Scientists from the University of Glasgow have been awarded £210,000 by the Leukaemia Research Fund (LRF) to examine the link between a common human virus called Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and a group of blood cancers called lymphoma.

EBV, a member of the herpes virus family, is known to cause glandular fever. The virus has been linked with a number of forms of lymphoma such as Hodgkin's disease which is a cancer of the immune system. However, very little is known about how EBV infects the blood cells and how it can sometimes convert these cells to cancer cells.

Dr Joanna Wilson, an LRF scientist from the University's division of Molecular Genetics, is looking to see whether a gene - called EBNA-1- will provide an important clue.

"The protein associated with this gene is always found in the cancer cells of those patients with EBV-related lymphomas. The question now is to find out precisely what role this plays in the development of these lymphomas," she says.

Around 1,300 people are diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease each year in the UK. Approximately one third of these cases are related to EBV.

"Nearly 80% of people diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease survive their disease," says Ken Campbell, LRF Clinical Information Officer. "However, it is crucial that we don't stop here. We need to find out what causes this disease so we can create more effective therapies and ways of preventing the disease," he adds.

Dr Wilson is also backing Lymphatic Cancer Awareness Week, which runs from 12th -19th May. "Most people will have heard of leukaemia and are aware that is a life-threatening blood disease. But many people are not aware of lymphatic cancers such as lymphoma and Hodgkin's disease which are also cancers of the blood," she says.

"This week will help to ensure that people affected by these diseases know that help is at hand, and that pioneering research across the country needs continued support of charities like the LRF."

Lymphatic Cancer Awareness Week has been launched by two national charities - the Leukaemia Research Fund and the Lymphoma Association.

For more information, please contact Andrew Miller on 020 7269 9019 or 07968 373406. Andrew Miller, Press Officer

t: 020 7269 9019 f: 020 7242 1488 e:

Leukaemia Research Fund, 43 Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JJ.


Media Relations Office (

First published: 14 May 2002

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