Image of Science Way at the Bower BuildingScience Way / Bower Building

The trenching work and other excavations in the vicinity of the Botany Gate and Bower Building are stepping up a gear: pedestrian access is being maintained.

University Avenue

These roads works continue as trenches are prepared for the new, district heating system pipe network. The contra-flow on University Avenue, controlled by traffic lights, has switched sides taking the flow of traffic to the McMillan Reading Room side.  This part of the work will last until mid-August before the focus moves towards Gibson Street.

Image of road works on University Avenue

Dumbarton Road

Work involving Scottish Gas will be affecting Dumbarton Road from this week onwards.  There is likely to be traffic control on the main road as that work extends down towards Partick Cross.

Davidson Building

There is still intensive work going on adjacent to the Davidson Building on the South side of the Gilmorehill campus. The new energy centre, home for the combined heat and power engine, will be located here.

The major operation to start work on the chimney stack for the energy centre has been put back until later this month - probably the weekend of 22/23 August. We'll bring you updates and advisories on this closer to the time. The contractors have the task of bringing a 350 tonne crane on campus to help manoeuvre the chimney sections into position. All being well, this operation will finish by the Sunday evening (23rd). 

Crown House are making every effort to keep the pedestrian footpaths in operation, despite the rapidly changing works around the Davidson Building. This week you should still be able to come on to the campus from the Dumbarton Road gate, for parking near the Maggie's Centre. 

Fraser Building and the McMillan Reading Room

Work is now getting underway to reinstate Southpark Avenue. The car park in that area is being kept open only for deliveries and other essential traffic for the cafeteria and other services in the Fraser Building, including the John Smith's bookshop.

The work on University Avenue has required the closure of the front entrance for the McMillan Reading Room: you'll can get access from the rear of the building.

North Front

The excavation of a narrow trench up the slip road from the Pearce Lodge in front of the James Watt North building is continuing.  It's been hampered slightly by the need for extreme caution as existing service pipes and cables are uncovered.  Great efforts are also being made to avoid any damage to the mature trees in that area. The slip road down to the Pearce Lodge is currently closed to traffic. Traffic can exit via the South Front down Engineering Way to the Pearce Lodge.

In a few weeks' time, once other work on the Main Campus is complete, the Pearce Lodge will be closed to traffic for a time, as the pipe network head south on to University Avenue.

Gilbert Scott Building

District Heating Scheme work taking place in the Quadrangles is going to mean creating a route for debris to be removed through the North West Undercroft near the lift to the Hunterian and the University Shop.  The usual pedestrian access will continue.


The District Heating Scheme project is going to involve laying in the region of five and a half kilometres of new pipework across the University campus (both sides of University Avenue) over the next seven months or so. 

This is to replace the old system, which was more than fifty years old. In some cases, the new network will also help facilitate high voltage and IT cables to improve campus services.

To view the entire extent of the district heating scheme, and the different phases of work, see the Big Picture Map

Any questions? Contact

First published: 3 August 2015

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