Sgoilearachd Phòil Bhurns | The Paul Burns Scholarship

Published: 27 May 2020

For academically outstanding students in Celtic & Gaelic

Sgoilearachd Phòil Bhurns | The Paul Burns Scholarship 

Roinn na Ceiltis is na Gàidhlig | Celtic and Gaelic
Oilthigh Ghlaschu | University of Glasgow

[Bilingual details: Gaelic & English]

Tha Mgh. Pòl Burns, LLB, MA, ceumnaiche bho Oilthigh Ghlaschu, air a bhith air leth fialaidh ann a bhith a’ stèidheachadh na Sgoilearachd Maighstireachd Iar-Cheumnach seo. Thathar an dùil gum bi seo na taic do shàr oileanach sgoileireil ann an Ceiltis is Gàidhlig a tha ann an suidheachadh ionmhais a bhiodh mar bhacadh orra àite a ghabhail neo cur a-steach air àite iar-cheumnach ann an Ceiltis is Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu mura b’ e an sgoilearachd.

Mr Paul Burns, LLB, MA, a graduate of the University of Glasgow, has generously established this Postgraduate Master’s Scholarship which is intended to provide support to an academically outstanding student in Roinn na Ceiltis is na Gàidhlig / Celtic & Gaelic whose financial situation could otherwise prevent them from applying for or taking up a postgraduate place in Roinn na Ceiltis is na Gàidhlig / Celtic & Gaelic at the University of Glasgow.


Tha prìomh mhion-fhiosrachadh Sgoilearachd Phòil Bhurns airson seisean 2020-21 mar a leanas:
The main details of the Paul Burns Scholarship for session 2020-21 are as follows:

  • Thèid an Sgoilearachd a thairgsinn do dh’oileanach freagarrach a tha air tagradh a chur a-steach, agus a gheibh àite, air program Maighstearachd iar-cheumnach ann an Ceiltis is Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu |The Scholarship will be awarded, subject to a successful application, to a suitable student who has applied for a postgraduate Master’s programme in Celtic & Gaelic at the University of Glasgow.
  • Thèid an Sgoilearachd a thairgsinn do shàr oileanach le uireasbhaidh taic ionmhais a thaobh chosgaisean bith-beò agus / neo a thaobh chìsean. | The Scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding student in need of financial support in respect of living expenses and / or fees.
  • Faodar duais seisean 2020-21 a ghlèidheadh airson aon bhliadhna a-mhàin gus cobhair a thoirt do thagraiche(an) soirbheachail crìoch a chur air prògram Maighstireachd iar-cheumnach. | The award for session 2020-21 is tenable for one year only to enable the successful candidate(s) to complete a Master’s postgraduate programme.
  • Tha luach £5,000 anns an Sgoilearachd. | The value of the Scholarship is £5,000.
  • Ma thachras e nach gabh oileanach freagarrach ainmeachadh, cha tèid duais a thoirt seachad. | In the event of no suitable student being identified, no award will be made.


Bidh e mar fhiachaibh air an neach a ghlèidheas Sgoilearachd Phòil Bhurns aithisg ghoirid a lìbhrigeadh do Cheannard Ceiltis is Gàidhlig air an adhartas aca aig deireadh an t-seisein acadaimigich 2020-21 nuair a bhios an Sgoilearachd ga buileachadh, còmhla ri aithisg dheireannach neo adhartais (mar a tha iomchaidh) bhon stiùiriche aca neo bho Cheannard a’ Phrògraim.

Thathas ag iarraidh air neach-glèidhidh na Sgoilearachd taic bho Sgoilearachd Phòil Bhurns aithneachadh anns an tràchdas dheireannach aca agus ann am foillseachadh a thigeadh às an rannsachadh iar-cheumnach maoinichte leis an Sgoilearachd.

The holder of the Paul Burns Scholarship will be required to submit a brief report on his / her progress to the Head of Celtic & Gaelic at the end of the academic session 2020-21 in which the Scholarship is held, together with a progress or final report (whichever is applicable) from his / her supervisor or Programme Convener.

The recipient of the Scholarship is requested to acknowledge support from the Paul Burns Scholarship in their final thesis and in publications arising from the PG research funded by the Scholarship.


Bu chòir iarrtasan a chur don Dr Geraldine Parsons, ro 5 uairean feasgar (tìde ionadail) Dihaoine 31 Iuchar 2020 | Applications should be submitted by e-mail to Dr Geraldine Parsons,  not later than 5pm (local time) Friday 31 July 2020.

Bu chòir dha na leanas a bhith an cois gach iarrtais:
Each application should consist of the following:

1. Cunntas Beatha slàn | A full curriculum vitae.
2. Litir-chòmhdach a bhios a’ mìneachadh carson a bu mhiann leibh gun d’ rachadh beachdachadh oirbh airson na Sgoilearachd seo, ag innse mu thaic-airgid sam bith eile a fhuair sibh neo air an do chuir sibh a-steach a tha ceangailte ri ur prògram Maighstireachd iar-cheumnach | A covering letter explaining why you wish to be considered for this Scholarship, detailing any other funding secured and/or applied for in connection with your postgraduate Master's programme.
3. Tuairisgeul aithghearr air na cuspairean rannsachaidh anns an bheil ùidh agaibh an-dràsta agus an rùn agaibh airson dreuchd (mu dhuilleag a-màin) | A brief outline of your current research and career interests (approx. one page).
4. Dearbhadh air an tagradh agaibh air prògram Maighstireachd ann an Ceiltis is Gàidhlig. | Proof of your application into a Master’s programme in Celtic & Gaelic.
Faodar conaltradh neo-fhoirmeil a dhèanamh leis an Dr. Geraldine Parsons, Stiùiriche nan Iar-cheumnach ann an Ceiltis is Gàidhlig, post-d: | Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Geraldine, Convener of Postgraduate Studies in Celtic & Gaelic, email:

Thèid neach/luchd-glèidhidh na Sgoilearachd a thaghadh stèidhichte air adhbharan piobrachaidh agus comas acadaimigeach dearbhte. Dh’fhaodte gun cumar agallamhan a le tagraichean air a’ gheàrr-liosta agus gun tèid taghadh a dhèanamh le Ceannard Ceiltis is Gàidhlig, Stiùiriche nan Iar-cheumnach aig Ceiltis is Gàidhlig agus le riochdaire a bharrachd bho Cheiltis is Gàidhlig neo cuspair ceangailte. | The selection of the Studentship holder or holders will be on the basis of motivation and proven academic ability. Shortlisted applicants may be interviewed and selected by the Head of Celtic & Gaelic and the Postgraduate Convener of Celtic & Gaelic and by a further representative from Celtic & Gaelic or a related discipline. 

First published: 27 May 2020

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