Opportunity Development Reviews

The Translational Research Initiative (TRI) provides underpinning infrastructure to support researchers, including a rolling programme of systematic ‘Opportunity Development Reviews’ in collaboration with external, sector-specific consultants and the University of Glasgow IP & Commercialisation team.

The process typically comprises an informal 1 hour discussion with the review panel members, during which the translational potential of the participants’ research is explored. A short report is provided to the researchers afterwards, which contains any recommendations and follow up actions identified by the panel.

By engaging with the Opportunity Development Reviews process, it is hoped that academic researchers will:

  • Identify relevant research for translation
  • Develop a better understanding of the translational potential of their research
  • Identify next steps for attracting translational funding (where applicable)
  • Increase levels of industry engagement.

 The Opportunity Development Reviews initiative will help map out the MVLS technology pipeline, helping to coordinate activities including:

  • Industry engagement events
  • Funding calls
  • Identification and development of future REF impact case studies

Opportunity Development Reviews timetable

MVLS School


Infection & Immunity May-2018
Molecular Biosciences Sep-2018
Cardiovascular & Metabolic Health Dec-2018
Cancer Sciences Sep-2019
MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research Sep-2019
Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine   Jan-2023
Health & Wellbeing Dec-2023
Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing Sept 2024
Psychology & Neuroscience 2024 (TBC)

For more information, please contact mvls-innovation@glasgow.ac.uk 


Currently, we have engaged with 6 of the 8 schools across MVLS, identifying and supporting: