About GRID and our support

Glasgow Riverside Innovation District (GRID) covers 700 acres from the edge of the city centre, running west along both sides of the River Clyde and taking in the Gilmorehill University campus, to Govan and Linthouse.

At its heart is a drive to develop opportunities, skills, facilities and the cultural fabric of the city by investing in sustainable high-tech industries and infrastructure, while working alongside and understanding the needs of communities within GRID.

The University, as a civic institution, and its partners – Glasgow City Council and Scottish Enterprise - are passionate about developing extra funding and resources to help community leaders and groups to overcome the challenges they face.

The Civic Grant Fund is recognition that some truly exceptional people and groups are working hard to help address these issues and that they need support. Critically, we want to learn from, and continue to build relationships with, local people as well as community anchor organisations to support long-term community development.