Leslie Thompson

Published: 19 January 2024

Leslie’s PhD research, which is in the field of Marketing, focuses on the interrelationship between modelling applications.

Leslie has a BA (Hons) in Marketing and an MA in International Business, with his MA dissertation awarded a distinction. Both degrees were attained from the London Metropolitan University.

Leslie’s PhD research, which is in the field of Marketing, focuses on the interrelationship between modelling applications. The research addresses a gap in current marketing literature by merging two marketing models and investigating performance quality and the ex-post experience with service quality. The aim is to answer the research question of whether the successful implementation of Service Quality, facilitate an organisation to generate value, a competitive advantage, customer loyalty, and global dominance.

While studying at ASBS, Leslie will benefit from the wealth of experience and knowledge provided by the Marketing Cluster Research Group.

Leslie has a wealth of significant experience, working both in the private and public sectors. He joins ASBS from the UK government’s Department for Business & Trade where he worked in Incident Management. He has previous experience within Retail Banking and Telecommunications industries.

Leslie’s research findings will generate new knowledge specifically associated with Services Marketing, Analytics, and Digital Marketing.

First published: 19 January 2024