EU Settlement Scheme Pilot

Published: 3 December 2018

An update for EU nationals working at the University

The EU Settlement Scheme Pilot is now underway across most UK universities.

EU nationals who are employed or who are engaged as a casual worker at the University of Glasgow are eligible to make an application for pre-Settled or Settled status before the Settlement Scheme goes fully live around March 2019. Those employees who are family members of EU citizens and who work at the University are also eligible to apply. Participation in the pilot of the scheme is entirely voluntary and is administered by the Home Office.

To participate in the pilot, applicants need to begin the application process on an Android device, which you need to read the biometric details in your passport or BRP card. To ease the process for those without access to Android devices, the University has sourced two Android devices. Details of when and where the devices are available can be found on: along with Frequently Asked Questions.

The Pilot is running between 15 November and 21 December 2018. If you would like to participate in the Pilot, contact contact who will send you the link to The Home Office Pilot Scheme.


First published: 3 December 2018