Material Connections during dinner in Malta (Sept 2008)

Material Connections: Downloads and Information for Project Members


Mural showing Nuragic inhabitants and Phoenician merchants interacting in Iron Age Sardinia (Terralba)

Volume Publication

The project volume Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean, edited by Peter van Dommelen and A. Bernard Knapp and published by Routledge (London) is now in press. Proofs are anticipated by May/June and publication is foreseen for the autumn/early winter of 2010.

Pdfs of the chapter texts and illustrations can be accessed here.

Publication Process

The papers presented in Malta and at the Glasgow workshop will be published as an edited volume, for which a book proposal has been prepared. The submission deadline for the revised papers of this volume is 31 May 2009.

The format used for the publication will be that of the Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology. Click here to download a modified version of the detailed guidelines for authors. Users of the bibliographic EndNote program can download a relevant Style Format file. Electronic issues of the journal itself can be accessed online.

The volume will be published by Routledge and submission of the full manuscript is planned for mid-late December 2009. The contents of the volume and the files of the individual contributions can be found here.

Glasgow Workshop: Thursday-Friday 19-20 March 2009

Project Descriptions

Descriptions of the aims, background, methodology of the Material Connections project

  • full description (ca. 5,000 words):
  • summary (2,000 words):

EAA conference session (20 September, Malta)

Texts and slides as presented in Malta:

  • texts (word documents):
  • slide presentations (powerpoint files):

(click on the links to download the zipped files)

Claiming your expenses

In order to claim your expenses for travel and accommodation, please download this document and follow the instructions set out. Please send your claims form and receipts all to Peter, either electronically or in hard copy.