton Muscatelli, the Principal of Glasgow University, points out, these students are more motivated than those who haven’t had to fight to get into university and prove just as able, if not more so.”  

First published: 4 September 2012