BBC Radio Scotland Debate

Published: 5 December 2007

Radio Scotland are holding a radio debate at the University of Glasgow to discuss euthanasia

A debate for BBC Radio Scotland’s new medical ethics series In the Balance will be recorded at the University of Glasgow on December 6th at 6pm.

Modern medicine is remarkable in the plethora of illnesses it can treat.  But for those with the most devastating terminal illness, medicine offers no recourse.  Some patients find themselves turning to their doctors – those whose job it is to save lives – to appeal to them to help them die. 

Should clinicians be allowed to help patients end their lives?  Should we have the right to choose how we die?  And what makes a good death?

If you’d like to watch the recording and even join the debate, please send your name and contact details to or call 08700 100 125 to reserve a place.  The event will take place at 6pm-7.15pm, preceded by a drinks reception from 5.15pm.

Venue: Seminar Room 1, Wolfson Medical School, University Avenue, University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ

Date:  Thursday December 6th

Time:   Doors and drinks reception      5.15pm

           Seated by                                5.50pm

           Event start                                6pm

           Event finish                              7.15pm

The debate will be recorded and broadcast in the new year on BBC Radio Scotland, on Mondays at 11.05am-12pm from the 7th - 21st January, 2008.


First published: 5 December 2007