Moredun and the University of Glasgow have announced the secondment of Professor Julie Fitzpatrick to the post of Professor of Food Security within the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences at the University. 

Professor Fitzpatrick will combine this new role with her existing role as Scientific Director of Moredun Research Institute and CEO of the Moredun Group. The secondment presents a unique opportunity for Scotland to lead the way in research and delivery of solutions to help tackle the global issue of food security by developing a collaborative framework for future work together. Professor Julie Fitzpatrick

The renowned expertise of the Moredun Research Institute in improving livestock welfare and production efficiency through providing solutions to control infectious disease will be complemented with expertise of Glasgow staff focussing on research of relevance to Food Security worldwide, enabling real impacts to be made to ensure safe and sustainable food supplies going forward.

John Ross, Chairman of the Moredun Foundation, said: “We are very positive about the new opportunities presented by this cooperative partnership between Moredun and the University of Glasgow as it will enable Scotland to play a leading role in ensuring safe and sustainable food supplies through the application of world leading scientific research.”

Professor Anna Dominiczak, Head of the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences at the University of Glasgow, said: “We are delighted to welcome Professor Fitzpatrick to the University of Glasgow to take up this new and exciting challenge.

“Food security is becoming an increasingly important focus for the world’s governments and scientists and through Prof Fitzpatrick and our partnership with Moredun we aim to play a leading role in addressing this crucial issue.”

For more information contact Stuart Forsyth in the University of Glasgow Media Relations Office on 0141 330 4831 or email or Lee Innes, Moredun Research Institute on 0131 445 5111/07742 932 396 or

Notes to editors
• Food security can be defined as the ability of the world’s governments to produce and supply sufficient amounts of safe and nutritious food in a sustainable way for an increasingly populated planet. Ensuring food security involves much more than just food production, but includes many social, economic and environmental factors – from ensuring sufficient amounts of agricultural land and controlling plant and animal diseases, to addressing the effects of climate change and the availability of water for consumption and irrigation.

• Moredun Research Institute conducts internationally recognised research on the infectious diseases of livestock, caused by important viruses, bacteria and parasites. It employs 170 scientists and vets that work to improve animal welfare, ensure food safety, reduce adverse impacts on the environment, and to contribute to sustainable communities through economic development across Scotland and beyond. Moredun’s research focuses on understanding the interaction of the disease pathogen with the host species, in identifying new targets for improved diagnostic tests and in development of novel vaccines for many diseases.

• Founded in 1451, the University of Glasgow is the fourth-oldest university in the English-speaking world. Today we are a broad-based, research intensive institution with a global reach and a global vision. We are a member of the prestigious Russell Group of leading UK research universities, and we’re striving to change the world with our expertise. Our annual research contract income totals more than £116m, which puts us in the UK’s top 10 earners for research. We are also one of the UK’s leading institutions in delivering a first class student experience.

• The College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences brings together internationally-renowned experts in order to advance research in medical, veterinary and life sciences. Through a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach scientists within the College can study processes at every level of their biological organisation, from genes, to cells, organs, individuals, populations and ecosystems. The College’s high-quality research is used across the UK and internationally to improve human and animal health, quality of life and the competitiveness of the UK economy. With an annual research income exceeding £52m the College includes six research institutes: Biodiversity, Animal Health & Comparative Medicine; Cancer Sciences; Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences; Infection, Immunity & Inflammation; Molecular Cell & Systems Biology; and Psychology & Neurosciences.

First published: 12 May 2011

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