Report on ExReMet event

Published: 10 August 2015

Lynette Jordan reports ExReMet event.

Exploring The Rehabilitation and Recovery Methods of The Women Exposed To Domestic Violence at European Level (ExReMet) is a project involving institutions from six European countries, including the University of Glasgow.

The project aims to examine the different methods of rehabilitation for women at European level in order to determine how European countries deal with similar problems and what the benefits of rehabilitation on women are. 

Below, Project leader from the Univeristy of Glasgow Lynette Jordan reports on the event held by ExReMet on 24 July.

 “The ExReMet event proved there is a lot of concern, understanding and good practice happening throughout Europe on the issue of domestic abuse and violence against women.

“Partners in the Grundtvig collaboration from Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Scotland (UK) attended their last partnership meeting to share their work over the last two years with practitioners throughout Scotland.

“Over the two years the women from all six countries have designed and disseminated several products e.g. a social & legal report, a report on services available, an ExReMet bag in each country, a leaflet with women’s inspirational stories, and a dvd which shows campaigns and services throughout the six countries.

“At the event they each presented this work to an audience of women’s aid workers, community safety workers, Assist, the Procurator Fiscal’s office, Scottish Drugs Forum, SAY women, community development practitioners and many other vital workers in the field of domestic abuse and violence against women, the Minister for Community Safety & Legal Affairs.

“Paul Wheelhouse MSP explained that the present Scottish government will be providing additional resources for Court work, community safety and support for other services.

“Other key speakers included Baillie Fariha Thomas from Glasgow City Council and Dr Marsha Scott from Scottish Women’s Aid. Please see the link for the groundbreaking dvd. The full transcript and recording of the event will be available to view soon.”

Lynette Jordan, Lecturer (Social Justice Place and Lifelong Education)

 ExReMet conference

First published: 10 August 2015

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