A Short Guide to Narrative CVs

Resumes for Research and Innovation (R4RIs) are a way to present the skills and capabilities of a grant applicant in narrative form, rather than a traditional CV format. When a team is applying for an award from UKRI, a single R4RI is required for the team rather than individual CVs, limiting the space available to highlight individuals and requiring teams to consider carefully how to approach the RRI and what to include.

Resume for Research and Innovation Modules

Considerations to take into account

Key Narrative Statements

Develop key narrative statements that show the TEAM can deliver the proposal. Consider each R4RI module and any notes from the call. Teams should tailor statements to the project, call and team. Possible exemplars:

Collect information and evidence

Collect information/evidence from the team to support each of the key narrative statements. Information/evidence should be tailored to the key narrative statements, the project and the call. Some kinds of information/evidence that may be useful to consider asking for/including:

Compile the Data

Compile the R4RI, choosing information/evidence that most closely align with the proposal, the call and the competencies the team need to demonstrate.  Some final things to bear in mind: