ECR Grant Writing Group: Eligibility

Published: 15 February 2024

ECR Grant Writing Group: Eligibility

ECR Grant Writing Group: Eligibility
At our December meeting of the ECR Grant Writing Group, Stephen Currie provided an opportunity for ECRs to ask questions about the issue of eligibility in applying for grants.

The key takeaways from the session were:
• Funders will have an eligibility section on their website and/or funding call but if you need support interpreting the eligibility criteria then you can ask your project coordinator for help.
• Have conversations early and often with your line-manager, project coordinator and/or mentor about your plans for grant writing. This will help you get a sense of which grants are most appropriate for you to apply to at your career stage.
• ECRs can usually be named as a co-lead/co-researcher (check the specific call) on a UKRI grant even if they don’t have a permanent contract.
• If the grant extends beyond the length of your contract, you can still be named as a co-lead. However, you need to make sure your salary is covered between this and any other grants that you are named on. If this is not going to be the case then you should consult with your line-manager to see if the rest of your salary can be covered internally.
• Changing career tracks (e.g. from research only to research and teaching) during a grant should not change your ownership of the grant, even if it means that your research time has reduced in your new post.
• If you are the person on the grant who put the most work into it but another more senior colleague is named as the PI on the grant, then you can still negotiate a high percentage ownership internally to ensue you get recognition for your work.

On Wednesday 14th February Professor Sally Wyke led a session on Writing that’s fit for purpose.
She will provided her top writing tips for grants, followed by an open Q & A.’

If you want any further information on the group please contact

First published: 15 February 2024

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