Fire safety
Fire represents one of the most significant risks both to the University's buildings and potentially to those within them. The University undertakes fire risk assessment of all of its properties and has a range of procedures in place to manage fire safety both at a central level and in individual buildings. This includes procedures for routine testing of fire alarm systems, conducting fire drills and for training of staff.
The University has prepared the following document which sets out the arrangements and procedures within the University for the management of fire safety.
Fire Safety Policy and Arrangements (Amended Sept 2023) (pdf download)
Heads of Management Unit are expected to co-operate with these procedures and also to develop and record local arrangements to manage specific fire risk that may arise from the nature of the work undertaken in their Unit. e.g. use of flammable liquids or gases etc. (see DSEAR guidance within Chemical Safety section)
Emergency evacuation for disabled people
Information on the arrangements in place for providing assisted evacuation to people with disabilities can be found here. Arrangements for assisting disabled people with evacuation.
Fire Safety Coordinators and Fire Wardens
Heads of Management Unit are responsible for ensuring that a Fire Safety Coordinator (FSC) and one or more Depute Fire Safety Coordinators are appointed from amongst their staff for each building in which their unit is located. These appointments will normally be made in consultation with other Units based within the building. In most buildings there will also be a need to appoint Fire Wardens to assist during fire drills and building evacuations. The duties of Fire Safety Coordinators and Fire Wardens are set out within the Fire Safety Policy.
Fire Drills
Fire drills should be carried out each Semester and are arranged by the building Fire Safety Coordinator. ALL occupants MUST evacuate the building during any fire alarm activation whether this is known to be a drill or is an unplanned activation of the alarm system.
Staff Fire SafetyTraining
It is essential that all staff are aware of the action they should take to avoid causing a fire and and to respond correctly should they become involved in an incident. All staff should complete the on-line fire safety training hosted within Moodle at least once every three years. Where a need for supplementary fire safety training is identified, bespoke training can be arranged through SEPS. SEPS also provide formal training for Fire Safety Coordinators and Fire Wardens. FSC and FW courses will be held in the Conference Room of the Isabella Elder Building which is located on the first floor. PLEASE NOTE if you are unable to access the first floor of a building with no lift please advise as soon as possible.
On-line training can be accessed by following the instructions below.
Step 1: Click on this link: On-line Fire Safety Training.
Step 2: Log into Moodle with your GUID and password.
Step 3: Select "Fire Safety Training" and follow Moodle instructions to begin course.
"Hot" Work
Some building maintenance tasks may involve the use of equipment capable of igniting a fire. - Typically this is known a "hot" work. Examples of this include the use of blowlamps, grinders, welding equipment - in essence any equipment that produces heat, sparks or has a naked flame may fall into this category. All Management Units MUST operate suitable procedures to control such work whenever it is carried on outside a controlled environment such as a workshop or laboratory. Further details of the procedures required can be found on our Hot Work page.