

President of the Senate

The Principal, Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli MA PhD FRSA FRSE Ac

Clerk of Senate and Vice-Principal

Professor John Briggs BA PhD

Other Members of the Senate

The Senate is now too large for the traditional list of members to be included here. For details, please consult: www.glasgow.ac.uk/services/senateoffice

Director of the Senate Office

Dr Jack Aitken BA PhD

Council of Senate

In February 2014, Senate established the Council of Senate. The remit of the Council of Senate is, in summary, to undertake all normal business of Senate on Senate's behalf. In formal terms, the Council is a committee of Senate.

The decision to establish the Council of Senate was made to address several features of Senate's own composition through the creation of a body which included a majority of elected members and which included student members. The ratio of elected members to members ex officio of the Council is 2:1 and there are 12 student members. The composition of Senate, established in primary legislation, includes all members of the professoriate of the University, together with a number of elected members (equal to one-third of the number of professors of the University). The membership of Senate in consequence currently totals approximately 600. The effects of this are to produce a decision-making body which is very large and for which it is practically difficult to ensure the presence of a quorum at meetings (one-third of the total membership, also established in primary legislation). The membership of Council is approximately 120.

The Council of Senate remains answerable to Senate. Meetings of the full Senate may be called at any time in accordance with the Standing Orders of Senate.  Senate may amend the powers of the Council or abolish the Council at any time. Members of Senate who are not members of the Council receive copies of the papers for Council meetings and have the right to attend meetings of the Council and to participate in discussions (but not vote) at Council meetings.