
Digital Pathology

Within the lab, we have two high-resolution digital slide scanners. Both offer high-throughput digitalisation of brightfield microscopy slides, z-stacking focusing and high-resolution image quality. 

S60 Nanozoomer ScannerFurthermore, the most recent installation, the S60 Hamamatsu Nanozoomer, is able to scan up to nine fluorescent channels and large megaslides. These images can be used for analysis, in publications and conferences and can be shared, anonymously, with colleagues for collaboration.  We will provide a Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) for sharing images and if you wish to access any images already stored, you can apply for approval via the Biorepository.

The images are securely archived on dedicated servers, which are supported by University of Glasgow IT department.  They can be accessed by the NDPi viewer (free to download from Hamamatsu website) or through our own dedicated software analysis, Visiopharm.

Image Analysis

The Visiopharm software enables histopathology image analysis and allows AI and deep learning to quantify and analyse tissue for research.  At the GTRF we can perform image analysis on stained slides and, in addition, we can create bespoke image analysis APPs which are tailored to your research needs. 

Contact us, if you would like to know more about what we offer.

Lung Cancer image

Tissue Microarray Construction (TMA)

The GTRF can produce bespoke TMAs for individual research needs or for general use where we act as custodian of the blocks and sections as required. 

TMAs are constructed from approximately 250 individual cases which are retrieved from pathological archives and which have been ethically approved through the Biorepository. Using the 3DHISTECH TMA Grandmaster (the only one in Scotland), cores are removed from these "donor" blocks and placed into a "recipient" block, creating a new TMA block. This technique allows for multiple cases to be stained and analysed on one slide.

3DHISTECH TMA Grandmaster     Procedure for Construction


Histology Services

The GTRF also offers sectioning and staining of blocks. 

We can carry out H&E staining on a PFM Medical Slide Stainer SS-30 which can perform H&E staining on multiple slides in under 20 minutes.  Furthermore, we can perform IHC staining using a high-throughput Thermofisher autostainer.  Antibodies can be optimized if not already worked-up; specific requirements can be discussed beforehand

Contact us to find out more.

SS-30 Autostainer    Microtomy


DNA and RNA extractions

Through successful grants we have acquired a Promega Maxwell RSC48 for DNA and RNA extractions. We can support the sequencing pipeline to extract high quality DNA or RNA from a multitude of samples and quantify the DNA/RNA on our Qubit fluorometer.

The Glasgow Tissue Research Facility (GTRF) offers premier DNA and RNA extraction services, utilizing advanced technologies to ensure the highest quality results for your research needs. Promega Maxwell RSC48 Through successful grants, GTRF has acquired the Promega Maxwell RSC48, a state-of-the-art instrument designed for automated DNA and RNA extractions. This technology allows us to handle a wide variety of sample types with precision and efficiency, ensuring consistent and reliable nucleic acid yields. Comprehensive Sequencing Pipeline Support Our extraction services are seamlessly integrated into the sequencing pipeline, providing researchers with high-quality DNA and RNA suitable for a range of downstream applications. Our process includes: Sample Handling: Expertise in managing diverse sample types, ensuring integrity and quality throughout the extraction process. Extraction: Utilizing the Promega Maxwell RSC48 to perform automated, high-efficiency extractions that deliver pure and intact nucleic acids. Quantification: Employing the Qubit fluorometer to accurately quantify DNA and RNA, providing precise measurements crucial for subsequent analyses. Applications Our DNA and RNA extraction services support a variety of research applications, including: Genomic and transcriptomic sequencing Gene expression analysis Molecular diagnostics Biomarker discovery Personalized medicine research Quality Assurance At GTRF, we adhere to stringent quality control protocols to guarantee the reliability and reproducibility of our extractions. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering exceptional service, ensuring that your research receives the high-quality nucleic acids necessary for success. By leveraging our advanced technologies and expertise, the Glasgow Tissue Research Facility is committed to supporting your cutting-edge research and contributing to ground-breaking discoveries in the field of tissue-based research.