Other ways to give
How to give
Give online
Make a secure gift online here. A gift of any size makes a massive difference. You can make a one-off gift or give monthly, quarterly or annually by direct debit.
Give by Bank Transfer
Giving by bank transfer is a simple, quick and cost efficient way to give.
To give by bank transfer from all countries except Canada and the USA:
- Account Name: Univ Court of the Univ of Glasgow TST
- Sort Code: 82-20-00
- Account Number: 20006422
- IBAN: GB65CLYD82200020006422
- BIC: CLYDGB21450
- Address: 30 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2HL
To give by bank transfer from Canada
- Account name: University of Glasgow Campaign Account
- Sort code: 40-22-47
- Account number: 21657011
- IBAN: GB82HBUK40224721657011
- Address: 2 Buchanan Street, Glasgow G1 3LB
Please use your full name in the reference field and email Pat Wood at patricia.wood@glasgow.ac.uk to let us know where to direct your donation and confirm if your gift is gift aid eligible.
To give by bank transfer from the USA, visit this AAGU page for Other Ways to Donate
Give offline
Give by cheque:
Cheques should be made payable to 'University of Glasgow Trust' and posted to:
Development & Alumni
External Relations
Berkeley Square
Pavilion 3
G12 8QQ
Donors wishing to give offline from the USA and Canada please refer to the section below Giving from your region.
Leave a gift in your Will
It is possible to leave a gift to the University in your Will. This method of giving is favoured by many alumni and friends who want to make a difference after their death. A gift of this nature also reduces your inheritance tax liability.
Give stocks and shares
Individual taxpayers are eligible for tax relief on gifts of certain shares, securities and other investments. This is in addition to capital gains tax relief on gifts of assets to charity.
To discuss gifting stocks and shares, please contact the Development & Alumni at campaign@glasgow.ac.uk.
Give as a reunion/class group
Class reunions continue to be one of the most treasured alumni traditions at the University of Glasgow. Graduates return to campus each year to mark their time at Glasgow, gather with old friends and classmates, share memories and reconnect with the University. This is also a great opportunity to give back to the University and help its current students.
The University’s Class Giving Programme allows alumni to celebrate their respective milestone year reunions by supporting the priorities of the institution that brought them together in the first place. Through the generosity of reunion classes, funds raised can collectively make a significant difference.
Your class can choose the priority area your gift will support, whether that’s campus development, scholarships or any initiative across the University of Glasgow. Please visit our Giving to Glasgow page to find out more about the current campaigns, and do not hesitate to get in touch with us to discuss your individual class priorities.
We can commemorate your milestone by dedicating a gift inscription in the name of your year group, in our Giving to Glasgow publication and online donor wall. There may be further opportunity for inscription depending on the area your class decides to support, we are more than happy to talk you through this.
For further information on including a fundraising element in your reunion celebrations, please contact Alumni and Development at alumni@glasgow.ac.uk.
Payroll giving
Payroll giving allows you to save on the amount of tax you might usually pay, as the gift comes directly from your gross pay. Please contact your personnel or human resources department to find out if they operate this scheme.
Matched giving
Many employers have matching gift programmes and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. If you're not sure if your employer operates such a scheme, please contact your personnel or human resources department to find out.
Charities Aid Foundation
You can open a charity account with the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) and make donations direct to the 'University of Glasgow Trust'. Please make CAF vouchers payable to 'University of Glasgow Trust' and please send to the below address:
Development and Alumni
No 3 The Square
University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ
Community fundraising
We have an incredible community here at Glasgow and the things they can achieve when they come together for a great cause is phenomenal. You can be part of that too, whether you are a staff, student, alumni, donor or friend of Glasgow we appreciate anyone willing to give up some of their time to help support the University. There are so many fun ways you can help from throwing fundraising events, sponsored runs, climbs or cycles, maybe you want to use your crafty side and make things or bake things – whatever it is we have a way to support it.
You can set up your own JustGiving page which allows you to tailor your page and share with friends, family and colleagues for them to support you by donating securely online. For more information on how to set up your page please see the instructions provided on the JustGiving website.
Please note, all donations to the University of Glasgow are directed via the 'University of Glasgow Trust'. This can be found on the JustGiving site at: https://www.justgiving.com/ugt
On your JustGiving page please highlight the University campaign you wish your sponsorship to be directed towards. JustGiving will transfer your donations to the 'University of Glasgow Trust'. All you need to do is ask your family and friends to sponsor you. If you want to speak to a member of our team on how to start fundraising, please feel free to contact us on Givingtoglasgow@glasgow.ac.uk.
Telephone Campaign
Our student callers reach out twice a year to our fantastic alumni and donors to have a chat about what the University means to them. It is a chance to be updated on recent achievements and the latest developments that are taking place at the University of Glasgow.
Every year, our telephone campaigns make a significant impact on the lives of our current students. Read more about the incredible work being done by our student callers, here.
Corporate Giving
Contact us to explore opportunities on how we can work together in creating a legacy that will attract the best minds of today and tomorrow to live, work and thrive in Glasgow.
Gift Acceptance Policy
The University of Glasgow is committed to acting in an ethical and responsible way. We have a global reputation for excellence, contributing positively to the wider world.
As a charitable body, the University must observe the requirements of charity law and other relevant legislation in relation to the receipt and expenditure of funds. In line with guidance from the Fundraising Regulator the University must not refuse or return donations, except in exceptional circumstances.
For this reason, we have an obligation to our staff, students, previous supporters and wider stakeholders to do everything reasonable to ensure that the funding sources for philanthropic1 donations, and the purposes to which those donations are applied, do not in any way, undermine the University’s reputation and values.
This policy sets out the University of Glasgow’s policy for acceptance of philanthropic donations. It is not intended to cover gifts and hospitality offered to staff members, this is covered through the anti-bribery and corruption policy.
A Gift Acceptance Committee (GAC) has been established to ensure that gifts that are solicited and accepted by the University are consistent with our strategy and values and that all donors are treated equally. See Terms of reference for the GAC.
All single or cumulative gifts of £250,000 or more are taken to GAC for consideration. The GAC will retain oversight of all gifts under this level and reserves the right to consider any gift to the University regardless of size.
The GAC meets regularly to review proposed gift approaches, assess whether they adhere to the University’s core principles, values and strategic direction, and consider any potential ethical or reputational risk to the University that could arise from accepting a donation. The GAC may refer relevant gifts to the Campus Naming Committee as required.
The GAC remains separate from the Development & Alumni and membership is as follows:
- The Principal and Vice Chancellor
- Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary of Court
- A co-opted lay member of Court
In attendance:
- Head of Planning and Development Operations and/or the Director of Development and Alumni.
- Head of Communications
- SRC member (If student interests are involved)
- Other relevant representatives of beneficiary areas as required
Gift acceptance policy
- The University of Glasgow will only accept philanthropic donations where the identity of the supporter is known. Funds will not be generally accepted if an intermediary negotiates a benefaction on behalf of the supporter who asks for complete anonymity. The identity of the supporter must at least be known, and acceptable to, the Director of Development and/or the Principal & Vice Chancellor.
- The University, having considered a range of information and undertaken due diligence, will accept gifts where:
- The purpose of the gift is consistent with its strategic objectives as set out in the current published University strategy.
- The nature or level of the gift does not result in unacceptable current or future financial liabilities.
- The source and purpose of the gift does not create unacceptable conflicts of interest for the University or any individual School, College or Institute.
- All reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the University is aware of the source of funding for each gift and has satisfied itself that the funds do not derive from activity that was or is illegal, or runs counter to the core values of impartial, independent research scholarship and teaching.
- Acceptance will not impose unacceptable conditions nor violate the Gift Acceptance Policy or other University policies or regulations. In accepting a philanthropic gift the University should employ its standard procedures relating to recruitment, admissions, hiring, promotion, procurement, management and governance for all research, teaching, outreach, capital development, or student scholarship programmes
- Due regard has been taken of any reputational risk for the University which may derive from the acceptance of any particular gift.
- Gifts of more than £250K should be referred to the GAC for written approval.
- Gifts of under £250K can be accepted by the Director of Development. Gifts under £250K may be referred to GAC for approval.
- In order to ensure that appropriate due diligence can take place for all significant gifts, all individual academics, Colleges, Schools, Research Institutes and Professional Service Directorates are required to alert the Director of Development of any proposed approach to a donor for a gift or the unsolicited receipt of a gift.
- Legacies will be monitored and received in the same way as all other gifts covered by this policy. However, enhanced due diligence will take place only once an estate has gone into administration, not when the University is first notified of a proposed legacy or bequest.
A philanthropic gift is a voluntary transfer of money by an individual or an organisation, made with philanthropic intent for the benefit of the institution. The University of Glasgow follows the Ross-Case guidelines when counting philanthropic funds. These include:
- Gifts from personal donors, in the UK and overseas, of cash and other instruments of wealth, including shares, appreciated securities, bonds etc.
- Gifts‐in‐kind of physical items ‐ property, art, equipment etc.;
- Actual legacy income received in‐year from deceased individuals (notifications of legacy pledges from living donors should also be reported as with any other donation);
- Donations from charitable trusts and foundations in the UK and overseas;
- Grants made by affiliated support foundations such as North American 501(c) (3) organisations and similar organisations in other countries;
- Gifts from companies in the UK and overseas; (exclusion criteria dictates that in the vast majority of cases corporate sponsorship must be excluded as it is based on a quid pro quo relationship)
- Gifts from overseas governments or their agencies and foundations;
- Income from the National Lottery and similar sources (e.g. Heritage Lottery Fund, Sport England etc.);
- Funding through the Land Fill Scheme.
All philanthropic gifts will be received following the guidelines above.
Name | Position | |
Frances Shepherd | Director of Development | Frances.Shepherd@glasgow.ac.uk |
David Duncan | COO and University Secretary | David.Duncan@glasgow.ac.uk |
Giving from region
US taxpayers can give tax deductible gifts to American Alumni of Glasgow University (AAGU), a charitable organisation described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Gifts by check from the USA should be made payable to 'American Alumni of Glasgow University' and should be posted to:
Melvyn Pond, President
183 Wolf Harbor Road
Milford, CT 06461-1961
Please include details of your name, address, graduation details (if applicable) and preferred area of support along with your check.
Gifts by bank transfer to AAGU can be completed using the information below:
- Account name: American Alumni of Glasgow University (AAGU)
- Bank: Wells Fargo, 215 Cherry St, Milford CT 06460
- Account number: 2000038213032
- Routing number: 021101108
Canadian residents making a gift to the University will be provided with a receipt for their tax records. Cheques should be made payable to the 'University of Glasgow' (and not the Trust) in order to be able to claim tax relief. Please post cheques to:
Development & Alumni
External Relations
Berkeley Square
Pavilion 3
G12 8QQ
To make an online gifts from Canada by credit/debt card please click here.
Europe (outwith the UK)
European residents (outwith the UK) may wish to maximise their gifts and donate tax efficiently using Transnational Giving Europe (TGE). TGE is a partnership of leading European foundations that are collaborating internationally to foster charitable giving within Europe. Donors can give via the national TGE partner and the donation is then transferred to the 'University of Glasgow Trust'. Giving in this way allows supporters from Europe to financially support Glasgow while benefiting directly from the tax advantages within their own country.
Find out if your country is represented in this scheme by visiting the TGE website where you will also find the contact details of the organisation that can assist you in making a tax-efficient donation to Glasgow.
The UK (Gift Aid)
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can significantly increase the value of your gift at no extra cost to yourself by signing a Gift Aid declaration. Gift Aid enables the University to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your gift. This means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate.
If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you can benefit further by claiming the difference between the rate you pay and the basic rate on your gift. Use our Gift Aid calculator to find out how much your Gift Aid contribution is worth and how much you could reclaim.
Please note that it is the donor’s responsibility to ensure that enough tax has been paid to qualify for Gift Aid. If you have not paid enough tax to cover the tax deducted from your Gift Aid donations, HMRC may ask you to pay the difference. You can review HMRC’s guidance on Gift Aid here.