We particularly encourage applications from women and other groups who are traditionally under-represented in Computing Science.
At Glasgow CS, we engage in the following initiatives.
- Glasgow Women in Computing Science (GWiCS) supports women at all levels in the School, from undergraduate upwards, and organises regular talks and events which are open to everyone.
- We host and participate in a range of events such as Ladies of Code, Code First: Girls, and the BCS Lovelace Colloquium.
- We also support and encourage student initiatives such as SWiTCH (Society for Women in Technology) and WiSTEM (Women in STEM)
We hold an Athena SWAN Bronze Award and have established an Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee.
It is widely reported that prospective candidates evaluate their fit with essential criteria differentially by gender. If you are unclear whether you meet the essential criteria, you are encouraged to contact us informally for a confidential discussion.
Flexible working
- Arrangements for flexible working may be discussed at offer stage, see the University's flexible working policy for more details.
- The School has a number of policies that facilitate flexible working, for example teaching delivery on each honours course is scheduled on a single day of the week (lectures, tutorials, labs), and we operate a core hours policy for School meetings between 1000 and 1600 hours.