Researchers present the 550 years of Gaelic’s ‘untold history’

Published: 8 December 2014

A project to research and record over half a millennium of Gaelic history at the University of Glasgow presents its findings today.

A project to research and record over half a millennium of Gaelic history at the University of Glasgow will present its findings today (9 December).

Academics working on the ‘Sgeul na Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu’ / ‘Gaelic Story at the University of Glasgow’ project have traced evidence of a continuous Gaelic presence at the University back to the 15th Century, 450 years before Gaelic was available as a subject of study.

Robbie Ó MaolalaighThe team of researchers, led by Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh, Professor of Gaelic at the University of Glasgow, will launch a new online resource containing findings from the study, at a public lecture at the University of Glasgow tomorrow evening (9th December).

The project, funded by the Chancellor’s Fund at the University of Glasgow, Soillse, the National Research Network for the Maintenance and Revitalisation of Gaelic Language and Culture and the R. L. Thomson Endowment has been running for the past 14 months.

Prof. Ó Maolalaigh said: “This unique project has revealed the extraordinary contribution made by Gaels down through the centuries to society both at home and abroad. Although Gaelic is often hidden from view and silent in official records, Gaelic was a central part of the lives and identities of hundreds of thousands of people living and working in the West of Scotland throughout the ages. Gaelic is now spoken by 1% of the population but it was spoken by up to a half of the population when the University was founded in 1451 and the University of Glasgow has always had a Gaelic minority.

“This untold history deserves to be told not least for the outstanding role models it provides for younger Gaels. As we move further into the 21st century it is hoped that this project will encourage wider understanding and appreciation of Gaelic language and culture, and enable us to embrace more openly our Gaelic heritage which is often unacknowledged.”

Rev. Neil Campbell Key research findings from the project include:

  • One of the first Gaels to attend the University of Glasgow, shortly after its foundation in 1451 was Archibaldus Campbell (Gilleasbaig Caimbeul). Gaelic poet Walter Kennedy, great-grandson of Robert III, from Carrick in Ayrshire, not now an area generally associated with Gaelic, graduated from the University twice, in 1476 and again in 1478.
  • Another notable Gael with a connection to the University was the arch-Jacobite and Gaelic poet and scholar, Alexander MacDonald (Alasdair mac Mhaighstir Alasdair), who was a student at the beginning of the eighteenth century. One of his original manuscripts is still kept at the University to this day.
  • Gaelic speakers occupied a variety of positions at the University over the ages from porters, janitors, administrators and lecturers
  • In addition to this, the project found that at least three Principals of the University were Gaelic speakers: Rev. Neil Campbell (1728-61), Rev. Duncan MacFarlan (1825-57), and Professor Sir Donald MacAlister KCB (1907-29) were identified as Gaels. 
  • Gaelic speakers educated at Glasgow University have contributed to a wide range of disciplines over the centuries, ranging from medicine, astronomy, mathematics, science, to philosophy and theology as well as Celtic and Gaelic Studies.
  • University of Glasgow-trained students have also been at the forefront of modern Gaelic scholarship since the seventeenth century, with almost all of the clergymen involved with the Synod of Argyll’s translation of the Gaelic Psalms, Catechism and the Old Testament in the seventeenth century being Glasgow graduates, highlighting the University’s close ties with the Gaelic world and learning throughout history. 
  • More recently, Students at the University established the Ossianic Society (An Comunn Oiseanach) petitioned the Secretary of State in 1839 to campaign for Gaelic instruction. The first volume of the society’s Gaelic minute books (1831–49) has been digitised and provides an unparalleled view of the University experience of students during the first half of the nineteenth century.

Iain Caimbeul, Chair of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, said: “The revitalisation of Gàidhlig is currently at the threshold of a significant step-change and such projects like Sgeul na Gàidhlig are important beacons because they raise the profile of the language and provide evidence of the contribution of the Gael to society in Scotland and elsewhere. 

“This project illustrates what is indeed possible for a Gàidhlig speaker to achieve, whether in university or in Scottish civic life. We strive for the normalisation of the language in everyday life and Sgeul na Gàidhlig provides powerful supportive evidence that it is indeed possible to create the conditions for a new Gàidhlig “enlightenment.”


Notes for editors:

  • The project will be formally launched with a public lecture by Dr MacCoinnich at the University of Glasgow, 5.30 pm, 9th December 2014 in the Alexander Stone Building, University of Glasgow.
  • The project entitled Sgeul na Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu / the Gaelic Story at the University of Glasgow is led by Professor Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh and Dr Katherine Forsyth, with Dr Aonghas MacCoinnich as the main researcher.

Luchd-rannsachaidh a' taisbeanadh 550 bliadhna de dh'eachdraidh fhalaichte na Gàidhlig

Thèid toraidhean pròiseict a bha a' rannsachadh agus a' clàradh còrr air còig ceud bliadhna de dh'eachdraidh na Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu fhoillseachadh an-diugh.

Lorg eòlaichean a bha ag obair air a' phròiseact ‘Sgeul na Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu’ fianais gun robh a' Ghàidhlig ri lorg aig an Oilthigh cho fada air ais ris a' 15mh linne, 450 bliadhna mus deach a' Ghàidhlig a thairgse mar chuspair acadaimeagach.

Cuiridh sgioba de rannsaichearan, air an stiùireadh le Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh, Ollamh na Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu, goireas ùr air-loidhne air bhog, far am faighear toraidhean an sgrùdaidh, aig òraid phoblach aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu a-nochd (9mh Dùbhlachd).

Tha am pròiseact, air a mhaoineachadh le Maoin an t-Seannsalair aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu, Soillse, Lìonradh Nàiseanta Rannsachaidh airson Glèidheadh agus Ath-bheothachadh na Gàidhlig, agus Maoin R.L. MhicThòmais, air a bhith a' ruith tron 14 mìosan a dh'fhalbh.

Thuirt an t-Ollamh Ó Maolalaigh: “Tha am pròiseact gum samhail seo air tabhartas iongantach nan Gaidheal dhan choluadar tro na linntean a nochdadh an dà chuid an-seo agus thall thairis. Ged a bha a' Ghàidhlig gu tric falaichte is balbh ann an clàraidhean oifigeil, bha i aig cridhe beatha is fèin-aithneachadh ceudan de mhìltean de dhaoine a bha a' fuireach is ag obair ann an taobh siar na h-Alba tro na linntean. An-diugh, tha a' Ghàidhlig aig 1% de mhuinntir na dùthcha ach bha i aig cha mhòr an dàrna leth dhen t-sluagh nuair a chaidh an t-Oilthigh a stèidheachadh ann an 1451 agus bha sluagh beag Gàidhlig riamh ann an Oilthigh Ghlaschu.

“Tha an eachdraidh fhalaichte seo àraidh air fhoillseachadh oir tha e a' tabhann eisimpleirean barraichte do Ghaidheil òga. Is sinne a' gluasad nas fhaide air adhart anns an 21mh linne thathar an dòchas gum bi am pròiseact seo a' brosnachadh tuigse agus meas nas fharsainge de chànan agus cultar na Gàidhlig, a' toirt comas dhuinn ar dualchas Gàidhlig, a tha uaireannan neo-aidichte, a luachadh ann an dòigh nas fhosgailte.”

A-measg prìomh thoraidhean a' phròiseict:

  • B' e Gilleasbaig Caimbeul aon den chiad Ghaidheil a bha a' frithealadh Oilthigh Ghlaschu, goirid às dèidh dha a bhith air a stèidheachadh ann an 1451. Cheumnaich am bàrd Ualtar Ceanadach, iar-ogha do Raibeart III, à Carraig ann an Siorrachd Àir, sgìre ris nach bi daoine an dùil a tha ceangailte ris a' Ghàidhlig an-diugh, dà thuras - an toiseach ann an 1476 agus an uair sin a-rithist ann an 1478.
  • Bha dlùth-cheangal ris an Oilthigh aig Gaidheal cliùiteach eile, oir bha am fìor-Sheumasach, bàrd agus sgoilear Alasdair mac Mhaighstir Alasdair na oileanach aig toiseach na 18mh linne. Tha aon de na làmh-sgrìobhainnean aige air a cumail aig an Oilthigh chun an là an-diugh.
  • Bha luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig ann an diofar obraichean aig an Oilthigh air feadh nan linntean, mar eisimplear dorsairean, gleidheadairean, rianadairean agus oidichean.
  • Cho math ri seo, lorg am pròiseact gun robh a' Ghàidhlig aig co-dhiù triùir de Phrionnsabalan an Oilthigh: an t-Urr. Nèill Caimbeul (1728-61), an t-Urr. Dunnchadh MacPhàrlain (1825-57), agus an t-Ollamh Sir Dòmhnall MacAlasdair KCB (1907-29). 
  • Chuir daoine aig an robh a' Ghàidhlig is a fhuair foghlam aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu gu mòr ri raon farsaing de dh'fhoghlam thairis air na linntean, eadar leigheas, reul-eòlais, matamataig, saidheans, feallsanachd agus diadhachd cho math ris a' Ghàidhlig agus Ceiltis.
  • Tha oileanaich a fhuair trèanadh aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu air a bhith air thoiseach a thaobh sgoilearachd na Gàidhlig on 17mh linne, is cha mhòr gach clèireach a bha an sàs anns na tionndaidhean Gàidhlig a chur Seanadh Earraghaidheal air na Sailm, air a' Cheisteachan agus air an t-Seann Tiomnadh san 17mh linne na cheumnaiche Oilthigh Ghlaschu, a' nochdadh nan dlùth-cheangailean eadar an t-Oilthigh, saoghal na Gàidhlig agus ionnsachadh tro na linntean. 
  • Gun a bhith a' dol cho fada air ais, chuir oileanaich an Oilthigh An Comunn Oiseanach air dòigh is iad a' cur iarrtas do Rùnaire na Stàite ann an 1839 ag iarraidh foghlam na Gàidhlig. Chaidh a' chiad leabhar de gharadanan Gàidhlig a' Chomainn (1831-1849) a chur ann an cruth dhidseatach is e a' tabhann sealladh gun samhail de bheatha nan oileanach anns a' chiad leth den 19mh linne.

Thuirt Iain Caimbeul, Cathraiche Bòrd na Gàidhlig: “Tha ath-bheothachadh na Gàidhlig an-dràsta air stairsneach atharrachadh fìor-chudromach agus tha pròiseactan leithid Sgeul na Gàidhlig nan comharraidhean cudromach oir tha iad ag àrdachadh ìomhaigh a' chànain agus a' tabhann fianais air na thug na Gaidheil dhan choluadar ann an Alba agus ann an àiteachan eile.

“Tha am pròiseact seo a' nochdadh na tha comasach do neach-labhairt na Gàidhlig a choileanadh, co-dhiù san Oilthigh no ann am beatha chathaireach na h-Alba. Tha sinne a' strì a dh'ionnsaigh cumantachadh a' chànain agus tha Sgeul na Gàidhlig a' tabhann dearbhadh làidir, taiceil gu bheil e ann an da-rìreabh comasach suidheachadh airson “soillseachadh” ùr na Gàidhlig” a chruthachadh.


Barrachd fiosrachaidh: / 01413307126

Fios do luchd-deasachaidh: 

  • Thèid am pròiseact a chur air bhog gu foirmeil le òraid phoblach bhon Dr Aonghas MacCoinnich aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu, 5.30f, 9mh Dùbhlachd 2014 ann an togalach Alexander Stone, Oilthigh Ghlaschu.
  • Tha am pròiseact, fon tiotal Sgeul na Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu / the Gaelic Story at the University of Glasgow air a stiùireadh leis an Ollamh Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh agus Dr Katherine Forsyth, is tha Dr Aonghas MacCoinnich na phrìomh rannsaiche.

First published: 8 December 2014