Free media training for ESRC-funded academic staff

Published: 13 July 2015

The Economic and Social Research Council is offering media training to University of Glasgow staff who have ESRC funding.

The Economic and Social Research Council is offering media training to University of Glasgow staff who have ESRC funding.

Image from ESRC media trainingThe Research Council's communications team say they will be in Glasgow on 16 July and will be glad to hear from academic staff who are interested. There are a few spaces left and the course is free to attend.

They are offering a one day-long media training session that provides the opportunity to develop practical media skills in a safe environment.

The ESRC say they believe by concentrating resources this way they will be able to give maximum opportunity for researchers, no matter what stage of their career, to develop their skills and feel comfortable handling media interviews. They say: "Whether a PhD student, postdoctoral researcher or senior fellow, the new practical media training session provides the guidance needed to engage the media with confidence – and plenty of opportunity to practice.

"In small group settings run by journalists, the sessions are full of simulations providing each delegate with expert advice, allowing them to develop their interview technique, explain the findings of their research, and pitch their story. The course is tailor-made for academics no matter what stage of their career, including those with little or no experience of interacting with the media.

"We aim for the day to be fun as well as informative, building relationships and confidence, whilst learning new skills in a supportive environment."

For more information visit Media Training for ESRC-funded researchers

If you are interested, contact:

The University of Glasgow's Communications Office also regularly offers day-long media training sessions for UofG staff. For more information on these courses, just email:

First published: 13 July 2015

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