Funding available at University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow has numerous internal funding schemes that are open to staff and/or students at the university. These schemes provide support for pump-priming, impact acceleration, knowledge exchange, partnership development and culture initiatives. 

Latest NIHR funding opportunities

The current NIHR funding opportunities are available here. Please verify the funding eligibility. 

Researchers based in Scotland are able to apply for the majority NIHR Programmes - CSO list of eligible programmes includes:  

MRC Funding Opportunities

Current MRC funding opportunities can be found here: UKRI Funding Finder


UKRI Developmental pathway funding scheme: stage one  is a funding for academically-led translational projects that aim to either:

  • improve prevention, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of significant health needs
  • develop research tools that increase the efficiency of developing interventions

Closing:  19 March 2025

Chief Scientist Office (CSO) Funding


Available funding opportunities can be find in this link:  

Wellcome funding opportunities

please also note available funding guidance

Association of Physicians of Great Britain & Ireland

Find details on Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers, Summer Studentship and Young Investigator Awards Scheme  in this link: Association of Physicians of Great Britain & Ireland


British Heart Foundation

The BHF is providing personal support for clinical and non-clinical cardiovascular researchers at all stages of their career. 

See the funding support option here.


Versus Arthritis provides variety of funding opportunities supporting career development, PPIE and projects improving the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis. 

See the open and future funding calls here. 


Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK funds research across four primary objectives – discovery, detection, prevention and treatment. 


You can find funding opportunities here.  

TENOVUS Scotland

Tenovus Scotland  foster high quality research within the healthcare professions in Scotland and provides financial support for projects that support research into health and wellbeing in the fields of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, the Medical Sciences and allied professions. All projects must have a clear research component and fall within the general areas of clinical or medical science, or applied health research.

Explore the funding opportunities:

Leverhulme Trust

The Trust awards funding across academic disciplines, supporting talented individuals in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences to realise their personal vision in research and professional training.

You can explore forteen schemes here.