SFC Outcome Agreements

The following link provides the Outcome Agreement related funding from the Scottish Funding Council (SFC):

Summary of the main changes for the University of Glasgow:

 University of Glasgow 2023-24 £k 2022-23 £k Diff £k Diff %
Total Teaching Funding  100,006 99,010 +996 +1%
Research Excellence Grant 50,971 51,037 -66 -0.1%
Research Postgraduate Grant  8,599 8,657 -58 -0.6%

University Innovation Fund

2,606 1,755 +851 +48%
Total Research 62,176 61,449 +727 +1.2%
Total Teaching & Research 162,182 160,459 +1,723 +1.1%
SFC Capital Maintenance 508 2,207 -1,699 -77%

Obtained from the General Funding and Capital Funding Sections of Annex A of the SFC Grant Letters. Ring-fenced funding for controlled subjects, excluded in other internal reporting, has been included.

Updated July 2023