RET Fellowship FAQs

Do I have to be a member of staff at the University of Glasgow?

Anyone who teaches University of Glasgow students is eligible to apply. As well as those in ‘traditional’ academic roles, we encourage applications from those in other roles who play an important part in supporting students’ learning, e.g. GTAs, librarians, technicians etc. From September 2023, honorary members of staff who teach UofG students will be eligible to participate in RET.

How much does RET cost?

RET is free to all members of staff and GTAs if they are teaching / supporting the learning of UofG students.

What teaching counts as evidence?

A range of activities provide evidence towards RET. Teaching and/or supporting learning in the field, the clinic and online count, as well as classroom-based lectures, tutorials and labs (as leader or demonstrator).

Do I have to be involved in assessing students formally?

For RET Fellow or Senior Fellow, you will need to address Area of Activity A3 (Assess and give feedback to learners), making a convincing case that you the work you do relates to assessment and feedback but this does not need to include setting and grading assessments.  For example, you may be working with students to help them prepare essays or dissertations where you have not set the task nor will mark the assignment.  Nonetheless you will be working with assessment criteria and the feedback you provide on these will enable students to improve.  If it is very difficult to provide evidence of your work on assessment and feedback, it might be that recognition as an Associate Fellow is more suitable.

Do I have to attend a mandatory introduction session?

All participants who engage with RET must attend a mandatory session to introduce the requirements of RET. This includes those who are new to the framework or who have obtained their recognition elsewhere, including direct application to Advance HE, and who wish to pursue another category of recognition via RET.

Can I use a previous teaching observation as my RET observation?

A teaching observation undertaken specifically to support your application to RET is required. The teaching observation is intended to be developmental by giving you an opportunity to reflect on your teaching and to demonstrate your commitment to evidence-based CPD.  Also, it confirms that you are engaging in appropriate teaching activities, a requirement for recognition. Remote teaching, and your support for learning (e.g. resources on Moodle) can be observed as well as classroom-based teaching.

Can I participate in RET if I'm on ECDP?

Some staff on the Early Career Development Programme may, in discussion with their ECDP mentor and/or Head of School, feel that they already have a substantial track record of a reflective, reasoned, and innovative approach to teaching, course design, assessment and evaluation. In some instances where such a substantive track record exists it may be deemed appropriate to pursue Fellowship of RET through the experiential route instead of completing the PGCAP programme that is the normal component of ECDP. Please refer to the PGCAP guidelines on Accreditation for Prior Learning for more information. Since engagement in RET involves significant support and draw on resource from its providers, participants in RET are only able to engage in one route at any point in time. In practice, this means that anyone engaged in PGCAP (the RET Taught Route) cannot simultaneously engage in the RET experiential route, and vice-versa. 

What if I’m not currently teaching?

It is not possible to apply for recognition of your learning and teaching practice without having been involved in teaching/supporting learning recently. However, we encourage you to attend elements of the University’s CPD provision focused on learning and teaching to continue to develop your knowledge and experience in anticipation of applying later.

Can I use evidence of teaching I’ve done at another institution?

You can draw on your practice in other institutions. However, your teaching at Glasgow should be observed and at least part of your application should relate to teaching you have done at UofG.

Are the workshops compulsory?

The workshops are not compulsory, but they will support you in gathering evidence and in the preparation of your application.

What is a peer group?

Once we have accepted your Expression of Interest, you are registered with RET. At this stage, we will allocate you to a peer group. This is a small group of individuals (4-6) applying for similar categories of recognition. The function of the peer group is to enable you to organise peer observations of teaching and to provide mutual support. In particular, people have found it useful to offer feedback on colleagues' applications. Please note, it is up to you to contact your peer group after you have been allocated.

Does my referee have to be a Fellow of RET or Advance HE/HEA?

All RET applications must be supported by at least one reference depending on the category for which you are applying, as detailed below.

  • Associate Fellowship (RET AF): One reference from a course convenor/co-ordinator or other professional who can comment on the quality of your teaching or learning support.
  • Fellowship (RET F): References from two colleagues who can comment directly on your teaching and/or learning support and make links between your practice and the UKPSF. At least one of these should be from a senior academic (Senior lecturer or Professor), and at least one should hold recognition from RET or Advance HE/ HEA (in any category). Your referees can be from the University of Glasgow or elsewhere.
  • Senior Fellowship (RET SF): References from two colleagues who can comment directly on your teaching and make links between your practice and the UKPSF. At least one of these should be from a senior colleague (Senior lecturer/Professor) and at least one should hold fellowship of RET or the Advance HE/HEA (in any category).  These colleagues can be from the University of Glasgow or elsewhere.
  • Principal Fellow (RET PF): References from three colleagues who can attest to your sustained strategic leadership in learning, teaching and assessment. One of your references needs to be from a senior academic colleague (Senior lecturer/Professor), and at least one should hold fellowship of RET or Advance HE/HEA (in any category). At least one referee should be external to the University of Glasgow.

How do I get started?

The first step is to attend an introductory session, booked via Eventbrite.