Volume 32

Volume 32

Volume 32, number 1 (1991)

David Morley, 'Where the global meets the local: notes from the sitting room'
Nicholas Zurbrugg, 'Jameson's complaint: video-art and the intertextual "time-wall"'
Steve Neale, 'Aspects of ideology and narrative form in the American war film'
Selim Eyuboglu, 'The authorial text and postmodernism: Hitchcock's Blackmail'

Volume 32, number 2 (1991)

John Caughie, 'Adorno's reproach: repetition, difference and television genre'
Gabriele Kreutzner and Ellen Seiter, 'Not all "soaps" are created equal: towards a crosscultural criticism of television serials'
William Boddy, '"Spread like a monster blanket all over the country": CBS and television, 1929-33'
Tom Gunning, 'Heard over the phone: The Lonely Villa and the de Lorde traditon of the terrors of technology'
Andy Medhurst, 'That special thrill: Brief Encounter, homosexuality and authorship'
Peter Keighron, 'Condition critical'

Volume 32, number 3 (1991)

Janet Thumim, 'The "popular", cash and culture in the postwar British cinema industry'
Claudia Gorbman, 'Hanns Eisler in Hollywood'
Jacqueline Bobo and Ellen Seiter, 'Black feminism and media criticism: The Women of Brewster Place'
Claudia Springer, 'The pleasure of the interface'

Volume 32, number 4 (1991)

Paul Kerr, 'Opportunity knocks?'
Charlotte Brunsdon, 'Pedagogies of the feminine: feminist teaching and women's genres'
Alexander Sharikov, 'Does media education exist in the USSR?'
P Eric Louw, 'Media, media education and the development of South Africa'
Keval J Kumar, 'Indian experiments in media education'
Alan Durant, 'Noises offscreen: could a crisis of confidence be good for media studies?'