Dr David Hunter

  • Honorary Lecturer (Nursing & Health Care)

email: David.J.Hunter@glasgow.ac.uk

UWS Lanarkshire campus, Technology Avenue, Blantyre, G72 0LH

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List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2005
Number of items: 38.


Jack, F. and Hunter, D. (2022) Creating an interprofessional education package on patients’ spiritual needs. British Journal of Nursing, 31(14), pp. 748-755. (doi: 10.12968/bjon.2022.31.14.748) (PMID:35856578)

Dodds, H. and Hunter, D. J. (2022) Culture as both a risk and protective factor for vicarious traumatisation in nurses working with refugees: a literature review. Journal of Research in Nursing, 27(4), pp. 357-371. (doi: 10.1177/17449871221085863)


Cook, J., Hunter, D. and Manikam, A. (2021) The Use of a Live Online Interactive Lecture to Provide Intercultural Learning Between Nursing Students in Scotland and Singapore. RCN Education Forum Conference, 20-21 Apr 2021.

Campbell, S. , Hunter, D. and Howes, D. (2021) The Use of Television Documentary Review and Group Discussion for Intercultural Learning between Nursing Students in Glasgow and Singapore. 3rd European Conference of Health Workforce Education and Research, Dublin, Ireland, 07-08 Jan 2021.

Hunter, D., Campbell, S. , Mcfeely, C. , Molloy, D. and Morrison, L. (2021) Using Posters to Assess Under-graduate Student Nurses’ Understanding of Public Health Issues. Advance HE NET Conference, 01-03 Sep 2021.


Hunter, D. J. and Boyle, K. (2020) A healthier way to meet people: the experiences of LGBT people exercising with a peer group. British Journal of Nursing, 29(18), pp. 1068-1073. (doi: 10.12968/bjon.2020.29.18.1068) (PMID:33035100)


Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2019) Defining Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative (EDQ) research and considering its application to healthcare. Journal of Nursing and Health Care, 4(1),


Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2018) Compassion in emergency departments. Part 3: enabling and supporting delivery of compassionate care. Emergency Nurse, 26(4), (doi: 10.7748/en.2018.e1776)

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2018) Compassion in emergency departments. Part 2: barriers to the provision of compassionate care. Emergency Nurse, 26(3), pp. 28-33. (doi: 10.7748/en.2018.e1775) (PMID:30047712)

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2018) Defining Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative (EDQ) Research and Considering Its Application to Healthcare. 6th Annual Worldwide Nursing Conference (WNC 2018), Singapore, 23-24 Jul 2018.

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2018) Compassion in emergency departments. Part 1: nursing students' perspectives. Emergency Nurse, 26(2), pp. 25-30. (doi: 10.7748/en.2018.e1774) (PMID:29923693)

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2018) Evolution through Experience: How Scottish Student Nurses Develop Their Understanding of Compassionate Care. 7th International Nurse Education Conference (NETNEP 2018), Banff, Canada, 6-9 May 2018.

Halliday, S., Hunter, D. J. and McMillan, L. (2018) Ward staff perceptions of the role of the advanced nurse practitioner in a ‘hospital at day’ setting. British Journal of Nursing, 27(2), pp. 92-97. (doi: 10.12968/bjon.2018.27.2.92) (PMID:29368566)

Collie, M. and Hunter, D.J. (2018) Assisting patients with their elimination needs. In: Delves-Yates, C. (ed.) Essentials of Nursing Practice. SAGE: Los Angeles, pp. 579-604. ISBN 9781526424051

Collie, M., Hunter, D.J. and Foley, V. (2018) Assisting patients with their elimination needs. In: Delves-Yates, C. (ed.) Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses: Step by Step. SAGE: Los Angeles, pp. 148-165. ISBN 9781526424044


Hunter, D. J., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2017) Doing the Little Things: The Meaning of Compassionate Care to Scottish Student Nurses. 5th Annual Worldwide Nursing Conference, Singapore, 24-25 Jul 2017.

Hunter, D. and Lewis, S. (2017) The First Step: Pre-registration Students' Experiences of Recruitment and Admission to Programmes of Study. RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Cardiff, UK, 21-22 Mar 2017.

Hunter, D. J., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2017) Doing the little things: the meaning of compassionate care to Scottish student nurses. Journal of Nursing and Health Care, 5(1),


Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2016) Student Nurses' Experiences of Compassionate Care in the Emergency Department: The Findings of an Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative (EDQ) Study. NET2016 Conference, Cambridge, UK, 6-8 Sep 2016.

McIntosh, T., Hunter, D. J. and Royce, S. (2016) Barriers to physical activity in obese adults: a rapid evidence assessment. Journal of Research in Nursing, 21(4), pp. 271-287. (doi: 10.1177/1744987116647762)

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2016) To Boldly Go: Discovering New Nursing Knowledge through Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative (EDQ) Research. Qualitative Methods Conference, Glasgow, UK, 3-5 May 2016.

McIntosh, T., Hunter, D. and Royce, S. (2016) Barriers to Physical Activity amongst Obese Adults: A Literature Review. RCN Research Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 6-8 Apr 2016.

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2016) Compassion in the Emergency Department: The Experiences of Student Nurses. RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Telford, UK, Mar 2016.


Moran, K., Duffy, F.J.R. and Hunter, D. (2015) What Factors Influence the Decision of Staff Nurses and Foundation Year One Doctors to Activate the Emergency Response Team. NHS Scotland Event, Glasgow, UK, 23-24 Jun 2015.

Douglas, D. and Hunter, D. (2015) Are Reflective Accounts a Good Assessment Tool in Undergraduate Nursing? RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Nottingham, UK, Mar 2015.


Hunter, D. and Douglas, D. (2014) The Benefits and Limitations of Anonymous, Electronic, Cross-campus Marking. RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Harrogate, UK, Feb 2014.


Hunter, D. (2012) Learning at the Front Door – Student Nurses’ Experiences in the Emergency Department. RCN Emergency Care Conference, Manchester, UK, 15 Nov 2012.

Conneely, A. and Hunter, D. (2012) Supporting 1st Year Nursing Students in ICU. RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Harrogate, UK, 23-24 Feb 2012.

Hunter, D. (2012) Learning at the Front Door – Student Nurses’ Experiences in the Emergency Department. RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Harrogate, UK, 23 Feb 2012.

Millar, L., Heron, D., Collins, G., Mullen, R. , Carruthers, J. and Hunter, D. (2012) Using a Mentor Workbook to Develop Existing Mentors into ‘Sign-off’ Mentors – A Partnership Approach. RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Harrogate, UK, 23 Feb 2012.

Conneely, A. and Hunter, D. (2012) Introducing first-year student placements in critical care. Nursing Standard, 26(23), pp. 35-40. (doi: 10.7748/ns2012. (PMID:22413683)

Hunter, D. J. (2012) Conditions affecting the foreskin. Nursing Standard, 26(37), pp. 35-39. (doi: 10.7748/ns2012. (PMID:22787889)


Steel, M., Kyle, H., Hunter, D., Barber, L. and Mack, J. (2011) The Use of IT to Support Placement Information. Mentoring Matters Conference, Glasgow, UK, 30 Sep 2011.


Christie, J. and Hunter, D. (2010) Mentor Terrors. Mentoring Matters Conference, Glasgow, UK, 22 Oct 2010.

Conneely, A. and Hunter, D. (2010) Supporting 1st Year Nursing Students in ICU. Sharing Best Practice Conference, Glasgow, UK, 17 Sep 2010.

Hunter, D. (2010) How clinical practice placements affect professional development. Emergency Nurse, 18(5), pp. 30-34. (doi: 10.7748/en2010. (PMID:20882805)

Hunter, D. (2010) Triage nurse X-ray protocols for hand and wrist injuries. Emergency Nurse, 17(9), pp. 20-24. (doi: 10.7748/en2010. (PMID:20209751)


Hunter, D. (2005) Diagnosis and management of scaphoid fractures: a literature review. Emergency Nurse, 13(7), pp. 22-26. (doi: 10.7748/en2005. (PMID:16318067)

This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 07:52:42 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 38.


Jack, F. and Hunter, D. (2022) Creating an interprofessional education package on patients’ spiritual needs. British Journal of Nursing, 31(14), pp. 748-755. (doi: 10.12968/bjon.2022.31.14.748) (PMID:35856578)

Dodds, H. and Hunter, D. J. (2022) Culture as both a risk and protective factor for vicarious traumatisation in nurses working with refugees: a literature review. Journal of Research in Nursing, 27(4), pp. 357-371. (doi: 10.1177/17449871221085863)

Hunter, D. J. and Boyle, K. (2020) A healthier way to meet people: the experiences of LGBT people exercising with a peer group. British Journal of Nursing, 29(18), pp. 1068-1073. (doi: 10.12968/bjon.2020.29.18.1068) (PMID:33035100)

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2019) Defining Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative (EDQ) research and considering its application to healthcare. Journal of Nursing and Health Care, 4(1),

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2018) Compassion in emergency departments. Part 3: enabling and supporting delivery of compassionate care. Emergency Nurse, 26(4), (doi: 10.7748/en.2018.e1776)

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2018) Compassion in emergency departments. Part 2: barriers to the provision of compassionate care. Emergency Nurse, 26(3), pp. 28-33. (doi: 10.7748/en.2018.e1775) (PMID:30047712)

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2018) Compassion in emergency departments. Part 1: nursing students' perspectives. Emergency Nurse, 26(2), pp. 25-30. (doi: 10.7748/en.2018.e1774) (PMID:29923693)

Halliday, S., Hunter, D. J. and McMillan, L. (2018) Ward staff perceptions of the role of the advanced nurse practitioner in a ‘hospital at day’ setting. British Journal of Nursing, 27(2), pp. 92-97. (doi: 10.12968/bjon.2018.27.2.92) (PMID:29368566)

Hunter, D. J., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2017) Doing the little things: the meaning of compassionate care to Scottish student nurses. Journal of Nursing and Health Care, 5(1),

McIntosh, T., Hunter, D. J. and Royce, S. (2016) Barriers to physical activity in obese adults: a rapid evidence assessment. Journal of Research in Nursing, 21(4), pp. 271-287. (doi: 10.1177/1744987116647762)

Conneely, A. and Hunter, D. (2012) Introducing first-year student placements in critical care. Nursing Standard, 26(23), pp. 35-40. (doi: 10.7748/ns2012. (PMID:22413683)

Hunter, D. J. (2012) Conditions affecting the foreskin. Nursing Standard, 26(37), pp. 35-39. (doi: 10.7748/ns2012. (PMID:22787889)

Hunter, D. (2010) How clinical practice placements affect professional development. Emergency Nurse, 18(5), pp. 30-34. (doi: 10.7748/en2010. (PMID:20882805)

Hunter, D. (2010) Triage nurse X-ray protocols for hand and wrist injuries. Emergency Nurse, 17(9), pp. 20-24. (doi: 10.7748/en2010. (PMID:20209751)

Hunter, D. (2005) Diagnosis and management of scaphoid fractures: a literature review. Emergency Nurse, 13(7), pp. 22-26. (doi: 10.7748/en2005. (PMID:16318067)

Book Sections

Collie, M. and Hunter, D.J. (2018) Assisting patients with their elimination needs. In: Delves-Yates, C. (ed.) Essentials of Nursing Practice. SAGE: Los Angeles, pp. 579-604. ISBN 9781526424051

Collie, M., Hunter, D.J. and Foley, V. (2018) Assisting patients with their elimination needs. In: Delves-Yates, C. (ed.) Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses: Step by Step. SAGE: Los Angeles, pp. 148-165. ISBN 9781526424044

Conference or Workshop Item

Cook, J., Hunter, D. and Manikam, A. (2021) The Use of a Live Online Interactive Lecture to Provide Intercultural Learning Between Nursing Students in Scotland and Singapore. RCN Education Forum Conference, 20-21 Apr 2021.

Campbell, S. , Hunter, D. and Howes, D. (2021) The Use of Television Documentary Review and Group Discussion for Intercultural Learning between Nursing Students in Glasgow and Singapore. 3rd European Conference of Health Workforce Education and Research, Dublin, Ireland, 07-08 Jan 2021.

Hunter, D., Campbell, S. , Mcfeely, C. , Molloy, D. and Morrison, L. (2021) Using Posters to Assess Under-graduate Student Nurses’ Understanding of Public Health Issues. Advance HE NET Conference, 01-03 Sep 2021.

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2018) Defining Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative (EDQ) Research and Considering Its Application to Healthcare. 6th Annual Worldwide Nursing Conference (WNC 2018), Singapore, 23-24 Jul 2018.

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2018) Evolution through Experience: How Scottish Student Nurses Develop Their Understanding of Compassionate Care. 7th International Nurse Education Conference (NETNEP 2018), Banff, Canada, 6-9 May 2018.

Hunter, D. J., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2017) Doing the Little Things: The Meaning of Compassionate Care to Scottish Student Nurses. 5th Annual Worldwide Nursing Conference, Singapore, 24-25 Jul 2017.

Hunter, D. and Lewis, S. (2017) The First Step: Pre-registration Students' Experiences of Recruitment and Admission to Programmes of Study. RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Cardiff, UK, 21-22 Mar 2017.

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2016) Student Nurses' Experiences of Compassionate Care in the Emergency Department: The Findings of an Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative (EDQ) Study. NET2016 Conference, Cambridge, UK, 6-8 Sep 2016.

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2016) To Boldly Go: Discovering New Nursing Knowledge through Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative (EDQ) Research. Qualitative Methods Conference, Glasgow, UK, 3-5 May 2016.

McIntosh, T., Hunter, D. and Royce, S. (2016) Barriers to Physical Activity amongst Obese Adults: A Literature Review. RCN Research Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 6-8 Apr 2016.

Hunter, D., McCallum, J. and Howes, D. (2016) Compassion in the Emergency Department: The Experiences of Student Nurses. RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Telford, UK, Mar 2016.

Moran, K., Duffy, F.J.R. and Hunter, D. (2015) What Factors Influence the Decision of Staff Nurses and Foundation Year One Doctors to Activate the Emergency Response Team. NHS Scotland Event, Glasgow, UK, 23-24 Jun 2015.

Douglas, D. and Hunter, D. (2015) Are Reflective Accounts a Good Assessment Tool in Undergraduate Nursing? RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Nottingham, UK, Mar 2015.

Hunter, D. and Douglas, D. (2014) The Benefits and Limitations of Anonymous, Electronic, Cross-campus Marking. RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Harrogate, UK, Feb 2014.

Hunter, D. (2012) Learning at the Front Door – Student Nurses’ Experiences in the Emergency Department. RCN Emergency Care Conference, Manchester, UK, 15 Nov 2012.

Conneely, A. and Hunter, D. (2012) Supporting 1st Year Nursing Students in ICU. RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Harrogate, UK, 23-24 Feb 2012.

Hunter, D. (2012) Learning at the Front Door – Student Nurses’ Experiences in the Emergency Department. RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Harrogate, UK, 23 Feb 2012.

Millar, L., Heron, D., Collins, G., Mullen, R. , Carruthers, J. and Hunter, D. (2012) Using a Mentor Workbook to Develop Existing Mentors into ‘Sign-off’ Mentors – A Partnership Approach. RCN Education Forum International Conference and Exhibition, Harrogate, UK, 23 Feb 2012.

Steel, M., Kyle, H., Hunter, D., Barber, L. and Mack, J. (2011) The Use of IT to Support Placement Information. Mentoring Matters Conference, Glasgow, UK, 30 Sep 2011.

Christie, J. and Hunter, D. (2010) Mentor Terrors. Mentoring Matters Conference, Glasgow, UK, 22 Oct 2010.

Conneely, A. and Hunter, D. (2010) Supporting 1st Year Nursing Students in ICU. Sharing Best Practice Conference, Glasgow, UK, 17 Sep 2010.

This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 07:52:42 2025 GMT.