Raising Awareness About Cancer Prevention

Published: 1 November 2002

The Medical Research Council and Cancer Research UK are conducting an important research study to find out about people's attitudes towards cancer.

The research will be undertaken across the UK in three areas ヨ Glasgow, London and Manchester. The main aims of the research project are to explore peoples' knowledge and beliefs about cancers, their experiences of cancer, attitudes towards others with cancer, and their perceptions about cancer services and health information.

The researchers would like to contact people living in Glasgow who are aged between 35 and 75 years, and who are willing to share their views about these issues in a discussion group or in an individual interview.

Karen Scanlon, the Research Associate with the MRC who is conducting the research, commented,

'We hope to get in contact with people from a range of different socio-economic backgrounds and with different experiences of cancer. It is important for us to contact people who do not have personal experience of cancer as well as those who have.'

For more details please call Karen on: 0141-357-3949 / 0207-745-2645 / or 07766 698798

Email: karen@msoc.mrc.gla.ac.uk

Media Relations Office (media@gla.ac.uk)

First published: 1 November 2002