Psychology & Neuroscience

This subject guide is designed for individuals looking for information relating to psychology and neuroscience or those looking to develop their information and academic literacies in these areas.

The psychology collection can be found using Library search.

Print books are available on Level 5 of the Library and the High Demand Collection on Level 3.

College Librarian: Paul Cannon.

Academic writing and critical appraisal



Identifying appropriate information sources

Depending on your information requirements, you may have to look beyond the UofG Library:

  • Library Hub Discover provides access to the collections of many UK national, academic and specialist libraries.

You may also need to engage with grey literature, information that has not formally been published or undergone a peer review process.

Examples of grey literature include:

Finding relevant information

Textbooks and monographs

Journal articles

Bibliographic databases provide access to quality assessed information. Prior to searching for journal articles you should consider

The key resources for psychology and neuroscience are:

Depending on the research topic these databases may be the starting point

Finding fulltext articles and books

If you cannot find what you are looking for

Evidence summaries and further healthcare information

Managing Information

Processing information

  • Academic development classes focus on the most effective ways to revise and take exams, and how to use feedback to continually improve your academic performance.

Managing information

EndNote can be used to manage and cite information.

Keeping up-to-date

Keeping up-to-date with information is a difficult task. There are various methods, tools and apps to make it an easier task.

Plagiarism and copyright

Attribution and avoiding plagiarism

  • Academic writing classes are designed to help students understand referencing and incorporate sources into your written assessments
  • APA style guidance is important in Psychology, consult style guides from the APA via Library search

Copyright and IRP issues

Copyright is intended to protect the authors and creators of original material.

Further information can be found at Copyrightuser.

Presenting and communicating knowledge

Science communication classes introduce good presentation and poster design and speaking to an audience about your work.

Systematic reviews

Additional resources to ensure that protocols and systematic reviews meet the required methodological standards.

Managing your online identity and digital footprint

Help control your digital identity by promoting a positive identity online and preventing or limiting negative online identity.

Information in the workplace

Information is a key component in aiding transition to and from professional practice, whether that be on placement or upon graduation.

Professional bodies often provide access to academic and trade journals. If you are practicing in NHSScotland you are eligible to register with the Knowledge Network.

Upon graduation, tools such as PubMed and the Knowledge Network provide access to quality information sources, whilst the Knowledge Network and NHS Libraries can also connect you to information behind paywalls. 

Open access research papers access:

Need help?

Please book an appointment if you require further assistance.