Meet...Frank Gribben

Published: 9 November 2017

Frank Gribben has joined the UofG in the role of Strategic Project Director for the Adam Smith Business School / PGT space building project.

Frank Gribben has joined the UofG in the role of Strategic Project Director for the Adam Smith Business School building project. The new building on the south-west corner of the former Western site will also house PGT teaching and social space for the whole University.

He has joined the University from the National Galleries of Scotland, where he worked for three years as a Business Planning Advisor. During this time he was involved in three large capital projects and was the project sponsor for one of these.

Frank has 25 years’ experience working in higher education in Scotland, including at the Scottish Funding Council and Universities Scotland. He was the Registrar of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Edinburgh for 12 years, in which role he oversaw many estates developments, including chairing the project development board for the relocation of the Business School.

Frank is co-ordinating the development of our strategic and full business cases, including evaluation of the pilot work we are undertaking across our three areas of research, corporate and policy connections, and learning and teaching.

During the coming weeks Frank will be meeting staff and students across the Business School to talk about the new building and the ways people can get involved to influence and inform its design.

You can get in touch with Frank at or on extension 3079. He is based in room 407a, Level 4 of the Business School.

Image of Mr Frank Gribben, Strategic Project Director for the Adam Smith Business School estates development.

First published: 9 November 2017