WORKING / VISITING OVERSEAS - Frequently Asked Questions

Can I return to my home country/base myself outside of the UK to work remotely?

Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:14

UoG are a UK employer and the vast majority of our contracts are based in Glasgow, therefore this is where staff are employed to work and payroll arrangements are set up. We are not set up to support UK staff basing themselves outside of the UK to work for personal reasons. 

Where we do require staff to work elsewhere e.g. Europe, China, Singapore we have explored how to do this appropriately prior to setting this up, considering compliance with the relevant contractual and legal requirements of these specific countries. Due to the level of complexity involved and implications for both UoG and staff members with overseas working, staff who are employed on a UK contract are required to remain in the UK to work. 

If there is a business need for you to work remotely from another country, this must be discussed with your line manager and School and they will liaise with your local People & OD Team to discuss this further.

Can I post an existing UK member of staff overseas?

Last updated: Mon Mar 18 8:36

There are a number of areas that may require consideration prior to posting a staff member overseas including employment contracts, health and safety, insurance and tax.  Due to the complexity of employing staff overseas it is important that advice is sought from your local People & OD Team as early as possible to ensure that country specific considerations can be identified, and any additional costs related to these can be highlighted.

What about Health and Safety while travelling for work or working overseas?

Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:13

Where travel and limited practical activity only is involved and the risks are judged to be low and comparable to those encountered during typical travel within the UK, a detailed written risk assessment is unlikely to be necessary for every individual journey. Where travel is to more hazardous areas, or where special factors increase the risk in normal safe areas, a more detailed written risk assessment of the activity as a whole will normally be needed. The Overseas Travel Risk Assessment template can be accessed via the following link:

Who can provide a letter, so that I can obtain a visa to attend an overseas conference?

Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:13

People & OD can provide you with a letter confirming your employment details. Please submit a request via Ivanti, ensuring that you provide details of the business trip/conference and any other items you wish to be included in the letter.

What options are there for employing staff overseas?

Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:10

If you are considering employing staff based overseas or posting an existing member of staff on an oversees assignment, you should contact your Local Resourcing Coordinator (LRC) or local People & OD team. It is important that advice is sought before any commitment is given to employing staff overseas. There a number of options for employing staff overseas which are included in the following link:

Am I insured to work overseas?

Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:13

Travel Insurance can be arranged for employees and the spouses, partners and children of employees accompanying the employee. To be eligible, the employee must be travelling on University related business and have received approval in line with the University's travel policy.

Applications should be made as soon as you have booked your travel arrangements and can be submitted by logging into the travel insurance application, using your GUID, via the following link –

How long can I go overseas on a short-term business trip?

Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:14

Staff can go overseas on short-term business trips for a period up to 6 weeks. Please ensure that you request permission from your line manager and record your business absence on the HR Payroll System.

Can a member of my team return to their home country to work remotely?

Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:11

UoG are a UK employer and the vast majority of our contracts are based in Glasgow, therefore this is where staff are employed to work and where payroll arrangements are set up. We are unable to support UK staff basing themselves outside of the UK to work for personal reasons. Therefore staff members on UK contracts should not base themselves outside of the UK to work for personal reasons. If there is a business need for a member of your team to work remotely from overseas, please contact your local People & OD Team to discuss this further.

Can I employ a member of staff who will be based overseas?

Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:10

There are a number of areas that may require consideration prior to employing staff based overseas including employment contracts, payroll, visa and immigration, health and safety, insurance and tax.  Due to the complexity of employing staff overseas it is important that advice is sought from your Local Resourcing Coordinator (LRC) and People & OD Team as early as possible to discuss this and ensure that country specific considerations can be identified, and any additional costs related to these can be highlighted.