Unscrambling Entanglement Through a Complex Medium

Published: 6 August 2020

Scottish-based scientists from Heriot-Watt and University of Glasgow shed new light on 'entangled' particles.

A team of Scottish-based scientists from Heriot-Watt and University of Glasgow shed new light on 'entangled' particles.

The researchers from Heriot-Watt and University of Glasgow have managed to transport "entangled" particles of light through a complex medium.

The result could be mean new advances in ultra-secure cryptography, quantum computing and communications.

Quantum entanglement means two particles are inextricably linked and replicate each other's every move - even if they are far apart.

Read our break down from Dr. Hugo Defienne by clicking the link below. 

Unscrambling entanglement through a complex medium


First published: 6 August 2020

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