Workshop on 'AI in Pervasive Well-Being and Healthy Ageing'

Workshop on 'AI in Pervasive Well-Being and Healthy Ageing'; ARC Public
Date: Thursday 29 June 2023
Time: 09:30 - 17:00
Venue: Advanced Research Centre
Category: Conferences, Public lectures, Social events, Academic events, Student events, Alumni events, Staff workshops and seminars

Over the past decade, paradigm shifts have been made towards the way healthcare is delivered and managed. Emerging pervasive sensing technologies, coupled with advanced data analytics, have enabled real-time personalised and environmental monitoring. These technologies have the potential to transform clinical practice in terms of diagnostics, prognosis, preventive healthcare, and rehabilitative/assistive technologies. To enable these systems, we need to understand the challenges in developing AI algorithms to handle heterogeneous, varying quality and imbalanced data. Academics, industry and NHS should work together to develop reliable and trustworthy technologies as well as Deep Learning brain-based algorithms that are able to handle and interpret continuous streams of heterogeneous, multi-modal data.

This workshop aims to bring together academics, industry and NHS related organisations with the goal to highlight opportunities for collaboration. We plan to:

  • Promote our technologies and Brain-based AI tools for adoption in the NHS and industry
  • Strengthen our current industrial partnerships and seek to establish new ones
  • Discuss state-of-the art work in the area of pervasive sensing and healthy brain imaging and how to exploit these to enable innovative solutions


Abstract Submission: 

All abstracts must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The deadline for submission is Friday 2nd June.

Abstract Submission - Format of the abstract should be: 1 page, size 11pt font, 2cm margins from all sides & font Arial.

List of Topics

  • AI and Brain Imaging in Well-Being and Healthy Ageing
  • AI in Analysing Signatures of Motor Impairments and Physiological Measures
  • AI-Driven Therapeutic Interventions
  • AI in Long Term Monitoring for Well-Being and Healthy Ageing

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